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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. You could buy a nice exercise bicycle for 5000 baht. 🚴
  2. Hamas has stated it does not want a two state solution, it wants Israel, what can be clearer than that.
  3. Hamas wants the destruction of Israel and the Israeli's, let's see who pushes the hardest then, I know who my money is on, you cannot negotiate with these monsters!
  4. We have been down that road so many times now, Hamas wants Israel and nothing less, stop moving the goal posts at every opportunity.
  5. If the IDF do not finish their operation there will be other Oct 7th, and neither of us want that I'm sure.
  6. Only in your eyes, you need things repeating time after time and still you don't get it, you are impervious to the obvious. There would be no bombing, there would be very few deaths, can you not link Oct 7th with what's happening now, most people can.
  7. It is not about punishment, it is about ensuring that the Palestinian terrorists never ever engage in another Oct 7th, Israel has a duty to its citizens to protect them from these barbaric incursions. Hamas has publicly announced that it will carry on murdering Israelis, if you want someone to hate, try the perpetrators and not the victims!
  8. Do you think that these terrorists will release the hostages if the Israeli's just lay down their arms and decide to let the vile crimes of Oct 7th go unpunished, we are talking about deranged evil excuses for human beings here.. The hostages are in a no win situation, continue fighting or stop fighting will make very little difference to the outcome of the hostages. Israel has little or no choice but to carry on with eliminating the Palestinian terrorists and that sees the only viable option at this juncture in time for saving some, hopefully all of the hostages. It was mentioned earlier that Hamas doesn't even know where some of the hostages are as they have been passed from pillar to post, it is a tragic situation that Hamas as started and will try to carry out more of these evil incursions if not nipped in the bud now. If these two sides trusted each other to fulfill their promises, they wouldn't be in this catastrophe in the first place. Stop being disingenuous, the first place is when Hamas and some of their hangers-on attacked Israel.
  9. You would really like to take Oct 7th out of the equation wouldn't you, it would make it much easier for you to spout this nonsense, well, Oct 7th will not be forgotten, nor should it be, because most people care about what happened on that dreadful day. More to the point Israel is trying to make sure that there are no more Oct 7ths, even though the Palestian terrorists have promised them.
  10. So Hamas can carry out more of these evil incursions, not going to happen I hope.
  11. It doesn't matter one iota what you think (thank goodness), this is about Israel making sure another beastial attack on its citizens never happens again.
  12. Hamas certainly opened a can of worms by attacking Israel and committing these beastial attrocities, makes you wonder how evil these terrorist are and why some posters don't seem to have a problem defending them. 🥴
  13. I'll take your word for that, but we were only talking about 114 Baht and to cut a long story short I re-ordered replacement acrylic salt and pepper pot mills as I couldn't find titanium pots on Lazada. If I had the same principles as I had when I was younger I would have told them to shove their wallet where the sun doesn't shine, but like a good wine I have mellowed with age.
  14. I received and glass salt and pepper mill set on Sunday and both the pots were smashed beyond recognition, I had no problem initiating a refund, seller has a couple of days to respond and if he doesn't respond Lazada automatically refunds the money to my wallet, seller never even bothered picking up the damaged goods. There doesn't seem a way to withdraw the funds from the wallet, but I can always find something useful to buy from Lazada with the refund.
  15. I usually buy a box of Tapper, better than the big three, but I bought a bottle of Singha Reserve and its even better. The shop where I buy booze has now started selling Carabao dark and light, tried the light and it's very palatable, looking forward to trying their dark stout. Cheers.
  16. Brilliant, they haven't written lyrics like that since Groucho Marx sang 'Lydia the tattooed Lady' 😂😂
  17. Does anyone know if you can renew an expired 5 year licence and if so how much grace do they give you, that is to say what is the cut off period? 🙏
  18. Again, did you not understand my post when I said that I've already answered that question, how many times must we answer questions before it sinks in?
  19. How do you select which posts to read or not to read, if you followed the the story of the thread you might not have to keep asking questions of posts that have already been answered! Try and keep up.
  20. The number of expats in Thailand has the Brits at number 1 (discounting other Asian countries) with 86,000, the US is the next nation with 40,000. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Thailand#:~:text=The largest foreign community are,by the Cambodians and Laotians.
  21. Laws of averages, there are more Brits in Thailand by a country mile than any other foreigners. 🇬🇧
  22. No because without the Palestian starting this war nobody would be getting killed, if you feel the need to blame somebody try pointing the finger at Hamas and their prolific followers. Israel has every right to try and make sure another massacre like we saw 100 days ago never happens again!
  23. Doesn't your Android tablet facilitate posting links, my does?
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