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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sorry, but I would like to just add one thing: The INTERPRETATION of why chimps do better at this task, like Tic Tac Toe is NOT memory related. Basically, the superior performance of chimps at these types of tasks is due to.... REACTION TIME. Probably superior visual recognition and reaction performance. So.... I am just saying, that the explanation in these videos is BOGUS. The REACTION and recognition of symbols is far quicker in Chimps. This is only MY interpretation. I am sure I am correct, as usual, having grown up in a lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Note: But, I am also not discounting superior short-term memory of symbols which the chimps are reacting to. Chimps evolved differently than humans, after all.
  2. Hi Folks, When I was young, at university, I first realized that Chimps are Far Faster at Puzzle Solving than Humans. Don't believe me? Then watch this! You know, guys, it's amazing the knowledge we retain from our university years, and this tidbit has always stayed with me. I studied at a university heavily invested in behavioral sciences, and experimental psychology. Maybe this is why I am as different from you,.... As I am. Some of you have asked why I am strange. Now, maybe, this might provide a clue. What say you? Regards, Gamma NOTE: Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers, and Monroe.....! What could be nicer? Maybe you might enjoy this, just one more time, before you kick-off......? Great Film for almost any chimp......
  3. Yes. Happier.... In this respect, probably. At least, he seems happy. And, no political aspirations, either.
  4. TCL is out of China, I think. So, good quality, is my guess. But, I bought this one: (not just one: I bought 2)
  5. Thank you for your suggestion. HOWEVER: This problem existed beginning at the time of installation, when the machine just came out of the shipping carton from Malaysia. This machine was manufactured in Malaysia. Malaysia (Panasonic) supplies ACs to this entire region. So then, why is this machine, sold by PowerBuy, so noisy? I have no clue. Do you? Tks, again.
  6. Thank you very much, Sir. YES Still under warranty. But, then, what good is a Panasonic warranty in Thailand..... I wonder!!!!!!!!!
  7. OK. I am happy for you. But, this is not a TCL. This is a Panasonic. Panasonic ACs are usually very quiet, from my experience, when purchased in Japan. So, this is why I bought Panasonics here. Maybe a very bad decision. I do not know. I just need advice concerning what might be the cause of this whining at mid-range RPM. At low RPM....all is normal. At high RPM....all is normal. It's only at mid-range RPM that this LOUD whining noise happens. So.... What is it? Panasonic machines are not considered cheap in Japan.
  8. Hi Folks, I would pay BIG BUCKS if anyone can identify this whining noise emitted by one of the premium ACs built in Malaysia. Please listen to the entire audio, as the whining increases and decreases, and then finally ends as the rotation of the compressor fan finally speeds up slightly, toward the end. This is not a recording which is most likely to put one to sleep. What is causing this whining? Can you identify the cause? Good luck! Regards, And thanks for any clues you might have. This post is (NOT) a joke post, for sure. Tks. WHINING AC NOISE.mp4 Don't worry that the video is completely dark. It's only the audio that is important here. Can you identify the cause? Is it the fan? At low and high RPM, the fan operates normally. But, at mid-range RPM, then you got your whining sound. Sometimes, much louder than this. (Despite what some might say, anticipated by me, this is not a joke post.) But, you will, still, need a bit of patience to listen to this annoying compressor-fan whine, I guess. Tks. Again. IMPORTANT NOTE: Whining fan noise begins at about 4.50. So, no need to listen to what comes before. However, still, before minute 4.50, the compressor-fan noise is NORMAL. It's only around 4.50 that the fan becomes a whining banshee. This is NOT a joke post.....NOT! Tks for any thoughts...... Final Note: The normal fan sound which comes BEFORE minute 4.50 acts as a "baseline" for what is normal fan noise from a compressor-fan. But, at minute 4.50, the speed of the fan very slightly changes, and then you can easily hear a very marked change in pitch, and this pronounced whining noise. What the F is causing this....please....according to your opinions? Tks again!!! ========= Note: I believe than any mechanical engineer here with a bit of experience and knowledge about FAN ACOUSTICS should be able to answer this question, quite easily. Fan Acoustics is actually a practical science, and a science that I know not much about. Is this a case of harmonic resonance, as the fan speed increases very gradually? Or, then....what is it?
