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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Soul Train is DEFINITELY a WHITES Show. Just get stoned in the afternoons, and watch, and then you will understand. I and my buddies just LOVED Soul Train, back in the day.... Please refer to the following: a. Get Down, Get Down bb. Keep on Keepin't On Soul Train had us rolling in the aisles, at the time. Now, I realize that the music was great. It was only the dancing on the dancefloor, and what they were wearing at the time, that seemed a little ODD then. c. Could you have been a Soul Train dancer? They were so infamous that they finally became famous....
  2. Yes. Good thinking! Saturday Night Special. Lynyrd Skynyrd knows best......
  3. There IS NO .22LR rifle! There are just .22 caliber rifles and .22 caliber pistols and revolvers. In these guns, rifles and pistols and revolvers, one can choose to use the rimfire ammunition, as follows: .22 short .22 LR and a few others. Also, there is a .22 magnum (but, some rifles will not accept these, I think. When I was young, I found a few on the range, and they would not fit my rifle.) You can see what these look like...here... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.22_caliber#:~:text=.22 Long Rifle Extra Long,powerful than the .22 LR They are good for target practice. And, maybe good for rabbits, too. But, I would never buy these. I prefer the 0.460 Magnums, myself. ==== I have never seen a .22 centerfire, up close and personal, but I guess they must exist somewhere. Maybe NATO, or something?
  4. I am really getting into this vid. This may be my all-time fav, this year. I just want to know how to find it on YouTube, or ... Who IS this woman? And, is she Famous? Or, is she a REAL Student? I have so many questions about this thing.
  5. It's been done, and so doing it again, a second time, would not be worthy of Fame, but only... Cringeworthy.
  6. Is it wrong to wish to be the Big Cheese?
  7. ADDENDUM: Attached is a PDF copy of the FULL article mentioned in the above Original Post: I mean, it would have been attached, and I am ready to upload and attach this article, however, I am not sure how to attach the PDF file here, which I have stored on my desktop. Maybe I will try again later. Sorry.
  8. Dear Folks, I have always wished I might have been famous in my life, just once. And, why is this? I wish I might have been famous enough, like David Bowie, to appear on Soul Train, just once. What is your Fame Fantasy? Do you dare to tell, here on this Famous Forum? Why not? Are you not anonymous here on TV? If I had been granted my wish, when I was younger, and even now, I would have opted to do this: Some Psychiatrists will tell you that an obsession with becoming famous is maladaptive. Do you believe this? I do not. I believe that it is not too late for me to be famous. I just need to get lucky. So, anyway, here is what some researchers say about our need and fascination and, almost constant daydreaming, with becoming famous. And, also, I would like to know why our newest generations, now yet to become adults, are even more fixated upon becoming famous than I ever was of appearing on Soul Train. (Soul Train? Me and my buddies watched Soul Train religiously, every afternoon, when we were teens. Great show!) Somedays, as I say, I worry my daydreams of fame might become troublesome for me or others....(like this guy worries, too, I guess): And, Billy Graham, who was so famous, and whose son I attended school with, probably would tell us that it is wrong to wish to be famous: And, here is BETTY who is having problems with her FAME-Fantasy: But for a more SCIENTIFIC Analysis, then you would want to read articles like this one. And, I am sure that I am NO Narcissist, Believe Me!: So I ask you: How much would you give to be famous. And, if you were famous, or if you were a famous author, or a famous footballer, or a famous politician,... How would your fame change your life, and... What would you do with your fame, besides improving our world? Would you have no one but girls around you, 24/7? I know that I would. I would drive a Bentley, with girls sitting to the left and to the right of me. And, the driver would be a girl. And all the girls would be Thai. I would not wish to become a famous author. And, if I were a famous author, then I would not really be famous. I would use a pseudonym. And, I would write under the pen name: Oliver Twist, being, in real life, rather twisted. How do you deal with your fantasies? Is there any hope for you, do you think? Regards, Gamma Note to Self: Becoming Famous, later in life, will not be so easy as it might have been when one was young.
  9. Thank the gods for 3BB. I like everything ABOUT 3BB. Low Cost. Good Service Center. Excellent and Polite and Well-dressed (think Ivy League) technicians coming to my home. Almost always UP, and very rarely down. In the past, with other service providers, I really suffered. So much constant stress and worry over when the service would stop, and start, and stop, again. I just hope that 3BB never changes. I worry that, like DTAC, it will be bought out by a company that knows NOTHING about providing good customer service.
