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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Although I have not used Mennen since about 1982, I am thinking of buying one stick. Not to apply to my body. But just to get a whiff of it, once in a while, just to.... Remind me of the Good Old US of A. A matter of nostalgia and not a strategy to attract women. For women, I just use Tinder. So many Quality Women on Tinder, don't you know.
  2. And then they wonder why God brought cancer unto their world?
  3. Of course. The sound was music to one's ears, as I recall.
  4. By the way, Guys.... I have had great luck/success with BENQ monitors (budget ones) during the past decade. They seem quite good quality for the low cost. Also, they seem to last a long time, with good build quality, and no negative issues. My guess is that they are quite suitable for office work, which is what I use them for...meaning.... Mostly spreadsheets, documents, video conferencing, and such... But ZERO gaming, or high-resolution requirements. This model seems to be over six-years old: BenQ EW3270U 4K HDR monitor And, I did find this excellent review produced by the Technology Man: I already have two 27-inch versions of lower resolution: I am truly as pleased as punch with these lesser monitors from BenQ. They are still going strong. No complaints, whatsoever. So, this is why I want to buy what seems to me to be just a slight upgrade to 32-inch and 4K, but still the same old type workhorse that BenQ has proved to be. These are not super-high resolution gaming or engineering monitors, but I do not need that. Just need to be able to read spreadsheets with higher resolution. Video quality is not really that important to me....because.... Video conferencing using Google Meet or similar platforms is always very low resolution. I just need more screen-space, offered by the 32 inch. And, having 4K resolution will be easier on the eyes, I guess. But, I am NOT willing to pay the JIB high cost for this 6-year-old monitor.... JIB is charging Bt.11,900.00, and this is too much for this old thing..... Thanks for any good advice.... Such as where to get this 32-inch old BenQ for a decent price and reliable quality with a warranty...... Tks, again.
  5. Dear Folks, I need a 32-inch monitor. I would be very satisfied with the BenQ EW3270U 4K HDR.... BUT, I worry about buying from a supplier such as this on Lazada. Here is the price on JIB, a company in Thailand that I trust: What would YOU do? a. Is there a better 32-inch monitor with the same aspect ratio that you would buy instead...for the same amount of money? b. Must be same aspect ratio. c. I have always had very good luck with BENQ quality. d. Obviously, my concern is buying on Lazada. There are suppliers advertising on Lazada that are shipping from China. IF I WERE IN CHINA...then...NO PROBLEMO. e. But, since I am in Thailand, I hesitate to buy from China, since I am too far away from the supplier. And, I have no idea if the supplier might or might not be reliable. IF I were sure about the supplier and the quality of the item being sold (new and completely undamaged)...then....I would be..... HAP, HAP, HAPPY to buy TWO of these monitors at this price...maybe THREE....most likely THREE if I could be sure I were getting NEW QUALITY defect free. I have always appreciated the low-cost and higher quality of BENQ, for instance..... So, any good advice in this case??? I now have sort of an urgent need for this 32-inch monitor. I need to decide what to buy, where to buy, and very soon. Thank you very much. Gamma Note: When I say....Hap, Hap, Happy.... I mean that after my purchase, and for at least 5 years, I want to be singing this tune..... Always happy talking about BENQ.... Need a 32-inch 4K monitor soon..... This will be my dream come true. Tks.
  6. No doubt, the 128K of RAM is still good, though.
  7. When i first read the headline of this Topic, I thought it read: "I spent two hours being a girl to get a new job." My headline is better, I think. Any opinions?
  8. I completely agree. That Mennen traditional stick fragrance is so distinctive that it does bring back good memories of the good old days. Olfactory stimuli are some of the most important and powerful cues which trigger good memories from the distant past.
  9. Has anyone reported the AGE of the son? Seem that this point is CRUCIAL to understanding of this tragedy. If the son were under the age of 12, and a non-swimmer, then this would have been a dastardly deed. However, if the son were a swimmer, and this kind of thing, as a matter of just fooling around, happened regularly, then... This father already is completely devastated by this tragedy. No need to punish the father further.
  10. I only use CAPS for highlighting and emphasis in a very non-threatening way. I suggest all do the same as I. Using caps is far easier than using italics, or other =means= , such as this one. For, example: I really and TRULY love swimming with the fishes. See?
  11. Are you unable to communicate with your Village Headman? Just as him or her to switch from burning these petrochemical products, such as used engine oil...to.... Use of microbes, instead. This is certainly what I would do. Get some good bacteria working for you.
  12. OK. We used the DEC 10, at that time. And so, you can pretty-much pinpoint the year. Mostly for interactive computing. Also, terminal connected from my house via telephone modem to DEC 10, located at the school. Also. For MainFrame: IBM 360/370 Those were the days when Science was King, and so was engineering.
  13. Thank you. I might just buy a stick. If I find one for the right price. This as a great product, and maybe still is.
  14. OK. I will do my best to remain influenced ONLY by evidence-based considerations.
  15. It's possible that the sea conditions were like glass, and the shore apparently only a short swim away. Maybe they were hot, with the sun beating down fiercely, and they just wanted to cool off. It's easy to second-guess others when one is not there, having fun, enjoying the day. Obviously it was not planned. This is life.
  16. Of course, he would not admit any intentional wrongdoing. Also, not speaking the local language well, perhaps the cops did not understand his true intentions. Seems obvious to me. One does not take a child on a holiday outing on a boat, just to commit the unthinkable.
  17. Another beauty....! Also, I recall that I really loved that orange Function button. A long time ago, but I still remember it, as if it were yesterday. Must have made a real impression on me. And, I wish Hewlett-Packard were just the same engineering company it once was, too.
  18. I agree. He had not anticipated the dangers of the propeller under the boat. He jumped in after throwing in his son, thinking the two of them would then swim for shore, as a lark. However, upon seeing the damage done by he propeller, he refused to re-board the vessel, hoping to drown himself in remorse. Truly a tragedy. However, not filicide. And, not the motivations one might sometime read in a Russian novel. Sometimes when things like this happen, it is due solely to lack of forethought.
  19. Triple the salary. She will come. She will come immediately, and... Without all the foreplay.
  20. Well, at least you know the difference between a scent and a fragrance, which is more than I can say for some around here. As I recall, back in the dark ages, I could buy one unit of Mennen for about 99 cents. If not used within two years, they would dry out. I had a few dry out on me while in Taiwan. So, maybe you should take care when storing your stash, just to avoid this drying-out problem. Yes, you are correct: Women really cannot get enough of this fragrance once applied in the proper amounts and places.
  21. Strangely enough, I agree with you, once more. I first encountered this phenomenon when asking some Chinese guy, who had a 4.0 in soft-science courses, how he would factor or multiply equations or variables embedded within parentheses. His entire order of what he was supposed to multiply first, second, and third, was all mixed up, and totally opposite to what is standard form, and logical. Even if one showed him how, he still could not accept the better order, ie which to begin with, and the next. Just another example of what can go wrong when taking up RPN. Maybe this is why there are those who are unable to appreciate the beauty of it.
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