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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Which one caused the other to happen, actions have consequences!
  2. Calling for a ceasefire without the terrorists being apprehended would give a green light for these evil terrorists to repeat 7/10, and Israel should not and I suspect will not fall into that trap, Hamas are really in no position to decide how this war ends. It would benefit the Gazans themselves to rid their state of these monsters, but judging by all accounts they don't want that to happen and is this a price worth paying, 'I hate Israel so much I will blow myself up to prove it, yeah, that'll show em.'
  3. Then why aren't you calling for the Palestian terrorists to surrender and all the hostages released, it is the obvious and only way to end this war!
  4. Has your 1948 moment gone off the debate mode now, what Israel is doing now is a response to the butchers that invaded Israel on 7/10 and committed the heinous crimes that we are all so familiar now. Most of the Gazans were joyous at hearing the news of the brutally murdered Israelis, and the brutally murdered and disfigured bodies of young Israeli women were paraded for the feral throng to spit on. We are sick of your inflammatory words like "genocide" believe what these vile terrorists tell you by all means, rational thinkers know better. There must never be another 7/10!
  5. You tried baiting us by saying that Nick and myself don't make good points, well it was pointed out to yourself that you are accusing Israel of exactly the same thing of what your ancestors have done, and by definition hypocritical!
  6. Nick made a good point, you are accusing others of which you yourself are guilty!
  7. Personally I will never understand why demented monsters would set fire to whole families whilst still in their houses or sexually mutilate innocent women, but that is the difference between you and "literate" thinking homo sapiens, vile! There is no excuses for their behavior even you seem to think that there is!
  8. You may have condemned Hamas but whether you were sincere about it is very suspect, you do nothing but berate Israel and accept the terrorists 'facts and figures' in this war. It is safe to say that Hamas is being manipulative with the figures that they are giving their gullible followers. They are conning you and you chose to believe these monsters that are capable of the worst and disgusting crimes unbelievable to mankind!
  9. Another one of Hamas leaders hiding in Shifa hospital has been eliminated.
  10. John Spencer chairman of urban warfare studies at West Point described Israels achievement as unprecedented, especially given the complex combat conditions. A lot of people would agree that Hamas themselves are responsible for more Palestian deaths than anyone else.
  11. Why haven't anybody been using AJ for the last couple of months, now you have been given the green light to use propaganda from AJ, the flood gates have been opened. 🥴
  12. I am not justifying anything, it is you that comes up with excuses for the terrorists attacks, for without 7/10 none of this would be happening. And your history lessons are worse than tiring and used by yourself and others to deflect the real reason that Israel has taken to make sure that the barbaric attacks never happen again. "The world will not tolerate such a situation" please spare us your imaginary dramatics.
  13. I'm sure when all the hostages are returned to Israel and all the Hamas terrorists are captured or killed you will see that your false use of the word "genocide" is being used by you for effect. Never has so many gullible people been hoodwinked by a bunch of lying terrorists. 😕
  14. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Them that start wars do not or should not get a say in how it ends!
  15. I don't think it helped doing the Haka before attacking the policeman, waving a wad of Thai Baht usually works better than sticking your tongue out at a Thai cop. 😕
  16. Don't worry there is still time for the Brits to make a recovery, I'm sure it's only temporary.
  17. Do they put something in the water in Phuket, I always thought New Zealanders were cool calm and collective, still the Swiss can breathe a sigh of relief.
  18. The knock offs are, but the official MAGA hats are made in California. HTH. Some third-party retailers carry knock-off MAGA caps that are made in China and are labeled as such. Trump’s official campaign store website states that “All of our products are 100% proudly made in the USA.” https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-6391630154
  19. Stop being disingenuous, you love adding words meant to flame, Israel is not "revenge" bombing, they are after the terrorists that massacred Israelis and other nationalities and also trying to secure the release of the hostages!
  20. Hanging on to the words of terrorists and blaming Israel for a conflict that Hamas undeniably started.
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