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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Nearly 50 Nova survivors of the Hamas attack have killed themselves since Oct 7.
  2. I don't know, but it's disgraceful how the Republicans are playing politics with Ukrainian lives. 🥴
  3. You may have concluded that Israel is the aggressor and other antisemites but as Joseph Goebbels said "tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth".
  4. You have a neo Nazis flag as your avatar and you ask what's wrong with that, seriously don't you know!
  5. Biden has told Speaker Johnson that he will not accept a stand alone deal for Israel without the inclusion of Ukraine, hope all goes well for the Ukrainians.
  6. You have to understand that some posters haven't had you experience of nearly going to Vietnam, how is it possible for us mere mortals that have actually served in a war zone to possibly understand! "Pity about all the dead Ukrainians.". But not dead Russians eh, you are so transparent!
  7. Most people would have to agree if that structure entertained 5 top terrorists and those terrorists were liquidated that Israel deserves a Brucie Bonus.
  8. Still clinging on to that old chestnut because you got nothing else. BTW the terrorists have admitted that their figures are no where accurate. Sorry to disappoint.
  9. From what I read on the BBC and other news sites the government is supporting Israel but hundreds of thousands of voters disagree with the government. And hundreds of thousands of voters agree with the government, these are usually people that can differentiate right from wrong and not university drop outs that have been indoctrinated into this Palestinian cult!
  10. What's even more bizarre that the Embassy wasn't bombed but the IRGC building adjacent to it.
  11. Oh then a good stabbing was certainly justified, are you for real...do you know what you have just said!
  12. Exactly what rights have the women of Iran got.., none, none of these young ladies want to wear the burqa, many have been whipped, tortured and killed by the morality police that goes looking for these unfortunate young ladies that may have let her burqa slip. And people on here defend these mad Mullahs basically because they hate Israel and the Jews, sickening.
  13. No more 7/10 massacres, the Palestians started this war, blame the aggressors for once.
  14. This is the best explanation of the Mad Mullahs of Iran, this Iranian young lady nail it, if you don't watch anything else please watch this. "Young people in Iran despise the Ayatollahs, young Socialists in the West support them."
  15. The chief architect of 7/10 was one of the terrorists hit by the Israeli strike along with 5 other member of this evil regime.
  16. Is that the best excuse you could come up with, must try harder, these terrorists don't excuse themselves you know!🥴
  17. Soon be 5 at least. The UK is preparing to formally declare that Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) is a terrorist organisation. The legal change would mean it becomes a criminal offence in the UK to belong to the group or support its activities. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64156965
  18. You class 300 drones as symbolic. 😂😂😂
  19. Wobblybob

    Hotel Bangkok

    Sorry only tried to be helpful, in future I shall keep my thoughts to myself but chock dee.🥴
  20. Wobblybob

    Hotel Bangkok

    Have you tried Booking.com and then use the filter option to find the gym of your dreams. You know it makes sense.
  21. You have been listening to AJ, I wouldn't take what they say as gospel. 🙁
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