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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. NO! NO! NO! NO1 That is NOT what I am trying to do. I stated that fentanyl can be introduced into other drugs, and other illicit drugs, by sellers, for various reasons. And, this causes high risk for users of many illicit drugs. And, this causes sudden and unexpected death. THIS is what I am stating. My argument is NOT ridiculous. But, maybe you are just too HIGH to understand what I clearly stated in the OP. Read it again when you are more clearheaded, ......maybe?
  2. People on Taiwan have Island Fever. On Taiwan, island fever manifests itself in behavior such as passive aggressive behaviors, like setting the neighbor's car on fire, or using acid to destroy the paint. Also, island fever severely warps the views of people on Taiwan, causing them to lose touch with the reality of the rest of the world. Island fever is real.
  3. Regarding the dengue vaccine, I had thought that this vaccine was not given or recommended unless one had already contracted dengue once previously. Although, I am not sure if this information is supported by valid evidence, or by the supplier of the vaccine.
  4. The bite of the mosquitoes, at least one variety, is extremely painful. This particular species is worse than the bite of those anywhere else in the world I have been. The pain and itching can last for up to a week, or more. This is why I use ACs 24/7/365. When I was young, and in New England, the weather during the spring, summer and early autumn was magnificent. No need for ACs at any time. But now we live in a radically different world. Nothing but high humidity, smoke, mosquitoes, motosai without mufflers, and much more. I never open my windows in Chiang Mai, and BKK is probably worse. Yes, there are a lot of mosquitoes around my house. But, there are very many every year. I haven't counted them using some sort of counting device that I do not have the money to buy. And, what about dengue fever, too? I was at the hospital a month ago to refill a prescription, and I saw a young man lying on a gurney (NO not laying on a gurney!). He kept telling the nurse how much pain he was in. And, the hospital kept giving him forms to sign, and taking his credit card info. So, I just hope I do not get dengue from the mosquitoes around my house. That's all I have to say. Mosquitoes are painful enough, even without dengue, however.
  5. Hi Folks, Anyone here doubt the seriousness of the illicit drug crisis in the US and many other countries? Here is an interesting article, short and to the point: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/think-drug-legalisation-is-a-good-idea-visit-fentanyl-land/ The question now becomes: How to protect young people, who often experiment once or twice, from dying due to substances such as fentanyl which is intentionally introduced by illegal sellers into many other drugs. Also, why has America been hit so hard, much harder than other countries? And, how significant is the risk for Thailand, in the near future? When the seller intentionally introduces fentanyl into some other illicit drug, and when this results in death of the user, at least in the USA in some states, the seller can be charged with murder, based on newer laws in some states. How much longer can America accept the drug-related deaths without much stronger action? Is the pendulum about to swing back? Maybe the USA needs drug policies similar to those of Singapore? Good idea? Regards, Gamma Note: These Fentanyl deaths are rather hard on mothers.... Many heartbreaking videos on this site, for example....
  6. Not everyone is born the same way. The OP is incorrect. Have you never heard of breech birth? And, sometimes, when being born, the head get's stuck. I was born....perfectly....however. So, not the same as some.
  7. Where is your citation for what you have quoted from another source??? Did you get it from The Insider? Also, don't believe everything you read, or all that people say. Have you ever known a woman to change her mind? Or not?
  8. Sugar is bad for you in the heat. Sugar dehydrates you. Drink water.
  9. That seems racist, to me anyway. When we hire people, or befriend people, based on skin color, I insist this to be racist behavior. Racism and racist behavior is immoral, and always comes back to bite the culprit in the adze. Racism is bad. Slavery is bad. Without slavery, America would be a far better place, today.
  10. If this is the case, then would that not still trump Trump? A pair of Obamas beat One No Trump......correct?
  11. Dear Folks, Would a successful Obama Run be the best thing for America? Also, would a successful Obama Run be full of drama? (Trump is not overly fond of either Obama.) Let's ask the people who know best: When Biden was asked if Mrs. Obama is the best person for his job, he said, "I don't think I did." IMHO, in this election, we should always listen to the GEEKS's advice. The geeks among us have a better feel for what is happening, these days. The extroverts are making no sense, obviously. It only the geeks that see through the glass more clearly now. Regards, Gamma NOTE: OBAMA in 2024????? (good, better, best?)
  12. And STILL Biden refuses to leave? Biden is now the only one who thinks he should stay. Biden is quickly becoming another Tricky Dick.
  13. Yes, premature withdrawal, is ridiculous, in his sentence. Nobody can withdrawal from a race. And, nobody can withdrawal cash from an ATM, either.
  14. I forget what he did not do. It was a long time ago. I read his post which I found on google. It was some sort of physical confrontation. I hate violence of all kinds. Anywhere, anyhow.
  15. OK. Thank you very much. I will buy at least one. I will take your photo to the shop near me, in fact.
  16. Same as any cult might do, maybe.... Sounds like David, what's his face....in fact.... Time to face the music. Time to move forward. Out of 350 million Americans, there must be one, maybe two, good ones.
  17. I have not been in a SEVEN for a very long time. Also, most of what is in SEVEN are ultra-processed foods, which I do not eat, and cannot digest. You can eat it if you want to, but not I. In the past, in Texas, where SEVEN originated, there was REAL food on sale. That was a long time ago, before your day, I guess.
  18. Good point, for sure. I guess all here are disgusted by American Breakfast fare.
  19. Correct: a. I have not seen western style bacon in MANY years, here in Asia. b. I have not seen western style sausage, also. c. I have seen good steak in Japan, however. Speaking of ham, Chinese style....this is what it really looks like.... This is my favorite breakfast meal, in fact. Just looking at this image.... It makes me drool like Biden, in fact!
  20. If you can secure a work permit, then I will be able to pay you a pittance, which is only what you deserve, of course. Otherwise, I have already forgotten my original question by now, being almost as old as Biden, but minus a decade, in fact.
  21. i am referring to the research which shows that food preferences have been changing, rather rapidly, during the past few decades, as western companies have mounted ad campaigns to encourage people in Asia to follow the western diet, and to eat manufactured foods. As the Asian diet continues to shift towards the American diet, will Asians living in Thailand, one day, become as fat at the guys in Atlanta, Georgia? https://patch.com/georgia/atlanta/new-rankings-show-just-how-fat-georgia This is a very proud day for Mississippi. They eat LOTS of cereal in Mississippi, obviously.
  22. No, Kellogg was smart because he was into enema play,.....maybe....? Or, maybe he just suffered from .... klismaphilia .... But, who can really say...for SURE?
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