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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Dear Folks, Here on the TV Farang Pub, we often read comments of those who longingly express their personal preferences for the perfect place to retire. Yet, we also know that most of those who communicate their innermost wishes, most likely, have not the means to ever reach these lands of their dreams,... At least, before they die. So what about considering a few least-favored spots for offshore retirement, by contrast? Can you think of some places which, though very cheap, are still doable, though not, especially, your first choice? Sure. Thailand is cheap and wonderful. But then, what might happen if one were suddenly cast out, either due to visa-rules changes, or for any host of other reasons? If you had to suddenly pack up and leave Thailand, then what retirement destinations might be your very worst nightmare? Let us consider this question, not so much as a pure thought experiment, but more as a REALITY CHECK, to keep us mindful just how lucky we have it here. There are a few places that I would least like to retire to.... And one of these places is this one: The Danakil Desert (not sure what kind of retirement visa is offered here, but there must be something). I have read about life in the salt flats of Danakil, and I think one could live quite well, and on very little money. By comparison, for example, just judging from these photos, even a pauper would be comparatively wealthy. The secret to FEELING wealthy is to seek out the poorest places in the world, in some people's views. And, we know that there are those on TV who have realized that, as Thai people become wealthier, then their perceived financial status.... Dwindles commensurately. This could be a benefit and a boon for those now living in Thailand who wish to live in a place where their comparative wealth might seem greater. It seems to me that, even with very little money, one could move to a place like this and live quite well, comparatively, by local standards. We do know from Social Science that perceived wealth, compared to one's neighbors, is almost as important as absolute wealth. In other words, in the mind of the human being, it is actually more important to have more than one's neighbor, than to have any arbitrary amount of wealth. Do you have any ideas about what might be the cheapest, though LEAST-FAVORED, retirement destination that you would consider....if.... You had to choose a Plan-B? Personally, I would not mind retiring to the Danakil Desert, provided that I could get Musk's Starlink Internet service. I would envision setting up a Solar Power installation for my home. I would have solid internet. I would have a magnificent night sky, with stars from horizon to horizon. And, the salt air is quite healthy. No Soi Dogs, obviously. I can imagine a rather nice existence there. No need to mine the salt, of course. The salt miners would just be part of the scenery, and nothing to do with me. I might even find a Gal Friday there. Definitely doable! But then: What is your retirement fantasy for a Least-Favored retirement spot? And, you never know....because.... Very often, what one least expects to be a happy place can turn out to be much more pleasurable than one had originally anticipated. Have any ideas about even better places, around the world? Best regards, Gamma
  2. Before, or after, Red Hat was acquired by IBM? It makes a difference.
  3. Sorry...however....I just cannot let your very inaccurate comment stand: a. In fact, it is the case that DESKTOP computers are EXTREMELY popular with the young guys (not the older generation) who love computers. b. Young guys who truly love computing and computers choose DESKTOPS as their first choice, and they also have a laptop, or two, as needed. c. ALL young kids who love computers love DESKTOPS.... They like to mod them out. They like to add and subtract components. They like to add HUGE GPUs, water-cooled, for example. You, Sir, seemingly, know NOTHING about what the younger generation likes, in computing. Why? Because: YOU, Sir, ARE the older generation. Face up to it, Sir! If you really want to watch some young guy....WITH BRAINS..... Tell you a thing or two...about.... What the YOUNGER GENERATION....actually.... CARES ABOUT....concerning computers....then.... Please SUBSCRIBE to this guy! This guy is FING Smart..... And, he knows what the younger generation likes.....about computers..... Yes, Sir....SUBSCRIBE and learn a thing, or two... Why not? I bought this case.... What do you think? Good choice? I did NOT choose the white color case, however. I was afraid the white case might clash with the color of my humongous banana-wood computer desks. NOTE: This Guy is COOL! He knows that of which he speaks....FOR SURE..... Watch, SUBSCRIBE....and learn something.... Very few channels as satisfying as his..... Note: I am just trying to be helpful, and also to dispel ignorance whenever I encounter it. No need to thank me, of course.
  4. Now, you are speaking logically. You are correct. If you do not have the space, or you cannot afford to stay in one place....then.... Just make do with a laptop.
  5. Sure. I used a laptop before you were born, probably, when they were the NEXT BIG IDEA....around 1991. I used a ThinkPad, or pre-ThinkPad, from IBM, with a monochrome screen. I also used a ThinkPad, after ThinkPad was sold to China.... With 32 GB of RAM. But, still.... A laptop is CRAPPOLA compared to a Desktop. Always will be. Laptops are for BEAN-COUNTERS on the Go. Desktops are for serious scientists stuck in their labs. Anyway, a laptop is fine if you love tiny screens, and only one screen. But, as for me, I prefer more DESKTOP SPACE..... Like THIS: Try hooking 4 monitors up to your tiny FING laptop or fone. See how you do.... Laptops are for guys with tiny fingers and tiny minds, IMHO....
  6. Takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, I guess. Different strokes for different folks. I even heard that CERN will soon be switching from using desktop computers to Samsung Android phones in order to power their research.... Can this be true? Nobody who is serious about anything uses a phone to do anything useful. Except, maybe text some GF in Pattaya..... For a date. Never heard of a phone competing with a desktop, except in the Farang Pub, on TV. Note: Even Kwak knows this....and...I know that Kwak is smart, and that he is from HK..... (just saying)
  7. Do tell! I have never heard of such a thing before. Who ever heard of such a thing?
  8. Haha.... Yes....I did say this....but....only obliquely..... How did you know? Hahahahaha! Note: And, what I said...is TRUE.....
