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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. And, I think what you have stated sounds, again, like the same old refrain one often hears, anytime somebody "thinks too much".
  2. Probably not a matter of Egos. You are comparing Apples to Oranges. But Beck was way above these fruits. Beck was a musician.
  3. Right. Clapton has a sole, but ONLY on the bottom of his shoes. Everybody knows this. So solly. Beck is a man for the Ages. Beck's music will endure. BubbleGum will always fall by the wayside, and be trodden upon by the soles of shoes worn by most of Clapton's peers. Mark my words. Here is the sole of Clapton, compared to Beck, for example...
  4. In fact: Compared to BECK, Clapton just plays BubbleGum. This is a fact.
  5. Compared to Beck, Clapton was always a Bimbo. Anyone who has ever held a guitar knows this. Clapton was the Bimbo. Beck was the MAN!
  6. Such cinematography as this is rarely seen, granted. The licking of a bowling ball, for example. Jeff Bridges has always been an underrated actor, as was his father. Both actors went off the rails, it seems, when they agreed to appear in the TV series, Sea Hunt. This is where everything went terribly wrong.
  7. Knowing what I know about upcoming Modern Medical Miracles, and just judging by the genes in my family, I figure I have about One-Third of my life still ahead of me, though I already consider myself to be quite old. Sometimes I ask myself: Will my life never end? Recently, this past week, I have read about the predictions, from IATA, that Thailand will soon see 200 million visitors to Thailand by the year 2031. If this prediction comes to fruition, then what about me? What about you? Whatever happened to the lovely life depicted in the beautiful books, MANEE MANA? Just like you, I am stuck between the culture of the Thai past and present. IF most of Thailand becomes just another tourist site, such as has become the case for all of the islands of Hawaii, then why stay in places like Chiang Mai? I cannot even imagine myself being forced to live another THIRD of my life in this world, until the year 2060, when I can finally lay me down to rest. When I was born, the world's population was 2.5 billion. Now, the world's population is 8 billion. By 2060, the world's population is projected to be 10 billion. And, the population pyramid, of Japan, in 2060, is projected to look like this: HaHa! Looks good, right? SURE! It looks good. It looks good, unless you know anything about what the population pyramid is designed to show. And then, it doesn't looks so good. Maybe this is why Musk is so worried, these days? So... I ask you. If anybody here, (female), who wishes to head on out to Japan, to establish a home in the countryside, with plenty of animals, maybe set up a kiln to make pottery, please hit me up. Japan is looking great to me, these days. I would love to live in the Japanese countryside, with the snow, and the Spring Snow, as told by Yukio Mishima, for the rest of my life. I have two options: One option might be to try to find a forgotten village in Japan, where nothing happens all the time. Another option might be to try to find a village, further north, in Thailand, where not much happens all the time. Much of our lives are lived, virtually, anyway. Therefore, why not move to a place in Thailand where there is both beauty and peace, not to mention the last vestiges of มานะ มานี? Just asking. I am sure I would go....
  8. Although Beck might not be a total Rostropovich in the strings department, Still, Beck is definitely a full level above Hendrix in many important ways. Beck seems to have been top of his game in Tokyo, Even though he probably never thought so. Time will prove this correct, no doubt. Although, Beck was so great in so many ways, in so many venues, It is difficult to say who is right about this, actually.... Right?
  9. Look, Man. I am, like, color blind I am completely LGBT tolerant, and then some. But, I am just saying, that Hendrix got a leg-up by being black. Everybody recalls him with such nostalgia, as some semi-black iconic figure, with his huge thing. Beck was better. But, Jimi's thing was longer. Beck was in awe of Hendrix. So sad, really, because, probably, he died without realizing he was, in fact, even better than Hendrix, in many ways. Beck was better. Jimi was more flashy. Hard to listen to Hendrix, for long. Maybe to intense. Maybe not good enough.
  10. IN FACT...He DID...In Tokyo...Y'all! Beck is white. Jimi is black. So, in the music world, Jimi wins. Right?
  11. You know, just as I had been hoping that Beck was the greatest,... Then, Jimi Takes Over. Play it again, Sam! ACTUALLY, BECK could play the same, and even better. You better believe it.
  12. The basic problem with any Hendrix tunes is that his tunes have become so very outdated over the years. Sure, this might be just a result of his dying. BUT, probably not. By comparison, Beck's music will live on. Really... So outdated, this tune by Hendrix about living for just today.... I am so tired of it, already.
  13. Why am I an Anglophile? Over Seven Decades ago, I was born in New England. In those days, in New England, almost Everybody identified with Old England, still. And, I do, even today. I am also an inveterate tea drinker, just as I am a lover of Gin and Tonic. Life was far better when the world was run by Great Britain. Hong Kong was better, too, for that matter. Yes. I am truly an anglophile of the type you might have seen in the 50s. All good things come to an end, just as it should be.
  14. Personally, I don't give a darn, Scarlett. I just think it is so unfair that the world has been denied the likes of... Beck and Finney. Before their time.
  15. One thing I cannot understand. Maybe you can explain it to me. How could BECK be so ALIVE in Tokyo, in 1999,.. And, be deceased today? Beck is not dead. He is only deceased. Be this as it may, the question I pose is... How can one be so fantastic on stage in Tokyo in 1999, one day,... And now, not here, today, just so few years later? Seems strange to me. Maybe you can make some sense of it? Doubt it.
  16. God Bless Tiny Tim, and Dickens, too.... I am, unabashedly, an anglophile, through and through. I want MORE of the British Empire, Not less!
