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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. The whole effing last 10 YEARS has been the context. Nice try at obfuscation though.
  2. Yes. It's a Fox bullsh!t misdirection, but you already knew that.
  3. Deflecting AGAIN. What I said was the convicted felon said women should be punished for having abortions, you demanded a link. I just don't get it - you're not an American, why do you take such an unAmerican position? Are you on the Russian payroll?
  4. Joe gaffed as is his wont. If you're gonna start holding gaffs against someone, you can't throw shade his way unless you do so in a fair and balanced manner.
  5. Another member shared the link directly to you, you deflected. Next.
  6. Won't bother, you know it's true and I stopped wasting time on cultists a while ago. Remember - (DILDO)?
  7. Pleeeeeeeeze! He did advocate abortion bans until it became such a hot potato - you DO remember him saying that the woman should be punished for having an abortion? Or are you practicing selective amnesia again?
  8. What doesn't make sense is for politicians, REGARDLESS of what state they're in, making decisions about a woman's body. That should be strictly between the woman and her doctor. You know, if you're not one of those two then MIND YOUR OWN DAMNED BUSINESS! I grow so weary of this idiocy, especially when humans who can never get pregnant try and throw their weight around on this issue. If you can't get pregnant or aren't a doctor then your opinion doesn't matter.
  9. No, nice try. We bring facts to the table and red hat cultists reply using any or all of the following: (D) eflect (I) gnore (L) ie (D) eny (O) bfuscate Democrats never stormed the capitol, never attacked poll workers, never called Puerto Ricans garbage island dwellers, etc. etc. etc.
  10. The former president (he HATES being called that BTW) convicted felon/serial sex offender/proven fraudster has no morals, no ethics, no intelligence. Anyone who supports him is the same.
  11. That effing authenticator is a pure nightmare! I bought an Android that makes wifi calls and have an account with Tello.com. For less than $8/month, this setup has saved my bacon every month. WELL worth the price!
  12. Beyoncé has done more campaigning for VP Harris than Melania has done for her sponsor traitor husband. Take a moment to think about that.
  13. It generates clicks which equate to $฿$฿$฿$฿
  14. Certain hiso restaurants in Puerto Rico automatically add a gratuity. As a result, the servers couldn't care less and the service is abysmal.
  15. I am absolutely convinced those watches are only to circumvent campaign donation laws. They'll never be delivered either.
  16. Those "golden sneakers" were supposed to ship in July. Not ONE PAIR has been delivered. Anyone taking bets they never actually materialize? SO many suckers in this world. I would laugh except his fascist tendencies could affect me and the rest of the world. Same thing happened in Germany 1939 - remember how THAT turned out?
  17. Welcome back, Bob! We missed you.
  18. Sum num na! This idiot should have quit while he was on top of his game.
  19. Let's face it, there are plenty of messed up folks on both sides of the aisle. However, the fact that such a repugnant excuse for human flesh could rise to such a position of power, prove what a dirtbag traitor he is, THEN run AGAIN and find the support of millions is a reflection on the moral and intellectual decay the US has suffered. Our species needs a reboot.
  20. Yeah, it did and is continuining to do so. Old folks will be thrown off of Medicare should the convicted felon slither back in. https://www.protectourcare.org/59-years-later-medicare-and-medicaid-are-under-attack-as-republicans-wage-war-on-health-care/ This is a legitimate, SCIENCE based website, so MAGA minions will most likely ignore. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.protectourcare.org%2F
  21. He could never pass the background check to get hired there.
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