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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. They don't have immunity, if they commit a crime they can be sent to prison just like everyone else. Your hatred of the West is showing again!
  2. F16s won't give Ukraine air superiority as Russia as the ability to shoot down these planes just as Ukraine as the ability to shoot down Russian planes, but what they will provide is more protection from the glide missiles that the Russians are deploying from a high altitude.
  3. The original post I answered was about someone calling these sadistic cretins...."freedom fighters" I answered the question, sorry you didn't like my honest reply. So again you swerve, duck and dive and then change what we were discussing, these are vile people....why so much empathy for them. Be careful other posters might think you are a less than honest poster....and we wouldn't want that would we. .
  4. How about you stop making excuses for these monsters, "freedom fighters" my giddy aunt, still if it upsets you the terminology that describes these cretins I'm afraid that is something you're just going to have to live with!
  5. You may seeing you asked so nicely. They (Hamas & and their devoted followers) are so brainwashed that is as they believe were put on this Earth for to kill the Israelis and drive them from their land.
  6. If these barbaric thugs were to burn your house down with all your family in it, would you still be disingenuous and calling them "freedom fighters".
  7. Why doesn't the Hamas barbarians release the hostages, why did Palestine start this war in the first place and why won't man up and take responsibility for this war these sadistic hoards have caused.
  8. I wish you shared the same enthusiasm for the release of the Israeli hostages, and is a country that is at war with their enemy responsible for supplying food to their enemy, that is not how war works. 🥴
  9. Now that the US is blocking funding for Ukraine there are reports that Ukraine is running out of ammunition, it must be very worrying for them. https://youtu.be/ge6ZJ3ngO00?si=foRLmMzILjSg3dTp
  10. It must be very disappointing for you that the decision didn't go the terrorists way, but never mind eh.
  11. My Hitachi 155 xs does exactly the same on off....on off...on off, I drained some water from the bladder and replaced it and it worked fine for a few days then it started the same fault again. What I've noticed though when the tap is on and it's chugging away and I turn another tap on it runs ok. I don't want to buy a bladder if it really needs a new pump. @NoDisplayName have you tried opening another tap/faucet when it's hammering, looking forward to hearing the outcome.👍
  12. Well if the poster didn't have so many members on 'ignore' he wouldn't need you as his self appointed go-between to answer for him and he could answer for himself! Just a thought though.🥴
  13. Do you post anything but bickering posts, jeez, give it a rest.😡
  14. IMO Hamas were foolish to to take hostages in the first place and then go on and abuse them as they have done, they are now paying the price they so richly deserve.
  15. Whilst Hamas rejects the offer of a ceasefire Douglas Murray has evidence that the Hamas administration is paying the terrorists to kill Israelis.
  16. You are of course correct.... Palestinians are conditioned to hate and kill Israelis and that is not racist but fact!
  17. My wife did my pink ID Card, I just tagged along acting like an ornament, the village headman acted as a witness. The man from the district office came out to go through some paperwork at our house on one occasion (a few baht changed hands) and finally down to the district office for finger printing and for the photo taken. Had it about 4 years now, don't think I have ever used it, infact it's just like a bidet, nobody knows what it is used for, but it looks very impressive anyway. 🥴
  18. You admit to once being a tosser, I'm sure once a tosser always a tosser.
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