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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. Maybe charge them for a visa and no more free entry.
  2. You can now add "chest pain" and then act unresponsive to the list of BS reasons why you caused a crash.
  3. What a f'n crock! And when the 'legal' casinos are built, there will be a flood of drug trafficking.
  4. This story reads like it originated from a different source, one with a higher level of intelligence than typical LOS media reporting.
  5. Yea, just like your one-sided opinion that seems to support the war and love of Russians.
  6. Bull crap...there was a story just a few days ago highlighting factories that are closing or have closed. It was specifically speaking about Suzuki and Subaru but the news story included the big picture also. New biz openings are small and don't contribute to the GDP. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/many-thai-industries-in-battle-for-survival/
  7. It looks small to me...the Global Hawk drone carries missiles almost the size of that Thai drone....I thought it was some kind of hobbyist drone.
  8. Working for about 30 to 40 TBH an hour, depending on how many hours per day.
  9. Give him High Fives.
  10. Chest x-rays every year but did not have any lung health concerns?? "was generally healthy, with no history of smoking or chronic illness." Nah...there's more to this than is provided. Getting a chest x-ray every year is not routine unless there are lifestyle or health concerns. ( If you have lung issues, stay away from birds, especially aviaries or regular contact with birds. )
  11. Statista is a non-reliable source of data. Statista is an image source, not a data source.
  12. Another driver with a 14 year old brain driving a car.
  13. We're not calling them transgenders any more?
  14. Stupid motorbike operator has no one to blame except their own stupidity. He is responsible to prevent getting into an accident. Thinking it was the bag that was on the road that the motorbike ran over, is like saying it's the fire department's fault for not getting to a fire sooner to keep the house from burning or catching on fire.
  15. Are Thai people burning the ground so they can find the mushrooms later this year? Or who/what is setting the fires??
  16. Gearstick?? Do you mean like the shifter? WTH, why did it need replacing?
  17. What do you need a 4x4 for? If not on a farm, are you traveling off the road in sand or mud?
  18. Yep, a drunk POS.
  19. Yes...100%. Maybe in a specific country people can't retire and draw a pension. An example the US, a person enters military service at 18, spends 20 years, and can retire with a pension at 38; then start another career and work again for a set amount of years and get a second pension after some period of time, that could be several years less than another the first 20 year career; then draw even a third pension, or fourth pension.
  20. Misleading News, calling a Thai man a tourist in News Headlines...but he is a domestic tourist. Reading the headline and not actually reading the storyline sounds like another farang in the news. But no, the driver is Thai, visiting Bang Saray from some other city.
  21. The difference is building codes, inspections, standards, licensing, and more. One country has few, the other country has many and they are enforced.
  22. Thanks George for your post with a picture of the correct insurance coverage paper example for renting a car. I printed it and will keep for my next rental in a few months. The Brit and his Thai wife that I rent from has the correct type, and it reads exactly the same as your example and noted in 1, 2, and 3 on the picture.
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