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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Easy enough to end this war, the terrorists give back the hostages and recognise Israel, but we all know the hate the some Palestinians have for Israel this will never happen, Hamas wants total genocide of the Israelis.
  2. Israel takes it eye off the ball and the Palestinian supporters have to turn to inane conspiracy theories to justify the heinous sadistic attack on Israel we have just witnessed in Israel. Just think yourself lucky that you have no relations that were subjected to horrendous torture before they were gruesomely slaughtered as you may be singing from a different song sheet. You should be ashamed!
  3. Just listened to this cover version of Fleetwood Macs 'Never Going Back Again' am I wrong to like it better than Lindsey Buckinghams version.
  4. I use adblockers but have no problem in that respect. 😉
  5. Am I correct in thinking that you and your buddy were discussing it and don't try playing the innocent party here as you have had too many spurious posts removed, and they wasn't removed because they were truthful, stop being disingenuous.
  6. Can you be less opaque and tell us these facts, not into dodgy links and conspiracy theories though.
  7. I got the message but when I disconnected my vpn it was fine. Not sure if this helps as I am not too computer savvy.
  8. Thorgal and Neeranam specialist pork family butchers, this weeks offer is quality spam. When you can't do facts what's left but conspiracy, laughable, gullible but not discussable.
  9. Yes it's like a man that drinks a couple of bottles of yadong every day repeating himself 'I'm not an alcoholic ya know, am not, hic'.
  10. If the Israelis didn't have any weapons Bill quite simply they would cease to exist, the catalyst that led to all this carnage was started by the Palestinian terrorists and many think that they should be brought to justice, I saw two sights today that greatly disturbed me bill, one was a naked unconscious female hostage being paraded in some street on the back of a pick up whilst being savagely being beaten with lengths of timber or anything else these savages could get their hands on, these people were not Hamas that was doing the beating the were ordinary Palestinians. The second was a image of a young lady that these savages had cut her Achilles's heel to prevent her from running away and just prior to that she had been brutally subjected to gang anal rape. These people must be brought to justice and swiftly before they have chance to subject anymore decent civilians to their sadistic savagery. But as I stated earlier, it is on record that Hamas has no intention of stopping their brutal attack on Israelis and as far as I'm concerned these murderous terrorists do not deserve a 'get out of jail for free card'.
  11. And you don't like it, you want Hamas to have free hand to wipe It Israel off the face of the earth, God bless America!
  12. Hamas has promised to keep on perpetrating these barbaric and sadistic attacks and the Israelis have a duty to protect their citizens, this war was started by Hamas on the 7th, the consequences were inevitable and Hamas has done nothing to protect its own citizens, infact quite the opposite, they are using them as human shields and the are not too bothered if they are killed as it will garnish unwarranted support by the hate brigade in the West. They are total vile animals and need illiminating at all costs. Don't forget that these animals have still got among others Israeli hostages, another war crime!
  13. But answering a simple question is critical to any debate. Like, does Israel forget about the hostages, would releasing the hostages ease the tensions in the Middle East, does Israel ignore the threats of Hamas to continuing to callously keep on murdering their citizens. Israel has a huge responsibility to protect its citizens.
  14. Oh hear we go, you are obviously not interest in debate and you are incapable of answering the basic of questions, all we get off you in reply is nonsense!
  15. What has that got to do with what I asked you, nothing. Don't forget who started this war!
  16. Ah the insults have started to arrive. You failed to mention the points I brought up so I'll refresh your memory, does Israel forget about the hostages and I repeat Hamas has stated it will carry on with these murderous incursions, does that not mean anything to you.
  17. Au contraire, the only thing that we can prove is that Hamas will never stop these endless attacks on innocent civilians, Israel has a big responsibility to protect its own citizens and they are just doing that. Strange how you never mention Hamas stopping bombing Israel though, why is that.
  18. The only people that can stop this war is the perpetrators that started it, releasing the hostages would go a long way to helping and I'm sure that like me you don't want the evil sadists who have committed these vile acts to go free. Would that be a fair summary. Let's not blame the victims here, the finger should be pointing at the perpetrators.
  19. Hello, my name is Michael Caine and I'm a nosy neighbour. "I stepped in to stop the bullying" we have a live one here who thinks he's Henry Kissenger. 😂
  20. When you side with terrorists you can't have any morals and just like yourself you are only left with verbal attacks.
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