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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I ordered the same cheap instrument from Lazada, produced in China. Seems to work well. But, the sensor is very slow at registering the actual ambient temps. Good purchase because of its very LOW cost. I might buy another one, in fact.
  2. Terrible. The THING that makes this terrible beyond terribleness is that it is farmers like this who break their backs every day providing food for the rest of us. They deal with drought and heat and floods. They get paid too little, and it is the operators of Big Box food chains, around the world, who are raking in record profits during this post-pandemic period (alliteration intended.) If I were GOD, I would change this inequity today, this minute.
  3. WAIT.... Wait one cotton-pickin' MINUTE! There is something FISHY in the State of Denmark, around here. I KNOW I typed rely upon. But, for some reason, the site added relay on. If THIS is not a blatant indication of AI gumming up the works, then I do not know what might be! Apparently, though I cannot prove it.... The providers of forum software, maybe such as the one we are now using, seem to have added an AI-governed spelling algorithm to guess intended spellings, as they are being typed! How ELSE can you explain rely upon being changed to relay on???? This has had me fightin' mad for the past few months, when I first noticed this.
  4. Americans, as you and I know, being Americans, have been... Boors from the Beginning, and... Always will be boorish. This is part of our heritage given to us by ancestors raised on the frontiers of places like The Klondike in Alaska, and the Oil Fields of Oklahoma. We are....OAKIES, all of us, when you scratch off a bit of veneer of semi-civilization which coats most of us.
  5. Yes. However, this seems to have zero impact on the image as it appears AFTER being copied and pasted into the TV Comment one is composing, at least USING THE SOFTWARE that I use. So solly, Fella. Note: Why do you guys always feel the need to DEBATE everything? I have already told you the way reality works. Sort of like overgrown teenagers, IMHO, because teenagers never accept anything, not ANYTHING when their parent try to tell them nothing.
  6. I did NOT say "main", I said "stronger". Water vapor is not the strongest greenhouse gas, which is why I did not say this. Methane, per molecule, might be considered a stronger greenhouse gas. And, there are other greenhouse gasses which persist a long time in the atmosphere and have far more potential to cause global warming. It's always best to not just parrot some statement read on the internet without first understanding the CONTEXT.
  7. If fact, Columbia should be much higher on a more objective list. Each of these "lists" uses different criteria, and they are biased. And, many relay on students' reporting, or on number of research papers published. Therefore, for example, if one criterion is numbers of paper published, there is no mention of what journals have published the papers. In the case of some universities around here, the grad students seem to publish their articles/papers in lesser known GARBAGE publications, like Boy's Life, or something, IDK....
  8. Take a BETTER Look, FELLA.... The huge print you object to is just an image posted from the title of a research paper. This is an IMAGE and there is no way to adjust the font pitch. You DO know what the pitch of a font is, right? Anyway, as I say, since this is an IMAGE, the size and type of fonts cannot be adjusted. Capisce?
  9. We need some easier way to automate italicization. Anyway, being a genius, I like to use BIG WORDS, you know. Just adjust your entire screen smaller, or hold it farther away from your face, and you will be fine. No worries, Buddy.
  10. Here is your list: I would choose a school only from the top 20 (U. Singapore might be OK. But, I think Hong Kong University once was better, before the Commies came marching in.) https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2024/world-ranking
  11. NOBODY here is talking about LOCAL Climate change. Where have you been during the past 40 or 50 years? We are destabilizing what has, for over 10,000 years, been a stable climate system. Instabilities such as this can easily lead to famine when crops lose productivity at temperatures only slightly warmer than they are now. We are already losing productivity due to rising mean temperatures....
