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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. YES! I think you are correct! I think that the original news item used the word BIKE. And then, due to poor and inaccurate translation, somehow, this improper term "cycling" crept into the story. We will not know for sure until we see images of the conveyance in question. (Still a tragedy, just the same, however.)
  2. Maybe he just sits on the handlebars, and then faces backwards while peddling, like we see circus clowns ride bicycles in the movies..
  3. So then, he lives there are at a latitude of 50 degrees? And, nothing around you but lakes, trees, and beauty? Do you live there alone, with your fish and berries? And, where do you live, approx coordinates, only, please? (Wait, if you are referring to the image with the Kuai...that is NOT 50 degrees North, nor is it 50 degrees South!)
  4. Strange. You don't seem to write like any American I knew, in the USA, before I left in 1979. I guess it's really true that Times have Changed.... Big Time!
  5. I am impressed by the fact that this image suggests that you are super neat and organized. Those shoes, for example, are facing the baseboard at a perfect right angle, and ... Not 89 degrees, or 92 degrees, but exactly 90 degrees! All boxes and bags are neatly stacked, and the cable of the power strip is properly coiled. It's OK, I think that you have ceramic tiles where you store your bicycle. However, I do hope that you have hardwood flooring in the living areas of your house. Very nice photo. I am impressed. Except, I would never choose the color RED for a bicycle. My preferred color would be fluorescent yellow-orange (I meant yellow-green. This was changed to yellow-orange, AFTER I clearly remember typing in yellow-green. This is spooky because, this time, I am sure that this "typo" did not exist when I posted this comment.), like safety colors used by firefighters and UK cops. This color choice is important for safety. I hope that bicyclers, all around Thailand, will choose colors most easily seen by car and truck drivers. Also, use strobe lights. And, for the sideways views from drivers of vehicles, try to use some sort of reflective tabs/tags on the spokes, etc. The helmet should have a strobe light on the very top, too. Always ensure that one is seen when riding in Thailand. Some drivers are probably operating vehicles while being legally blind, is my guess.
  6. What a nightmare for anyone in such a situation. I am extremely careful when walking outside my walled compound. I am always mindful of vehicles that approach from behind, even though I always walk on the right-side, which should always face oncoming traffic. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of vehicles drive on the wrong side of the road when there is little to no traffic. Not sure why they do this. But, maybe they are just riffing, like many jazz players also do.
  7. Where is that? Are you able to share the approximate coordinates for this location...please?
  8. That's GREAT. You see? BETTER than BORA BORA, by far! (not being facetious. NOT Joking, either. I like CM way better than Bora Bora!)
  9. Yes. Correct. I did not see the clarification until after posting a comment. We need many more places to ride bicycles which are safe, and this includes making the bicycle paths safe to ride on. Here in Thailand, anything on wheels is a risk to life and limb. Anyway, throughout the original article, Puntid keeps referring to a "bike". So, when she studied translation, she forgot to study this important point. RE AMBIGUITY: When engaging in translation, ambiguity should be avoided, at all cost. First rule of professional translation.
  10. Actually, it does not. The article states a bike accident. I have always referred to motosai and motorcycles as....BIKE/BIKES. For example: A Bike Gang Do you think that desperate Bike Gangs ride around on bicycles??? BIKES should be banned in Thailand. Bicycles should be encouraged. BIKES without mufflers should be compressed into CUBES, using car crushing machines. (Oh NO. The guy was cycling. So then, it was a bicycle he was on, and not a BIKE. What a true tragedy for the guy!)
  11. Here in CM, it has just begun to rain in earnest. This looks like an entire day of rain. And I am looking forward to it. Raining-in-Earnest is becoming a rarer event here, these days.
  12. So then, where was this image captured? My guess might be Timmins, Ontario. I have been there. It looked just this beautiful many decades ago.
  13. You have just described the weather, during the months of January through December, on the East Coast of Taiwan, to a T.
  14. Dear Folks, Is Trump a true Ham at Heart? Here we have a more reflective and somber Trump, playing to the crowd, and the world. Yet, he remains the inveterate Ham, and so I cannot help but enjoy and admire Trump. Trump has become the greatest show on Earth. He should have been an actor. For sure, Trump is hugely enjoying himself. And, obviously, he is always ON, and he does not take his job seriously. This is entertainment for Trump. Trump believes himself to be invincible, especially after... The "assassin's" bullet came within a quarter of an inch of ending his life, but did not. And so, believing himself invincible, he is free to enjoy the danger, the drama, worry free. Long Live the Drama of Trump....USA! Best regards, Gamma
  15. So, in the eyes of Democrat History, Biden will go down as having destroyed the hopes for the election of 2024, due to his delusions of his importance and invincibility, and mythology of being the come-back-kid.
