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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Hi Folks, This evening, I have been thinking up my favorite HEAD words....and so..... What are yours? Head of a penis? Giving head? Perchance? NO! Get your minds out of the gutter, please! I am talking linguistically here, as usual. Nothing naughty. Big RED Dog! Such a NICE Head word. For example: Wow! He's got a BIG Red Dog, a-hangin' there.....between.... English is such a wonderful language, and so very versatile, that one or two words, juxtaposed in the right way....can mean almost anything, depending upon word order, etc. My friend Chomsky wrote about head words, but never gave any head, is my guess. I love the English language. And, where does one find the BEST of the English language? Why.....in the UK.....OF COURSE. My life is all about my interest in language. And, the field of Linguistics is all-encompassing, covering many interdisciplinary fields of knowledge and research. You gots your Linguistics of Physics, even.... https://oge.mit.edu/linguistics-is-basically-physics/ So, then.... What are your favorite HEAD words? Giving, receiving, what? And, the colored girls go...... Humans. Most humans were born with a brain. This is their only redeeming characteristic, in fact. Otherwise, humans might not be worth much. Do you love wordplay? It was getting a bit boring around here.... I think...... Anyone here interested in the Topic of HEAD WORDS? Like me? Let me hear from you, then....! Regards, Gamma
  2. Both wife's and wives bother me. I have had two wife's in my lives.
  3. I only meant by this that the imagery of parts of his prose is simply sublime....in case anyone might love Japanese culture as much as I. I do not mean present Japanese culture, of course. I am referring to the period from 1912 to 1914. There is much to be said about the loss of Spring Snow, should Global Warming continue to intensify, which it surely will. And then, not only will I have no need for my warmer wool clothing, but I will be forced to shed all but my briefest briefs. Of course, I rarely venture outside my Climate-Controlled house, these days. If only I had seen Global Warming coming, then I might have avoided wasting money on buying so much clothing, which, as I say, is now about as much use to me as extra ice to an Eskimos. Even the Eskimos are wearing less, these days, so I have heard. Global Warming will not be good for winter-clothing brands, like Patagonia and Mountain Hardware, one can easily predict. Even Africa is beginning to get much warmer..... The writing is now on the wall.
  4. Well, here in Thailand, especially Chiang Mai, it seems doubtful that I will need to break out my long johns..... My LL Bean long johns, I mean. But, if you really want to know..... The reason I have held onto my cool-season garb is just because..... I am thinking of going to Kyoto next year. And, as you know, in Kyoto they have this Spring Snow, and it gets cool, occasionally, in Kyoto...when the snow falls, and when the cherry blossoms are covered in a light dusting of snow. This is the meaning of Spring Snow, I think.... You got's your snow, and you also have your cherry blossoms blooming.... This is a special time in Kyoto. Watching the students cross the bridge, a hundred years ago, must have been spectacular. I love the trilogy. Such an amazing work by good, old, Mishima.... Sadly..... He did himself in..... And when I say "in", I mean "in the belly" in....of course..... Such an unforgettable novel, the first book of the trilogy....and.... I am sure that you will agree....
  5. Wow, Man.... I just cannot believe how literal you are. Did you REALLY think I was suggesting that we burn our clothes? Did you REALLY think I was suggesting that we turn our warmer wool clothing into mulch to feed our rose beds? Get a GRIP, Man! What did you imagine this Topic was REALLY about? THINK! This Topic is about the end of colder temps in Chiang Mai, probably forever, just due to Global Warming. And, it's ALSO about my realization that I will never, again, need the warmer Cold-Season clothing that I once needed 11 years ago. Try reading a book, Sir. Try to stretch your mind beyond your very literal monochrome view of the world, and what you read. I would give you an F, for effort, Sir. AND, I would note that even a Thai Myna bird can be trained to repeat/mimic short phrases like, "click-bate" and "troll". But, just because these birds are able to mimic words and phrases, does not mean they know what they are talking about. Same goes for other birds....is my guess.....especially BIRDBRAINS, one might imagine.
  6. At the moment, I am cleaning house. And, hanging in my closets, there are just too many coats and hoodies. I purchased most of this warmer clothing in the winter of 2013/2014, when, in Chiang Mai, it really did get a bit chilly...and... I guess you recall that very frigid winter. But now, the writing is on the wall. We are very unlikely to ever see such frigid temps here in Chiang Mai, ever again.... At least, not in our lifetimes. So then the question begs: What should I do with all this clothing I have hanging.....? I would hate to put it in a pile and burn it.... Just because this might add to even faster Global Warming. What do you plan to do with your warmer clothing? I am trying to think up some more-creative solutions. Such as.... Maybe I could turn it into some sort of mulch which would feed my rose beds.... But, I have no roses here. Any ideas? There must be some use for some barely-worn "winter" clothing...... Winter in Chiang Mai has never been truly winter. But, Thai people think of the Cool Season as some sort of winter. Tks for any advice. Best regards, Gamma
  7. 10,000 seems like a pretty big number, especially for you. Are you sure that you can even count that high?
