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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Telling someone that they have Alzheimer's is not hateful, you are dimmer than first thought and should never be allowed within 100 miles of a forum!
  2. And it gets equally frustrating when you continue to bait other posters, the warning has been given by the mods, have you no control what comes out of your hate filled mouth?
  3. That is two posters to my knowledge that you have accused of having Alzheimer's and it just shows what state your mind is in, if you cannot conduct yourself in a decent manner on these boards why don't you do the decent thing and crawl back under your bridge, you are a nazty piece of ....
  4. Wobblybob

    Hotel Bangkok

    I'm guessing but I would have thought that for about 3 years gym membership you could equip yourself with a very extensive equipment set up, I know I have, use it every day.
  5. You quoted something I didn't say and at the same time tried to put words into my mouth. You fail on all your endeavours to be smart, because to be smart you have to be smart!
  6. When the argument is lost out come the insults! Try educating yourself, it can be fun.
  7. If we're reverting to insults.... Just thinking is a problem for you but you have no bother in twisting other posters posts.
  8. I did not say what you are accusing me of, you have history of not being honest. This is what you wrote. I did not say that, so stop lying!
  9. If you you haven't got it by now you'll never get it, I have no connections with any Middle Eastern Aircraft Control Centres, I answered a question for you which probably should not have been asked in the first place as it was so obvious and suddenly heres you thinking I have the knowledge of Guy Gibson. You are turning this thread into a parody of Airplane. Do some homework yourself and it's over and out. 🛬
  10. Well I still have to repeat myself with the same reply, they wasn't last night as they helped Israel. Ground control to Major Tom, are you receiving over.🥴
  11. But they helped them shoot down Iranian missiles, I can't put it any better than I have already done. Israel was not a gnat to Jordan last night because they again helped them along with other Arab nations and the pro Hamas lot won't take kindly to that!
  12. You should not answer a question with another question......should you.
  13. Do you think they had permission, I can't think of any other way a foreign country would fly over another country without permission, unless at war with that country of course.
  14. Take your flames and whataboutery elsewhere. Iran is not a peace loving country.....period!
  15. I answered your question as fairly as I could so I have no intention of playing hypothetical games with you. The most important point to remember is that 4 Arab countries helped Israel and that will not go down well with the terrorists cheer leaders on here.
  16. Peace loving country my giddy aunt, stone women to death for not wearing the burqa, throw gays off high rise, please stop this trolling!
  17. My guess is that Jordan didn't allow these missiles/drones to fly over their airspace, infact Jordan helped Israel shoot down Iran's incoming missiles as did a few other Arab countries.
  18. Don't be so bashful, you are you know. 😂😂😂
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