  16. I don't want her; (Mrs. Obama) ! If she is elected, or if Trump is re-elected... I will leave the USA in protest !!! And, never return !!!
  17. Why is it 61 percent who believe that Biden was elected legally? Just take a look at the bell curve, and the standard-deviation demarcations. Only when we get past TWO STANDARD DEVIATION lines to the RIGHT, do we begin to see people in the US that can be considered half-way sane. The bell curve is also called the Normal Curve, but anything to the LEFT of 2 lines of standard deviation is non-normal in the USA. This means that only 2.1 percent of Americans are not superstitious. When will this change, and when will Americans become atheists and skeptics? IDK. But, until Americans become skeptics, or absolute atheists, (none of this agnostic-cop-out please), I refuse to take the other 97.9 percent seriously. By the way, the 68.2 percent, within one SD of the Mean, are truly WACKO! Why? Because this is the huge Group of Americans who have bought into the American Dream without first doing any due diligence or evaluation. BE SKEPTICS People! Best regards, Gamma
  18. So then, Biden has wisely chosen to wait until Buddhist Lend Day? Obviously, Biden is expecting to receive Enlightenment before Monday.
  19. Trump is now definitely In Like Flynn! Yes, Biden will either be replaced, or he will tumble down the air stairs before or after one of his Air Force One flights, or he will wander off and never return to the White House, or something else will happen. For sure, Trump is in. like Flynn. Probably this will not affect most of us here in Thailand. These days, things in this world cannot get much worse. If you want to know why almost everyone, including the youth of western countries, and especially the USA, are turning to drugs, then just watch Lloyd Bridges' performance in Airplane. Steve McCroskey (Lloyd Bridges): Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue. --Airplane In fact, around the world, even in Asian countries, much of the youth today are hoping to escape, either by lying flat, or just through finding some way to chill until either "they" drop the Big One, or forced mass migration contributes to the final breakdown of social order. When Trump was born, we still had hope. Now that Trump is approaching his final demise, and his upcoming visit from the Grim Reaper not too far off, at age 79, the world as we have known it might very well die with him. Thailand is the best place to be when this happens. I am very happy to have chosen Thailand, and feel fortunate to be here. Still, drug taking is NO ANSWER. We should stay as sober as possible, if for no other reason than to watch and enjoy the drama ahead.
  20. I don't find this very amusing. But anyway, ever since I was able to read, my idol has always been Squire Western. I have always aspired to live in the barnyard. Henry Fielding has always been one of my favorite authors. a. In almost all instances, the film versions never live up to the readings of the book. b. However, with Tom Jones, the film comes almost close to the Henry Fielding novel, written/published in 1749. c. Also, Squire Western had a delectable daughter, Sophia Western, and she was simply scrumptious, watching her suck on a drumstick. I just wish I could read the novel, and also watch the film, once again, but for the very first time. So, my idol will always be Squire Western. The Squire has certainly shaped my life for the better. Thank you, Squire.
  21. No need to reclassify. Everybody knows that nicotine is a drug.
  22. Hopefully, this evening, or throughout most of tomorrow, Chiang Mai will see Torrential Downpours. As long as I have been here, I still have yet to see a heavy rain in Chiang Mai. In Taiwan, for example, it was nothing to experience two meters of rain within 24 hours. Of course, that only happens during a typhoon, and only if the progress of the passing typhoon slows to a crawl. How many millimeters of rain is considered to be a very heavy and sustained rain in Chiang Mai? Torrential rain is very good for breaking up the monotony, as long as the rain does not lead to excessive flooding. a. Why do they never predict the amount of rainfall in Thailand? b. Yes, they predict wave height in meters. c. But, no prediction of rainfall in millimeters, according to geographical location. d. In the US, when I was last there, the weather service would predict snow accumulation, for example I am not asking for a snow accumulation prediction for cities in Thailand. However, a prediction of precipitation in millimeters of rain would be very much appreciated, I think.
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