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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Thanks gents! If the pharmacies sell at the same price as street hawkers, am I "safer" buying from pharmacy? Or am I being overly paranoid? My street purchase experiences in BKK have always been good, as far as I can tell I've never been sold crap so I guess same applies in Patts? Thanks again, dudes.
  2. As the title suggests, I have a bit of an emergency. Currently in Pattaya and have a triple header unexpectedly scheduled for late tonight (hey, YOLO, right?), but that ain't gonna happen for this 50-yr-old pirate without some chemical intervention. In short, I'm looking for the typical blisterpacks (4 pills per pack) of: Kamagra or Caverta or Levitra In Bangkok I know where the reliable street dealers are but not familiar with Patty. Help a brother out, gents. I'm staying at the Hilton/Central, so pretty centrally located and can walk anywhere within reason to get them. PS. Not too concerned about a few baht more or less, but don't want to get ripped off either - are the prices are generally identical to Bangkok here, i.e. 200 bt/pack?
  3. 100 Hail Marys and a bowl of masala, Apu!
  4. See? Now you're getting it. Because that is GENERALLY true! ????
  5. Paying a normal/fair/competitive price for a beer in a bar is now considered LoSo, lol. Ok. Ya got me I guess.????
  6. Generalizations are called generalizations because they are generally true.☺️
  7. It's free here. In bars they always charge me 60 baht/beer to sit down and rant like a lunatic! Thank Jesus you're not in charge.
  8. How does one add him/herself to the organ donor database/system here, specifically in case of a fatal accident? Does this choice even exist? Entry on Thai driver license? In the US and a few other countries I've lived in I've always had it on my license (as well as a DNR directive in case of brain death). I'll assume that due to various nonsensical beliefs/faiths, organ donation is nowhere near as common here as in countries/cultures where the population is more scientifically educated? But still, surely there's a way? Or am I being a total dumbazz asking an obvious TiT question? PS. Asking for a friend only. I personally have no desire to donate here unless it's a direct living donation i.e. I have control over who gets what (no way I'd let any of my organs get transplanted into some near dead moron who just caused a fatal accident while drunk/excessive speeding and as a result of the crash needs a new whatever - I'd only donate to someone who is not a waste of air) .
  9. Just truthful criticism. You should hear me when I start ranting about the many nasty habits of members and ethnic groups within my own nationality... ????
  10. Rather racist comment, you must have a very low self esteem. If that's racist than I suggest you spend a few hours time locked up in a steel tube at 35k ft with 300 Indians (or just a normal non-ventilated aircon resto in, say, Bangalore or anywhere else in the country). I "did time" there before retiring. S-hole. Worst 2 yrs of my life in terms of overall quality of life (having maids/drivers etc doesn't mean a thing when you're in hell) but the package my company offered was simply too good to turn down. Not even joking, my 2yr stint in Lagos/Nigeria was like Switzerland in comparison, and Nigeria is one of the worst places on earth to be an expat. Better to be a racist than a truth-denying snowflake. Not sure what that has to do with self esteem as I'm obviously superior.????
  11. As long as they finally start wearing deodorant and don't smell like a woodpile of anal glands I don't really care. Hell, I totally approve of their cheapness. Anyone who minimizes the greedy bar owners' profits is ok in my book.
  12. 91 total federal & felony charges covering 4 future trials. Wonder what the Vegas betting odds are of actual prison time for the teflon orangutan....
  13. But .....the guy told the donor that he didn't want the money, so I don't really see it as a scam. I mean, if some strange dude wants to buy me a beer at the bar because he listened to me mentioning to the hot cute bartender that I'm a US Navy Seal medical doctor on holiday in Thailand right before I start my new career as an astronaut, and I tell him thanks but no thanks, and he still insists.....hell, I'm just gonna give in and accept that idiot's drink. ???? PS. Believe it or not - there's actually a Korean-American dude that has all the above credentials, and it ain't me. I'd hate to be his sibling 555.....
  14. Arable decent quality farm land, or any land near major roads....always a good buy now and in the near future when presented the chance. Just for example, I've been looking at highway-vicinity plots in central Buriram for a house build about 15km from the big city and already a 20, sometimes 30%-ish increase from a coupla years ago. In Phuket where I'm based....absolutely bonkers how the prices have increased the last 7-10 years. Basically Hawaii/Oahu level.
  15. The only thing good about Cam is the airport because it provides the fastest method of getting as far away for that Bud Light of a country as possible. S-hole is too nice to describe that woodpile of anuses.
  16. So a person who is poor and was never a brainwashed professionally trained killer got a few bucks, even when he said he didn't want it (maybe because he felt guilty?). I see that as a good thing. Tell your moron of a friend to put on his adult diaper and STFU about it already. It's kinda embarrassing, really.
  17. Rawdog is the norm. More & nicer beaches (8000+ islands!) Christianity as the national sport is more relatable (even for an atheist like me). Locals are more culturally relatable to Westerners, especially Muricans. Slightly cheaper. English generally somewhat intelligible. Can't think of anything else except liberal visa policies and easy/inexpensive permanent residency (SRRV). Otherwise a total s-hole in terms of economic policy, culture of corruption, infrastructure, crappy local cuisine, an absolute lack of pride (yet still thinking their country is somehow "superior") resulting in constant begging if they know you have money, etc etc. - Failippines.
  18. Am I understanding this correctly? Your friend donated/sent $150 to someone in Thailand who actually told him he didn't want any money (even telling your friend to just donate it to someone else)? But your friend insisted, sent it (via a friend), and is now somehow whining that the receiver isn't really from a profession he thought he was? Where exactly is this "scam"? All I see is a pushy do-gooder retard who just can't take a "no".....
  19. Concur, had my first ever package of them last night. Decent.
  20. 30k/month in Bungcuck/Poocrap,Puttaya etc. for a whore wife/gf sounds about right, @500/day for boom boom + 500 (more than a daily McJob wage after all) for pocket money.
  21. So are there crematoriums that have no affiliation whatsoever with temples/monks etc? Just a regular business that you can pay a few thousand baht or whatever for the gas to BBQ your azz?
  22. TGM - Thai German Meats, available in almost ever major sper/hypermarket. Stupid expensive and only about mid level quality IMO but still 100000x better than the disgusting versions made for the local palates.
  23. I have the same problem in the crappy "lipstick on a pig" $200k "luxury" condo in Phuket I've intermittently lived in for the last 8 years. It takes about 6-8 weeks (depending on humidity/time of year) of normal Phuket weather to develop mold on my bed frame, sheets and pillows, which also has a crappy quality leather covered headboard. So over the years I've learned to take off all fabric items before I go away on longer trips, and just deal with wiping down the wooden frame and headboard with mold remover once I return. Mattress has never been affected, oddly. This time I was gone for only 15 days and came back to THIS - thought a friggin' sheep had died on the bed! I know that there are products that instead of just removing it, also prevent future spore buildup, like concobrium, but I haven't been able to find anything here (Lazada, shoppee etc) that seem to do the job. Unfortunately, I can only leave the two balcony doors open about 1 cm, otherwise rain will be brought in by the wind. I I'm soooo pissed, this time I had to trash my super comfy/expensive duck down pillow, the only one I can sleep on and get a good night's....
  24. As always in these situations, dump the useless old "girl" and get get a younger model. Personally. I prefer mine to not spurt because I'm straight.
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