  9. Let's take a look at the processor in your phone, vs the processor on my budget computer..... Shall we? And.... The i5-3600K is so much cheaper and more versatile, once installed on a great mainboard.... There is really no comparison. CHEAPER BETTER SMARTER Now, do you see?
  10. Be careful if you intend to replace water with beer for your daily hydration..... THIS IS A DYNAMITE Channel which teaches lay people and medical students, alike..... I have been following this channel for years. The presenter is originally from Taiwan.... But traveled to the USA when he was quiet young. This guy is well-schooled, intelligent, and hilarious, as well. You can learn a lot here about beer drinking and many other serious medical issues.... Enjoy.... This Pharmacologist and Physician knows his stuff, for sure. He is a teacher of med students, after all.... Worth viewing, IMHO.... Drinking too much beer, too quickly, can change the electrolyte balance.....it seems.... So, be careful.....
  11. WHAT? Are you..... INSANE? Have you checked the latest BENCHMARKS....recently? Can...EVEN YOU.....see the difference in the Android Benchmark between the ... S24 Ultra, and the Intel i5-13600K CPUs??????? Where are your glasses, Man! I paid only USD330.00 for an i5-13600K, three months ago. Great Deal, Baby! Also, why not try hooking up: a. 68 GBytes of RAM to your measly phone? Can you FING do THAT? b. I have 2 TBytes of SSD M.2 installed c. I have 8 TBytes of HDD storage installed d. I have TWO flatbed scanners connected e. I have FOUR FING 27-inch high-resolution displays connected. f. I have 8 audio speakers connected. g. I have TWO keyboards and TWO mice connected. h. I have openSUSE running on this beast. Clearly, you, Sir, are just a dabbler in the field of computers....IF..... You think that lousy telephone of yours can, IN ANY WAY, compare with something that any logical person might CALL a computer..... Yes. I bought a budget computer...but... My FING BUDGET COMPUTER.... Is so far ahead of your FING FONE that you just have no clue, Sir. Or....as you say..... I could be mistaken? Take care, Man..... And enjoy your PHONE LIFE....... I hate phones, anyway...... Note: So many people, these days, walking down the street, using their teeny-tiny fingers to click on teeny-tiny keyboards....on their phones...EVENTUALLY.... Get run over by busses,.... While crossing city streets. But, if this is your bag, Man.... More power to you....! NOTE: Actually, a very nice and valid question... How does one actually compare the compute power of a Samsung phone to an i5 Intel CPU? Let's start a Topic.... Why not?
  12. It would be like going from Uppsala to Stockholm in under 15 minutes, in fact... Almost impossible....
  13. Desktops are still cheaper.... Price per Performance. This is why I will never buy a laptop. Desktops are also much more versatile. How many ports can you add onto that piddling little laptop of yours????
  14. Yes. The Human Condition. One is never satisfied with one's lot in life....until.... Our lot has ended, .... For good.... Yes. Laleña.... That is your lot in life.... But, then..... What did your mother expect might happen to you, ... Anyway???? Such is life. "We live in a vale of tears...." Not to mention, of course, that we must be forced, by life, to continually tilt at windmills....etc., etc., etc.,.... What about retirement to....SPAIN? Life might be GREENER.... In Spain.... Surely!
  15. Concerning Dehydration, and other disorders of water balance: Everybody should watch this video from this girl. She's a good instructor, IMHO. Very simple. Yet, informed. This is all you need to know, unless you wish to pursue it even further. (I never let myself become dehydrated.) NICE and simple presentation. DEHYDRATION, particularly: NOTE: It's important to recognize that old guys (the aged) are sometimes less able to recognize that they need to take in more water, and become more easily dehydrated.....
  16. THIS is certainly a very timely and overlooked Topic which someone needs to start. This is one thing that the individual can eat or avoid, at his/her discretion. And, yes, you are correct that ultra-processed food is brought to us by the same folks that brought us cigarettes and CO2. Exxon, for one....
  17. Interesting: I did not realize that there are two, equally acceptable, spellings of this word, not being from England. But, this is very good for me to know. This is information that I can really use in the everyday work of mine. (How did I not know this? Well, I guess nobody can expect me to know everything, can they?)...
  18. I think that, in this case, Everyone forgot.... The Golden Rule One should always treat others with respect. If we treat others with respect, we are always better off for it. This includes the bar-girls. Do you treat the bar girls with the respect that they, and other service providers, deserve? Do you treat people you meet, without exception, with respect? Sometimes, it's not so easy; I know.... However, if we all practice this Golden Rule, as I try my best to do.... Then, all of our lives will flow more harmoniously. Don't say that "I can't, if they don't treat me with respect." Somebody has to begin somewhere. One of my famous friends, an Ivy League Linguist, taught me the value of respect for others. And, ever since that time of my enlightenment at his hands, .... I have always done my best to treat others with respect. Treating others with respect costs one....NOTHING... Nothing. If you want to live happier lives, both in and out of the bar,.... Treat those you meet with respect, always. This entire fiasco could have been defused before it escalated if...ONLY.... The participants has treated each other with a bit of common courtesy and RESPECT.
  19. Yes. I saw that, too. Very unfortunate. Those three Farang did not realize where they were. They had no idea about Asia, or Thailand, or face, or the fact that Asians never back down once they reach some Tipping-Point, where face is lost. Then, in the street, the guard gets hit in the nose, and damaged, in front of all his friends, when/where he wants to be perceived as the tough guy. Then, some "girl" brings him a tissue to staunch the blood gushing from his nose. Another major loss of face. Then, it was pay-back time, BIG TIME..... Bars such as those are dangerous. Anything can happen, suddenly, and it did.
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