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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Accuse the other side of which you yourself are extremely guilty!
  2. Not too sure you do, but I know how you are trying to make it about something else. HTH
  3. And it's only logical to crush Hamas, which is work in progress at the moment.
  4. We don't have anymore 7/10s, have you purposely forgotten what this war is about?
  5. What a terrible disgusting suggestion, would the terrorists be allowed to keep the baby as that would gain them more bargaining power in your eyes. All the hostages must be released and the terrorists must lay down their weapons and that is the only viable answer to this war started by Hamas. Sometimes I despair at your logic.🥴
  6. The whirlwind is already here and it's not blowing in the direction you were hoping for. 🤔
  7. Israel red lines are no more 7/10s, they will not achieve this by sitting on their hands and letting the Palestinian terrorists run amok, release the hostages and surrender the terrorists and hey presto.....no war.
  8. Jews do not hate Muslims and are not conditioned from birth to hate Muslims. Simple!
  9. You couldn't have gone to Big C as well, you didn't have enough time. 😉
  10. Some of us have a life other than AN and timing other posters.⏰ 23 minutes to respond to your post, must do better.
  11. Sorry to hear your news 2baht, wish you all the best. 👍
  12. What are your time parameter of replying to the pointless question you posed, does AN have a rule on the speed of reply or are we meant to be at our computer at all times just in case we get asked a question that didn't need asking in the first place. Do you have a chess clock at your side at all times and immediately start the clock on the instant you send your post, it sounds a very paranoid way of using a forum if you don't mind me saying! 🥴
  13. Are you saying Abbott is not racist or perhaps you are just being argumentative!
  14. Well I must be lying then and my new licence is a figment of my imagination. 😗
  15. The reason Labour withdrew the whip from Abbott was because of her racist remarks about Jews and other minorities, come on there are been so many, every time she opens her mouth she puts her foot in it!
  16. I renewed my 5 year driving licence yesterday at Bang Lamung, was told I needed a resident certificate from Pattaya immigration, I left it too late and failed to get the certificate and carried on to the test centre regardless. I showed all the documents minus the resident certificate and showed them my pink id card and was happily told to go get my new licence after the colour eyesight test and the brake test. Does the Pink ID card have any bearing on getting the new licence?
  17. You would prefer the Ukrainians to suffer serfdom under their Russian slave masters, the Ukrainians are fighting for freedom and wanting them to surrender to a power that invaded them is very disingenuous at the very least!
  18. Can I suggest that you place posters on ignore because you cannot accept any other opinion other than your own.
  19. Simply not true, building companies have been known to order too much concrete and if the driver knows anywhere that concrete can be used they are only too happy to give it to the driver. You cannot take it back to the depot and mix it in with the next load as VAT has already been paid on the concrete. So the driver doesn't need to skim any concrete, many times he will have some left over concrete in his drum.
  20. Says the man that refuses to show me the quote he made up about me. 😂😂😂 You are not David Dimbleby as much as you think you are.
  21. I owe a man that makes up words and attributes them to me nothing, you cannot dictate on an open forum by asking loaded questions. Posters will respond in any manner they chose (that does not include lying of course like some posters do) you have been outed by your disingenuous posts, it is time you own what you write. You do not know how to handle being on a forum and has little knowledge how one works.
  22. I saw the photo of the Gazan hospital when Hamas claimed it was hit by an Israeli missile and they claimed that 500 people had lost their lives when infact it was an own goal by one of their own rockets, they have lied from day one and you believe every word that comes out of their lying mouths, more fool you. I don't value terrorists lives one iota.
  23. How many were terrorists? And don't try and put words into my mouth please. Call me a sceptic if you like but I don't believe in those figures in all its entirety, there is no doubt that figures can and indeed are being manipulated to suit ones propaganda agenda, but you believe them and that's all that counts.
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