  8. The only intelligent frog I ever met came from Calaveras County...and.... Even he was not especially smart. Note: It is not my fault if you have no appreciation for diminished chords, etc.....
  9. Only to those who are completely music-illiterate, and also tone-deaf, maybe... It's just impossible to appreciate what one does not understand. JS Bach cello probably sounds about the same to such individuals. Stick with POP, my friend.... POP Tunes is more your speed, presumably.... I KNOW it is, in fact. Enjoy your narrow life, somewhere in the long grass, away from the sun.... Frogs love it where it's dark and damp and slimy....as I know you know.... Enjoy!
  10. Bullies, I do not like. Small gangs of bullies, they are even worse....
  11. Thank you, Sir! You've got class. And, you've got taste. But then, you are a :Philly guy. Most of those on TV just cannot compare.... As I am sure that you have noticed.....over the years..... Note: Beck stated, one time, that he built his first guitar from a fence post.... Maybe this is why he turned out to be one of the greatest guitarists that ever lived..... I believe this to be true.
  12. Why do you not TAKE YOUR OWN WARNING....to heart? Are you so very unwilling to take your own advice? If so, then why? STOP replying to this Topic, for your own mental wellbeing.....provided that your present mental state can even be said to be in a state of well-being? UPS to You, my friend.... You are the one who should be in control of your own clicks.... Control yourself, my friend, .... IF you can.
  13. Sure. OK. I will not reply to this topic. Thanks for your great advice. I am sure I will take it...... Right! What... Are you NUTS? Note: There seems to be some very weird cabal present here which wishes me to stop posting on TV for the betterment of the Forum. Why this might be true, I have no clue. Maybe you do? Some think I am a "troll". Do you think I am a troll? I would give you odds that I am not. What I am is something else..... But not a troll. You know that this is true. If you don't like reading my innocuous Topics/Posts, then please just skip them. Can you do this? Or, must you read them, knowing that you might not like them? Are you not in control of your clicks? What is wrong with you people who hate my posts? Have you no self-control? What ever happened to your prefrontal cortex which should allow you some control over what you click on? Can't you find a few other Topics/Posts to click on? Or, are you just Control Freaks who wish to create some Ideal Forum in your own image, like the little gods you seem to be? Go back to driving your hacks in London, is my advice......
  14. I have listened to Jeff Beck in China. I have listened to Jeff in Tokyo. I have listened to J. Beck in the United States. Also, in Hong Kong. I have even listened to Jeff in Chiang Mai. Jeff Beck is the GREATEST guitar player that has ever lived. Jeff outdid himself at Ronnie Scott's, true. But then, he also outdid himself in Tokyo, the FIRST TIME.... Take a listen, and see if you agree.... Jeff was never a BIRDBRAIN, as far as I know.... Birdbrains are just so..... (What is the word?) Disgusting...... And, stupid, dumb, IGNORANT, and....you know that I mean....! Nobody can tolerate one who is TRULY a BIRDBRAIN......!!!!!!!
  15. Of course, if not on YouTube, and if one were to listen to the original video recording, in HD, then it sounds even better. But, I don't know how to upload the recording from my Google Drive to TV.... Very worth having, though, because this is quite a special recording. Maybe, if interested, you can buy on Amazon, if you can find it.... or.... Maybe I can try to upload here.....but I doubt it might work..... As they say, in passa Thai.... Mai Work..... (The original file for this recording is about 24 GBytes. Probably the owners of TV would KILL me if I wasted that much storage....just on one Jeff Beck performance. So, I think I will not try. Just buy it from Amazon, if you have any interest.... Then, all will be happy and all will continue to go....swimmingly.....) The original recording is much different than you see on YouTube....
  16. Naturally, I'm not talkin' 'bout no BIRDBRAIN, for sure.....! Enjoy. Beck is the best. Miss him sorely, every day.....! Such a sad thing that he died, so suddenly, and far before his time.... Still hits me HARD.... Enjoy.... Gamma
  17. I recall being at McGill University, many years ago. Me and Pinker. Anyway, back in the day, guys would take a leak up against any wall in the city. But, those guys were not junkies. They were bankers. (You know that this is true.) Montreal
  18. It's basically IMPOSSIBLE to say.... I have began. Logically, it makes no sense. I began, is OK. I have become, is OK. Logically speaking. I have begun to start my journey.... This makes sense, logically. But, I have began to start my journey.... This really makes no sense, logically speaking, whatsoever.... Logically: I have begun my journey to Canada.... (This makes more sense.)
  19. Read it for FREE....here..... https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/20203/pg20203-images.html And, so on.....
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