  10. My Fellow Beings, I ask you this! HOW can people be so Heartless? HOW can people be so Cruel? Have you become completely inured to the heartlessness of our world? Or, does unpleasantness still rankle, somewhere in your bones, anytime you think of these past sterling examples of man's inhumanity? How can people have no feelings... Especially people who care about strangers... How can people be so cruel... I need a friend....Don't need a friend.... Easy to be cold..... EASY TO SAY NO..... (killings = 55 to 70 Million People) So, who's YOUR favorite tyrant, these days, in 2024? And, Not so easy... TO SAY NO? Enjoy your favorite tyrant, if you will... Every country has one. They're like as-holes... Best regards, Gamma Note2: Such a nice note....
  11. I never said this was not the case. It is well-known the Japanese revere their war criminals. Germany has tried to improve, and to cease it's past bad habit of invading neighboring countries, and slaughtering Russians. The Japanese were the ones who loved swordplay. They make the best cooking knives, to this day.
  12. Who would buy .22LR ammunition, anyway? LR designates Long Rifle And, what would you do with this type of ammunition? If you are a young kid, then maybe target practice? Still, one should not underestimate the LR, because it is not like shooting a cap pistol. The LR can travel quite far, in fact. Always wise to check your backstop before engaging in target practice. Note: I still don't know who in their right mind would buy ammunition like this in Thailand.
  13. I agree that even if the preacher was a bonified member of the clergy, having worldly goods tossed out windows onto pavement, below, is not beyond comprehension.
  14. Now, I have landlord & landlady who are my friends. Before, I had Narcissistic, Gaslighting Witch, spelled with a B. The Witch was too stupid to calculate energy costs and other costs, so that there was no possibility of discussing return of rental deposit. I was not happy to lose my deposit. But, this time, I have a wonderful landlord. So, if they keep my deposit, when I leave, I will still be very happy. This is why it is so important to have a good landlord.
  15. WARP, Yes! There are two WARPs that come to mind: a1. WARP from CLOUDFLARE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ a2. WARP VPN from CLOUDFLARE Will WARP, and Cloudflare products, including VPN, work well for users behind the Bamboo Curtain? China can close down VPNs at will. b. WARP (OS/2), the Better Desktop OS from IBM which I loved.. The OS/2 software from IBM was better. The world chose Microsoft, instead. Very bad decision. Just because some service, or software, or OS, is technically superior does not mean that the Joe Blows of the world will be impressed, and choose the superior product. Such a shame, really. OS/2 was amazing for its time. Would the world now be a better place if the world had stayed with IBM? Yes. Of course. IBM... IVY style... Just better.... No slovenly slobs at IBM, back in the day. The world was a better place. And, we knew where we were headed, back then... c. Read this. Learn about WARP for single user (desktop) use, and What is it Exactly? https://blog.cloudflare.com/warp-for-desktop d. Just installed WARP from CloudFlare on this Desktop here... Now waiting to see what might happen. Hopefully, it will improve my world, and might even make it faster. The world, as it is now, is just not moving fast enough for me. Simple to Install the WARP software. Free, too. No worries. e. WARP on Apple/Windows, and....Linux? The Cloudflare blog/website states that WARP (free) is now available for Apple/Windows OS. However, I noticed a Linux button, as well. I will install WARP on Linux, next. If the Linux port/version is available at this time.
  16. Yes... Just to state the obvious for all to see.... Of course. But, yet they remain human beings, which means that they are, in fact, doomed in the long run. In the end, even the Israelis follow orders. If Israel had railways and ovens,.... One shudders to imagine what might have happened to those who now are being pushed out, pushed off their land,.... Pushed into the sea. The citizens of Israel would have made EXCELLENT Germans, in the 1930s and 1940s. And, this is now apparent for ALL to see. So much for the special case of giving the State of Israel any special considerations due to the horrific events that overtook them in Germany, and, throughout history, in Russia and other climes. Now, the slate is wiped clean. And now, it is time to start again, and now is the time to... Treat the Israelis and the Jews living there no differently than any other human beings. Thank YOU! YOU Yahoo!
  17. Japan is better than Europe, and better than many countries around the world, especially at this time. This is true. And, most of the members here on the forum probably agree. Why not ask them? Because, obviously, you would not want to give any credence to opinions that might be warped.
  18. China will never forget nor forgive the Japanese, at least not for another 100 years. The Jews will never forget their history in Germany. Japan is OK, today. Germany is OK, today. But, the World is Not OK, Today. And, the history of the Jews in Germany, and the Japanese in China, is an important reason why. Nothing ever goes back to normal, after atrocities of that magnitude. We never really forget.
  19. I agree. Racism is alive and well in Israel. Thriving, in fact.
  20. Yes, wrong. My point, too. Simple concept. But, too few are able to grasp it.
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