  12. Wow. A DIY cremation! I will have to keep this in mind as a lower-cost final solution.
  13. I just hope that everybody here is paying attention to: INCREASING Water Vapor levels in the atmosphere due to Global Warming. Water vapor is one of the stronger greenhouse gasses. Therefore, it, by itself, might be thought of as a positive feedback loop. The hotter the temperature, the more water vapor in the atmosphere, and the more water vapor, the hotter the atmosphere will become due to water vapor being a greenhouse gas. Then, of course, higher Relative Humidity leads to heat stress when it becomes less easy to evaporate sweat from skin, causing overheating of the body. Obviously, society must do more to adjust to a world of 2 degrees C above 1850 baseline. When will we hit 2 degrees C? Well, the rate of change, the intensity, is increasing. Let's all choose the most dire scenario, the worst-case model, and then we can see that it might be just one decade before we hit 2 degrees C, when we all agreed to 1.5 degrees C. We need to insulate our houses. And, we need to plant trees like crazy. And, we need to remove inefficient buildings. Doing this, we can reduce the heat-island effect. And, we might be able to live in a world of 2 degrees above, for a short period of time, until.... We hit 2.5 degrees above, and then... We reach 3.0 degrees above, and so on. Soon, fairly soon, where we live will no longer be inhabitable. (It's not IF, but WHEN.)
  14. Really? Because, there are so many of them, that it is difficult to decide on the worst, or even the worst of the worst. What disturbs me is this strange phrase: worst of the worst. This never sounds logical. If one is the worst, then there is only one. And that one is the worst. However, it might seem more logical to have "the worst of the worse", simply because you might have many of something that was worse than something else. You might think of having 10 balls. Ball A is bad. Ball B, C, D, are worse than ball A. And then you have another Blue Ball E which is the worst, ie, THE worst, one. And so then, you would have a group of four Blue Balls, B, C, D, E, that were all worse than ball A. Therefore, you could logically state that Ball E was the worst of the balls in the worse group: ie the WORST of the WORSE. But, you could not logically say that Ball E was the worst of the worst, because Balls B, C, D, E are not the worst balls. And so, logically speaking.... E is the worse of the worse. E is also the worst of the worse. BUT, you cannot logically state that Ball E is the worst of the worst! It is incongruencies such as this which make our lives less than worth living. But, what do you say, anyway? Worst of the worst? Even if it might not be logically pleasing? And what is the worst of the worse?: Have a Good One!
  15. Well, I am perfectly OK with facetiousness, satire, irony, and parody, and understatement, etc. I just worry that others here might get the wrong idea. Note: Concerning the term 'Orientals", I think this is now frowned upon. As is Orientalism, too. But, I am OK with it, of course.
  16. Springer always maintained a Touch of Class, and would never have sunk so low. LOOK a this guys FEET! Who in Thailand would ever invite someone with feet like this... Into their home? No doubt, his GF was just asking him.... "Did you wash your feet this month?" And then, for no reason, he might have walloped her. Hillbillies are big on WALLOPING....
  17. Not so weird if he comes from the Appalachian region and Ozarks.... Look at his FEET. Has he been walking in the swamp for weeks? Looks like a Hatfield, or even... A McCoy. The Family Album!
  18. There has been, for decades, many new and impressive designs coming out of Shanghai. https://www.officelovin.com/2024/01/a-look-inside-ccds-new-shanghai-office/ Also: NOT horizontal table. You misread, possibly. It is Horizon Table....
  19. Good for target practice at the range. Low recoil, etc.
  20. Many years ago, we tried legislation to ban home made guns, Saturday Night Specials, etc. They are not for collectors or hunters, or protection by homeowners, etc.... https://www.researchgate.net/figure/HOMEMADE-GUNS-GJ-ORDOG-ET-AL-JOURNAL-OF-TRAUMA-Saturday-Night-Specials-and-a-self_fig5_19563041 (Which reminds me: I have to make an emergency appointment with my dentist. I have a fractured tooth, etc.)
  21. From this Famous Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, it is possible to see that... a. Not only is the recent generation FAR more interested in achieving FAME, but.... b. Breast size has been increasing, too, since the 1970s. c. I just wonder if, some day, breast size will finally get... Out of hand....... Cool World....
  22. You do realize that a Home Made Gun is often referred to as a Saturday Night Special... Right? (Think Zip Gun)
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