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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Funny how some things stick in your mind. I remember reading Stephen King's "The Stand" where Mother Abigail was thanking god for having had a decent bowel movement. Sounds like irregular bowels are something we all have something to look for if we live long enough. Yay?
  2. Rumors have it she will be put in charge of the space force so she can put those Jewish space lasers to good use shooting at Democrats.
  3. FO·MO /ˈfōmō/ noun informal anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media. "I realized I was a lifelong sufferer of FOMO"
  4. C'mon, weak! Dem's don't have a monopoly on politician liars.
  5. I can't argue with you about this, and the Dems really needed a reboot. I do believe, however, it will be a case of "be careful what you wish for." Time will tell.
  6. The sooner people with working brains realize there is no helping these trash-talking knuckle draggers, the better off we will be. A topic like this is just opening up a wound. Now folks will grab poop and start flinging it at the other side. Of course, the overlords of AN love it as it generates clicks.
  7. Oh, YOU know better than a doctor? Have you seen my ultrasounds? Were you there when the endoscopy was performed? I think you need to see a doctor to get a cranial assendectomy (get yer head out yer ass!). Talk about nonsense!
  8. Yeah, he won the 2024 presidential election. (Now, you KNEW that's where this would go)
  9. So you're a Fox viewer and quite accustomed to denying facts. Got it.
  10. Posts like this just confirm exactly what kind of trash you people are.
  11. No one gives two sh!ts what I think, it's the masses who are getting sick and tired of this division. As we can't seem to come to any friendly, common agreements using logic, it will possibly come to attacks. Republicans have twice the number of guns as Democrats, but from most of the Republicans I've seen, they'd have a hard time walking a mile or two to lift the weapons and shoot. Either way, it would be ugly.
  12. Sadly, this is the wrong forum to do that. Sides have been clearly delineated. You will never change a MAGA opinion. This is red meat to them, they LOVE to eff with you! An interesting read here, explaining how the US has become a factionalized anocracy [a degenerating democracy] that is quickly approaching the open insurgency stage. A second civil war is brewing, we're closer than we want to admit. https://fpif.org/how-to-counter-fascism/
  13. While I admire your tenacity and agree with 99% of what you post, you're just wasting your time. You will NEVER get past the dense layers of denial Fox viewers have plastered on their heads. The best we can do is sit back, make a big bowl of popcorn, and watch the sh!tshow as it unravels. Intentionally uninformed/misinformed Amerikkka has decided this is the tack she is now going to take. And remember, Amerikkka has an average reading level below 6th grade. https://map.barbarabush.org/#:~:text=130 million Americans—54% of,of a sixth-grade level. Who was it that said he loves the poorly educated? THIS is why the last election was lost.
  14. I have both Apple and Windows. Over time, for all the things I do on a computer, I retired the Apple. It's just easier to get things done, and as a teacher, I don't have the luxury of going against the current. The ONLY thing I ever found that the Apple did that Windows couldn't - I bought an electric piano from China, and I tried every patch to get Windows to recognize it, nothing worked. I plugged it into the Apple and it connected instantly. I think you could plug a toaster into an Apple and it would find a way to associate. I just don't have a need for a digitally connected toaster.
  15. It's clear major change was needed. The Democratic message that really frosted me was "The economy is fine. What's the matter with YOU?" Corporate greed ran rampant - hell, they even BRAGGED about it. Instead of using pressure to stop corporate price gouging, the Biden administration tried that old tactic of giving the people a few crumbs before the election in the hope to win them over. Not so different from Musk offering that million dollar offer to buy votes. Obviously that didn't work and we now have the only alternative that was available. This will prove disasterous. The choices for the new cabinet belong on an Onion website as ridiculous as they are. The incoming regime will destroy the gubmint and rebuild it in a White Christian Nationalist vision. That's what the majority of the voters asked for, let's see how happy they are when reality sets in.
  16. And some posters aren't smart enough to comprehend an entire response, it taxes their little lizard brains too much.
  17. The trouble is the incoming guy's agenda is far too extreme and will show to be downright cruel - AGAIN. Should the Biden administration have done more? Absolutely! This whole damned thing boils down to BOTH sides refusing to make common sense laws cuz it wins too many votes. All that is needed is real border security (enforced!) and an easy to obtain worker visa. Until humane policies are put in place, this football will be kicked back and forth with legit migrant workers, their families, and agriculture caught in the middle.
  18. I've WORKED with FEMA folks before, but there's no way this is any sort of policy, written or unwritten. I didn't read the article considering the source, the headline was enough to know it was a bullsh!t hit piece.
  19. Americans should Google "Mark Cuban's cost plus pharmacy" Game changer. I'm sure Big Pharma is none too pleased, but Cuban is already a billionaire and doesn't care.
  20. Posts don't get removed unless they go against AN standards, so you're going to blame @Jingthing? Do you see the illogic in your post?
  21. The fact you don't understand what LGBTQ is and merely cast them all as trans shows extreme ignorance. I honestly don't know ONE trans person.
  22. I have many LGBTQ friends around the US. They have suffered insults and personal attacks which have skyrocketed over the last few months. More than a few are seriously considering seeking life elsewhere as White Christian Nationalists are now taking over.
  23. Google searches showed a 400% surge in searches on moving to Canada. Give it time. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/google-searches-for-move-to-canada-have-increased-in-us-heres-why/articleshow/115107185.cms
  24. Yes, the US elected an old man with dimentia.
  25. I agree with your thought, but this is not the way to go about it. These topics are only going to continue the name calling and poop throwing.
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