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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Well.... I guess that you have heard it said that.... It takes all kinds to make this world go around. And, now.....you truly do..... Know the meaning of this overused phrase.
  2. Sorry. But, I just like keeping your informed. Otherwise, then.... How would you know?
  3. Sun Oil is down there. Those tankers move very fast. Stay out of their lanes. They are unable to turn on a dime.
  4. Yes. Many large vessels going up and down the bay. Are they freighters? Or, are they mostly tankers? Not sure. We could google it, I suppose, if we really wanted to know.
  5. Sorry. Not polite. We speak a different language. Similar to Americans trying to understand Scouse. It cannot be done.
  6. But, have you ever sailed on the Chesapeake? That might give you a much different perspective....!
  7. If you REALLY want to find your Boorish Russians, then you should visit here: These dancers just dance too BOORISHLY for my tastes.... Such boorishness, I think I never have seen at the Bolshoi.... Thankfully, there is no boorishness among the English:
  8. Yes. Baltimore. You can play it 100 times and never tire. This is true.
  9. Russians and Americans are "Loud and Ostentatious", I guess..... That's just the way it will always be, I guess.....
  10. Forgive me, but it sort of sounds like: "The only good indian is a dead indian". And, we know that cannot be true. As I stated, you should get out more, and meet some Russians more to your taste. Might I suggest: The Russian Tea Room in NYC? Oh, so solly, it has moved out of Central Park..... Actually, I am not yet sure why so many here dislike the Russians. Humans are Humans. If you want to find the more refined Russians, to suit your refined tastes, rather than the boorish Russians people here seem to be complaining about.... Then you just need to change your haunts where you hang out. Obviously, you are hanging out in all the wrong places, it seems to me.
  11. Anyway, I do not know about all Russians. But, I know that SOME Russians are OK..... You need to get out more, and then.... Meet a few of the good ones. This is for you, JT. Enjoy!
  12. Some of my best friends are Chinese. But, not the Russians. Is this what you mean?
  13. No need to debate with you: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/books/review/classic-novel-that-predicted-trump-sinclar-lewis-it-cant-happen-here.html Just read. Still, I was not thinking of any particular book written by Sinclair Lewis as much as I was thinking of his views, in general, about bigotry and exclusion. If you are a Trump fan, then there would be no point in any discussion, anyway. Note: Yes. It could happen to you, or me, or anyone.....
  14. Yes. Also, other places. Mostly, East Asia. There is no better place than Chiang Mai, for old people.
  15. Please consider this book through the lens of its time, 1935, and also, I was about 11 when I last read this novel, which is a novel, after all. I read this one, too.
  16. And Me too? Are any Forum Members anxious to send Me back, too? If it can happen to them, then it can happen to me. Let's all recall the writings of Sinclair Lewis the famous muckraker, who wrote..... IT CAN't HAPPEN HERE! Bigotry, bias, and prejudice are the enemies of common decency. I read all of this guy's books when I was very young, around 11. When we read such things at such an early age, it sticks to our ribs. His books are easy to read for someone, aged 11. But, also, hard to forget.
  17. Maybe it would be good to attend more research conferences where many Russians hang out. If you want to meet some Russians, then why not begin here, at Thammasat University? https://www.tiara-tu.ac.th/site/ourCenRussia When one attends a university research conference, the differences in culture quickly melt away. Everyone gets along, just fine. This is the beauty of Science.
  18. While on the boat, did you meet anyone quite like Pavel Cherenkov? I am sure you would have remembered him if you had seen him, before the war.
  19. Yes......but.....unfortunately.... One will be a WINNER cum this November. https://latin.stackexchange.com/questions/5675/when-to-use-cum-subjunctive-and-when-cum-indicative
  20. Like these? Russian body-builders are OK if they are female?
  21. So then....The White Russians are OK? Your ;post is nonsense! I have not given up my citizenship, and yet I take NO responsibility for Trump's statement: You are embarrassingly ignorant if you believe that the LaoBaiXing are responsible for the famine in China which starved to death 50 Million people. You write well. But you do not think well, it seems. How very naive you are. How old are you? Have you never studied human behavior at university? So, how do you explain this human behavior? I am not equating one with the other. I LOVE Zimbardo! He was such a risk taker.
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