  9. No. I do not. But.... I believe in SPINAL TAP.......
  10. Time for some MORNING MANIAC music And, according to her.... She had quite a bit of loving.... Just before she went on stage. Fantastic performance. Amazing.
  11. She was so very STONED out of her mind at the time. Such a fantastic singer and star.... FEEL THE PAIN!!!!!!!!! I can feel it..... Yes I can.......
  12. You mean, not a loaf of bread and a JUG of wine? Good. Omar Khayyam never was one to succumb to Pain Meds. Pain Meds seem to have destroyed much of America. Honestly speaking: I do not take pain meds. Even Ibuprofen, one must be careful with. =========== Note: Interestingly enough, pain meds work well, for a short period of time, for relief of mental pain, as well as physical pain. Therefore, mental pain and physical pain must be interrelated, in some way, in some parts of the brain. Still, no matter how tempting.... NEVER take pain meds, or psychoactive drugs, for more than just a very few days......OR..... One is bound to end up like Jordan Peterson. One should not make fun of an idiot. But, still, one can learn from others' errors..... You know.... "I have always had a very acute sense of the FINITUDE of existence...." I might feel sorry for him....IF....not for the fact that he is just so..... INSUFFERABLE.
  13. Incredible! But, if you say so. You seem much older, and maybe wiser. (Stay healthy!)
  14. Hi Folks, What is the best software for protecting your budget Super Computer from viruses, worms, a-holes, Trojans, and Ransomware? For me, hands down, it will be BIT-DEFENDER for Linux. The reason is....there is not much else available, for free. So then, you just gotta pay, and pay.... And, I will be happy to pay. But, still, you can get Bitdefender for consumer use, for less than this! You just gotta shop around. https://www.safetydetectives.com/best-antivirus/linux/ SURE, I know that you might think that ClamAV might be good....BUT..... I only EAT clams..... I even eat Hair Clams.... Yet, I would never use ClamAV to protect my machine....if....I had the money to ... Buy Bitdefender, instead. What say you? Regards, Gamma Note: You might think that not protecting your data, just because it resides on a Linux machine, is OK. But, I think not. I will pay money to Bitdefender to install the software on my machines. You just gotta shop around. I think you can get a better price. I KNOW that you can, in fact.... Don't leave your precious machine unprotected..... Or, then, do not say that I never warned you guys.....!
  15. Hey, Stoner: I'm curious. Just how old are you? You cannot be too young, is my thinking. You probably once had a first-class mind...which... Is now deteriorating, just due to old age, and too much pot, is my guess. Anyway, I wish you a long, LONG, life, ahead, Sir.
  16. I was only quoting, directly, the guy in the Florida video which I posted, of course. Obviously, some hick from Florida. But, it's the same for the rich, these days, as well, of course. Florida is sinking. So sad, or NOT so sad, depending upon one's point of view. Note: What ever happened to make our world as we now see it, these days???? Go figure.
  17. Hi Folks, I guess we will not be returning to Florida..... Anytime soon. Did you want to know why I have been in Asia for over 45 years? Watch this....and tell us what you think. LIGHT ME UP! And, tell it like it is in the great USA! Regards, Gamma Note: Even in the 1970's, around PENN, still the streets were better than THIS! You guys know that this is true. Such a very SORRY state of affairs, these days..... Sorry.....
  18. I never hold my breath. There is just no point in doing so....unless..... One is going for some FREE-DIVING world record....
  19. NO! I don't get paid for my best advice. I just provide information out of the kindness of my heart. I have been using internet in Asia, East Asia, SE Asia, for many years. I have been using internet service in Asia since before 1992, in places like Taiwan, HK, Thailand, China, etc., since before you were born, maybe. I never lie. I just report the truth. I have no ax to grind. I am just trying to be helpful. Note: I am NOT a troll, by the way....hope you agree..... Note2: I NEVER post "purely troll posts", as some BIRDBRAINS seem to say. I NEVER post purely troll posts. As, I am sure that you also know. Hope this clarification helps to un-muddy the waters....about my posts.... Tks!
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