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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I'm surprised they even discussed it. They typically ignore that which they don't want their bleating sheep to hear.
  2. People who immerse themselves in propaganda do NOT want the facts to rise up and bite them in the arse.
  3. I recommend ignoring trolls. Some fools just get off trying to get people to argue with them. No logic or point to their pap, just trying to upset as many and as much as possible. Typically lonely alcoholics with nothing better to do.
  4. I don't like Joe. I think he's done a wonderful job during his first term but while campaigning for the 2020 election he said he would be (and I quote) "a bridge to new generation of leaders." https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/09/politics/joe-biden-bridge-new-generation-of-leaders/index.html This clearly meant one term. He has gotten far too long in the tooth and hubris has grabbed him by the short hairs, making him think he's the only one who can fix the 2024 election. Remind you of a fat, orange skinned fraudster who claims HE'S the only one who can fix the US? Having said that, this article is a dreadful hit piece that has no credibility. "Catastrophic presidency?" Bitches, please! If you want to critique his policies, there is plenty to scrutinize, but "catastrophic" is way too far over the top.
  5. For the last time (and c'mon now, I've used small words!): The best BIPARTISAN bill ever was presented. Repubs killed it cuz their puppet master told them to. You tried claiming no border efforts being made. The garbage you keep regurgitating is another issue altogether, worthy of debate, but not here. Move on. This is supposed to be about the false narrative involving Biden's impeachment. Stop deflecting.
  6. Classic deflection. You accused lack of effort in protecting the border, I told you the Repubs have blocked that effort, you traipse off in another deflective direction. Again - that dog don't hunt.
  7. You can't legitimately go there. Repubs killed the best border bill EVER cuz the obnoxious fat loser wants to use this issue as an election argument. Even Lyndsey Graham said they will never get a better compromise all around yet the bill was killed by Speaker Johnson (appointed by gawd, by the way) cuz his puppet master told him to kill it. That dog don't hunt.
  8. Occasionally, I put a clothespin on my nose and watch Faux Noise (know your enemy). On this issue they are saying "We still have a treasure trove of evidence" yet can't provide ONE single example of credible evidence. Our brethren who ignorantly but faithfully wear the red hat have this garbage poured into their empty heads and they are blindly soaking it up, resulting in the childish arguments on this forum. If the results of electing that obnoxious fat loser didn't impact all of us in such a serious manner, I'd shrug my shoulders and sigh a quiet "meh." But it DOES impact us all, regardless of nationality. The ONLY reason the MAGA politicians are cramming this waste of time and money down the taxpayers throats is so the obnoxious fat loser can claim, "Well Biden got impeached, too." Deplorable doesn't begin to describe those who are using these kind of tactics to bring down a political opponent.
  9. And the company manufacturing them is based in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Making America Great Again?
  10. My only argument to this is the few 45 sycophants who are still in my circle of friends (only to keep piece in my immediate family!) are not stupid. They are successful in their lives' endeavors, successful in business and real estate, and ABSOLUTE BIGOTS! The things they say I cannot post anywhere on a social media platform. When I visit the states and am required to make appearances at their homes, I make the trips as short and as infrequent as possible. They ALWAYS have Faux Noise playing in the background. Sad.
  11. And yet tens of millions of red hat sheep are saying THIS is their guy. Shake My <deleted> Head!
  12. I often wonder if some on this forum seemingly bending the knee to that fraudster are only here to stir up controversial bull pucky or are they really that gullible and/or stupid?
  13. Pro tip: Do NOT entrust the nuclear codes to a guy who can't operate a hot dog cart on 53rd and 3rd.
  14. GAWD how this lack of awareness is getting old. The banks dared not argue with that fraudster cuz he would leave a trail of dead companies which disagreed with him in his wake. Even the largest of financial institutions turned a blind eye for fear of the legal entanglements.
  15. INTEREST ALONE is $1 million USD PER WEEK whether or not he appeals. If he DOES appeal, he then has to post bond. In his current deleterious financial situation, no credible bank will front him THAT kind of cash, so he's looking for a Tony Soprano to back him. He's also quietly liquidating assets at a rapid pace to raise much needed capitol. The future is looking mighty grim for teflon Don and I could not be happier that the chickens are FINALLY coming home to roost!
  16. It he had just stayed in New York playing his games and grabbing women indiscriminately, he'd probably still be getting away with it. Icarus ain't got NOTHING on this loser.
  17. That is strictly THAT officer having a bad day. I did just what you stated, a map printed from Google, which the Chanthaburi IO gladly accepted. This brought the officers right to my condo, harassing me within a week or two. I suggest you draw a really crappy map that takes them to the middle of a rice field, and if they complain, explain that's the best you can do by hand.
  18. I hadn't heard about that: https://www.nme.com/news/music/lady-gaga-282-1277040
  19. I thought curbing the use of incense was gonna fix all of this. ???
  20. But he never was a REAL president and doesn't REALLY know how to do the job. AND he had the nuclear football. Fercrhissake, people want THAT again?!?
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