  17. Beck was the greatest of his generation. Albert Finney was the greatest of his generation. One would need to be an absolute Ninny not to know this. Right? Top of their games, in every way. God Bless you Finney. God Bless you Beck.
  18. Dear Friends, How did it feel? Did you ever wish you could be like Albert Finney, every moment of his life? Here, you can find the greatest actor of his generation, according to Sir Lawrence of Arabia.... SUCH a great series of interviews, showing Flynn's Metamorphosis from a great actor to another totally different personality. Finney was, TRULY, the greatest of them all, my friends. All in all, Albert Finney was truly the greatest, and Sir Lawrence was not wrong. And then.... What about the Music World of the past century? All in all, in the end, who was the very greatest of them all? Mirror, Mirror. Truly, there is only one. Jeff Beck is so much better than any. Centuries from now, even if Organized Civilization exists decades from now,. which is very unlikely, People will bow down to the memory of Jeff Beck. Truly, Folks, we live at the very edge of the known world, being on the cusp of destruction. Beyond our world, which is soon to end, is the KNOWN UNKNOWNS of the Rumsfeldian World. Therefore, it is likely, that nobody, EVER, will play as well as Beck, forever.... Let's just face our future, like Men. Enjoy the time we have remaining. Try to be your best, Just like Beck and Finney. Regards, Gamma Note: What do you think?
  19. I will investigate further. My sole concern is sudden catastrophic injury due to accident. I.e, anything that would cost more than USD15,000 to repair. Anything less than that amount, then small potatoes, and no need for insurance, really...
  20. Such a tragic tale. She should not have been on a motorbike. After reading this story, I am considering investing in accident insurance. I have had ZERO insurance of any kind, since 1979. So far, so good. I suppose my choice to not have insurance might be considered risky behavior. But I don't ride bicycles or motorbikes, which is in my favor. After reading this story, I am now toying with the idea of paying for some type of MEDIVAC coverage. Except, when I really consider it, I truly believe I might be better off just carrying around some sort of L-pill, wherever I go. In 1979, I did have a Medivac policy which would airlift me back to my home country. But, the cost is now quite high, I think. And, anyway, at my age, I'd probably be dead by the time the Gulfstream 650 got halfway over the Pacific, flying at 51000 feet and Mach 0.95. I've always wanted to take a ride on a Gulfstream G800+. Anyway, life is cheap, these days, and getting cheaper. At my age, my life is cheaper than most. Still, next week, I plan to check out some premium, golden parachute, accident insurance. I just hope I won't be too late.
  21. Funny that you should mention this. Just yesterday, I watched a few Jonathan Winters videos. For some reason, he seems to have enjoyed appearing on camera often wearing the same blue T-shirt with a YALE uni emblem. I have searched and searched Google search. As of yet, I am unable to discover any connection between Jonathan Winters and Yale University. If you, or anyone, can explain this connection, I would be sincerely grateful to put this issue to rest. Winters graduated from a different university. None of his offspring graduated from Yale. This is a real puzzler. Any pertinent input will be appreciated. My guess is that Winters wore this Yale shirt as nothing more than an attempt to provide us with a mind game, after he died. I am sure, after all, you know about the Big W mystery. No doubt, Jonathan Winters is just still playing with our heads, decades after he kicked the bucket. What, say you?
  22. YES! I realized my mistake just after it was too late to revise my post. Sorry! Anyway, godspeed to MIT's merry pranksters. You managed a red fire engine on top of the dome. And, it's difficult to imagine any prank that could trump that. Or, was it Columbia's students who managed that prank? I think not.
  23. Sure. OK, as one of our former presidents often said. Did you mean that I should really let you have it? Full bore? No holds barred? If you insist. Well, anyway, I have done a bit of reading about the state of the world during the past few decades, since the very early '70s. And, although I hesitate to be the messenger of glad tidings, from what I have gleaned, my prediction is that all human civility will end in 2024. And, all human civilization will end no later than 2040, or maybe 2055 at the latest. The reasons for my knowing this should be obvious even to you. For one, we have never been contacted by intelligent alien life. This is a clear indication that intelligent life forms in our Milky-way Galaxy soon self destruct after achieving radio technology. We don't know why. Maybe it's due to consuming food from wet markets. But, even if we are now being contacted by intelligent life, and even if intelligent life is, in principle, able to get through the Singularity, the way that our world is trending provides very little wiggle room for optimism. No doubt, you might mistakenly believe that your wiggly is OK. But, it's not. Of course, almost everybody knows James Hansen, after he chained himself to the White House fence. But too few have listened to Timothy Lenton of University of Exeter. I know that all of this must seem like a big joke to you. And if so, then you must be some kind of absurdist, or something. Let me speak more plainly now, as Jimi was wont to say. Get off your duff, and head on over to Lenton's uni page. Maybe doing so will wipe that smirk from your face, as also happened to me, decades ago. . Anyway, thank you for your question which provided me even more excuse to spout off. I now consider you my friend. Best regards, Gamma Note: Please don't forget. Head on over to Tim Lenton's page at the University of Exeter. Tim is both a gentleman and a scholar. And, he seems to have some appreciation for fine furniture of yesteryear. It's debatable if the average Joe might be intelligent enough to pick up on Tim's rather dry sense of humor. But, have a go. What do you have to lose?
  24. Feed Me, Mandrake. FEED ME! Probably THE greatest film I will ever see in my lifetime. Also, I particularly loved Ms. Foreign Affairs. I used to actually, occasionally, read Foreign Affairs,with its distinctive grey cover and thick pages. Hollywood filmmaking entered a devestating wasteland, beginning around the year 2000. That was the year most great writing stopped. As I recall, Ms. Foreign Affairs used the journal to cover her privates.
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