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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. I have never projected any figures, never felt the need to. The only definitive number is the murdered Israelis at 1106 and over a 100 hostages still in captivity and being abused daily.🥴
  2. It is a bogus count when drawn up by lying terrorists.
  3. And where does your link get its figures...Hamas!
  4. So basically you are saying that the killings in Gaza is down to Hamas, well most of us have been saying that since day one.
  5. And where do those figures come from, that's correct the terrorists themselves, strange how you hang on to their every word.
  6. I do consider the Hamas Oct 7 attack "terrorism" and despicable. I make no excuses or justifications for it. But There has always got to be a "but" at an attempt to sound bothered and then instantly goes into excusing the Hamas terrorists for the 7/11 attack.
  7. This is where some kind of logic should kick in, people are preaching that Israel shouldn't live in Israel because their ancestors didn't live there.
  8. It is there for all to see, I don't like using the expression, but you made words up and stated that I said them, which I didn't, never have done and never will do, you lied and instead of admitting it you are trying to wriggle out of your hole you have dug for yourself.
  9. Of course you lied, you make quotes up and attribute them to other posters. That is being dishonest at the very best, why don't you admit it and posters might take you more seriously. Lying about what other posters say will win you very few friends, prove me wrong, but you know you cannot.
  10. You lied then, that's cleared that up. Don't even try and point the finger at me for your dishonesty!
  11. You don't understand, show me where I said in the quote of yours to which I have highlighted and stop deflecting.
  12. So that justifies necrophilia does it, you speak with fork tongue!
  13. Why do you feel the need to accuse posters of saying things they did not say, it seems a common theme with other posters on here too, it is not in the spirit of how you should be conducting yourself on a forum!
  14. I get it alright and I get that your magical year of 1948 seems to you to justify the barbaric crimes by Hamas commited on 7/10.
  15. You are being less than honest as usual and you stated a falsehood about me, please show me where I said these things you accuse me of!
  16. You are telling that Hamas felt justified by these unthinkable horrific acts of depravity which is another way of justifying their actions. The bombing of Gaza would not be happening without the result of the Hamas terrorists incursion, why can't you understand basic logic.
  17. I used it as an example to highlight the ludicrous point you are trying to make, it is hypocritical and disingenuous to even suggest that lands should be returned after long periods of dwelling by invaders. Show me where I stated that "Israel should own ALL the land" and "Palestinians were either eliminated or kept as second or third-class citizens with limited rights." Do you have to be dishonest to try and make a point......if you do, you don't have a point!
  18. Jeez, you are justifying 7/10 and you don't even realise it, do you.🥴
  19. How soon will you be giving the land that you're living on back to the Apache, Comanche and the Navarro Indians?
  20. Your downfall is believing terrorists, and this war did start on 7/10 because without that incursion by the Palestian terrorists none of this would be happening, however, and which way you try and spin things Hamas actions have cost them dearly. You are totally in denial, remember what these thugs did and with a straight face tell me that Israel should just forget about it while the hostages are being sexually abused and tortured on a daily basis.
  21. Considering the crime that Hamas started on the 7/10 whilst many of the Palestinian people cheered with glee at the attrocities that had just been committed, I don't think that the Hamas terrorists are in a position to demand anything. But it is easy to spot an antisemite, they demand a ceasefire without demanding the release of all the hostages!
  22. Easy, kill every Hamas terrorist and at the moment it is the only possible solution, your solutions are away with the fairies.
  23. The dates you chose to use all fits in with your narrative, it doesn't excuse 7/10 which is what you are trying to use as an excuse. Nothing will excuse the attrocities that innocent Israelis were made to endure on that fateful day, nor should it ever. You must know as well as the next man that this war that is happening now did start on the 7th Oct, but admitting it would dilute your excuses somewhat.🥴
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