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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Also, I had sudden onset arthritis in my knees that crippled me 2 years ago. The doctor told me to drop 30 pounds. I lost half of that and got my knees back 90%. Weight is a huge factor in knee discomfort.
  2. Walking isn't as high impact as running, but it's still impact. As mentioned, bicycling and/or swimming is a whole lot better for your joints.
  3. Forcefully and against the will of the woman? What the hell?!?
  4. My only hope is that these fools will crash and burn the US, as they are headed into, full speed ahead. When (if?) the public ever finally wakes up to the pillaging they are about to suffer, hopefully the election system won't be so completely rigged that the offenders can be booted the hell out.
  5. It's not the IQ, it's the intentional systematic destruction of the educational system. The average US citizen is now below the 6th grade reading level. Decades ago it was mandatory to pass a basic civics course in ALL schools, public and private, in order to graduate high school. That was one of the first things to go. If you don't understand what your rights are, you won't know when they are being violated. I honestly don't know how the US will ever pull out of this.
  6. What he has done is make it acceptable to feed the hate that had been hidden in so many citizens. Project 2025, the handbook for White Christian Nationalists to turn the US into a full-fledged Orwellian nightmare, is just a few weeks away. If you aren't White, you're out. If you're not a Nationalist Christian in accordance to THEIR archaic beliefs, you're out. Muslim bans are coming back, you watch. School lunches for needy kids are out, Christian Nationalist classes in schools along with mandatory purchases of bibles sold by the grifter in chief will be in. The US is in for some dark times. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I'd bet my bottom dollar a year from now all this garbage will come true.
  7. Why? Cuz THIS is how the squirrels running around under that dead orange gerbil on his head think:
  8. The real issue is that NO political leader should EVER shoot his or her mouth off so glibly. The man-child has once again put the US at odds with the rest of the normal-thinking world. We're back to waking up each Gawd-damned-day wondering what the fool did or said this time.
  9. And yet we're all falling into the trap, reading and clicking away. 😬
  10. Clickbait to generate AN traffic. Reads just like the Penthouse forum of yesteryear.
  11. Chanthaburi IO is just as bad. Been here over two years, the online reporting system worked ONCE. Not the latest, but the one right before, so I KNOW it's up to human interpretation - in other words, the mood of the frickin' officer that day. I'm fortunate enough to live less than two clicks away and, as it's a smaller place, there's never much of a line. STILL a nuisance.
  12. I learned that those laws are for the little people, not the top dogs, when Hillary had that email kerfuffle. She flat out broke the law that stated how she should have maintained that server in a secure setting but didn't. There was no denial from her, she broke that law which should have disqualified her from ever holding a government office of any sort again. Now we have a Nazi sympathizer running the shadow government before any actual transfer of power, and a felon about to be inaugurated as president (though we all know he'll be Musk's lapdog). Amerikkkanistan is no longer under the rule of law by any stretch of the imagination.
  13. And this is why we can't have adult conversations with you. Just cuz you don't like the guy doesn't warrant ridiculous, trite pap.
  14. If I did, you never answered. So it's intentionally - got it.
  15. I saw a clip of him climbing down from Marine One helicopter a few days ago. He damned near had to get on his hands and knees. He should have left when he promised to. Now his legacy will be forever tarnished as a stumbling, mumbling dotard.
  16. You really don't keep up, do you?
  17. Oh transam, why do you waste your time arguing with them? (to be clear, this is not you with the dissonance I'm referring to)
  18. The idiots are calling for the end of the FDIC. As I recall reading, this scenario was what brought about The Great Depression circa 1929.
  19. For all appearances it appears that Musk is calling the shots. A bipartisan bill was agreed to and presented, Speaker Johnson was ready to close the deal, then President Musk put out over 100 tweets screaming about killing the bill, which of course all the little sycophant muppets (INCLUDING the incoming president!) whimpered, "Yessir!" Welcome to the next four years.
  20. Imagine how Vice President Trump is gonna feel when he hears his new title?
  21. What SHOULD have happened is for Biden to have been good to his word to be a transitional (one-term) president, then have a real Democratic primary in which Harris would have had her ass handed to her. Then the Dems might have had a fighting chance.
  22. Well spoken! History will not treat Garland kindly.
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