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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. The post just above yours from @joecoolfrog says it all in a nutshell.
  2. Years ago I used to occasionally bump into a BiB in social settings. This guy was an upper muckety muck in Pattaya, a big fish in a little pond. He was also pro-Thaksin. When Thaksin was ousted, this BiB was reassigned to a neutered post with NO more brown envelopes coming his way. He quickly went bankrupt - lost his apartments, his cars, and his wife left him. Those brown envelopes aren't just a myth or a nice little side income.
  3. By definition, none of that is actually food. ????
  4. Obviously only the legal ones with their brown envelope cards up to date were working.
  5. I don't stand much of a chance of getting shot by my six-year-old students in Thailand. America? Too many people packing heat both inside and outside the school.
  6. This is a double edged sword. Investigating Biden will most likely result in poor housekeeping but an honest mistake on the part of a man slipping into dotage. Biden also complied fully with getting the documents back to the right stewards. On the other hand, the tangerine traffic cone of treason repeatedly obstructed the return of the documents he stole. This enables stiff punishment to be doled out. Careful what you wish for, Gym old boy!
  7. They keep making these claims and we keep reminding them you can't polish a turd.
  8. Same thing happened to me. I used regular Thai mail, whatever level they had that let me track it. The document arrived safe and in a reasonable amount of time.
  9. Does it have to be obtained in Thailand? Might another country get you what you need?
  10. That worked so well for the Indian tourists, didn't it?
  11. Will retirees get taxed as well?
  12. Until there's proper driver's education, this is senseless. Besides, you are messing with the BiB's personal cookie jar, so it's doomed from the start.
  13. Regent's in Pattaya. A very fine school.
  14. They are effectively paid to get students educated. That's the whole point of a quality school.
  15. I worked at both Regent's and St Andrew's. If you weren't an absolute top drawer, qualified teacher, you were shown the exit. Again, they pay their teachers a very good wage AND can fail students who don't perform.
  16. Hope no one got whiplash from that speedy 180!
  17. It WAS assigned to her. That was a hot potato (or maybe a loaded grenade?) President Biden threw her way as one of his first acts as president.
  18. He assigned that to VP Harris and SHE is the one who has failed miserably.
  19. Deflecting, that wasn't the question. The question was "Why (can't we discuss the issue)?
  20. On the contrary. They all know what to do - put a functional worker visa in place. It's too emotional an issue to settle. This keeps everyone barking at each other, distracting them while the government is robbing them blind.
  21. Nonsense. That's like saying, "We'll have to wait until no more water is seeping in before we can discuss fixing the dike."
  22. What more can we say that hasn't been said ad nauseum?
  23. The first post led to a LOT of confusion. When sydneybear (SB) initially posted possession of an MBA but no Bachelors, I thought SB's understanding of an MBA was different than a typical MBA, and I STILL don't understand how anyone can get an MBA without first earning a Bachelors. Something just doesn't pass the smell test.
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