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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Yikes. You can actually see some passenger bodies being violently ejected upwards/sideways out of the fuselage in the cloud of debris in the first 2 seconds after impacts.
  2. Watching a presser now. Tower sent a bird warning, 1 minute later pilot sends mayday, 1 min later they're down.
  3. Depends on the weight of the bird(s) and velocity. If it ingests a coupla big ass Canada geese, it won't fare too well.
  4. It was this way long before Asiana 214. Numerous incidents attributed directly to seniority culture. An extreme example was the KAL 747 that went into Nimitz Hill in Guam (hundreds dead). Has it improved in the meantime? Sure. But as someone who knows a little bit about this culture (as well as the industry), I'm not convinced that the old ways/habits have gone away as much as they need to, and neither are quite a few friends of mine who have worked as sim trainers for the 2 big K carriers in ICN. Having said that, it's way too early to speculate. But it sure as heck to me is looking like a situation that didn't need to end this badly. But what do I know, I'm just a AN monkey.
  5. Korean carriers have had many many incidents/accidents and historically have a REALLY bad CRM and crew hierarchy culture. We'll see if this played a part once again, or what factors came together to cause this. Perfect weather, adequate runway.
  6. If every tourist stopped using jet skis, there'd be no scams. If every tourist stopped paying 100 baht for 40 bt motorbike taxi rides, there wouldn't be any overcharging. If every tourist stopped paying 2000-5000+ for kitty, it would cost 500-800 like it does Thai men. See where I'm going with this?
  7. When I can't wipe my own ass anymore or start losing my marbles, I hope I have the balls to take 2mg of fentanyl and go sleepy bye. 50 now, would be nice to make it to 70 or a bit more in good health/mind.
  8. Wrong incident. That was the Azerbaijan Air one.
  9. Nasty. No gear, full speed into the barrier. Latest update is only 3 survivors pulled out of the wreckage so far. Out of 181 total souls on board (incl 2 Thai nationals).
  10. Where there's bananas, there's gonna be monkeys.
  11. Only your passive aggressive azz seems to care one iota about your ability, or rather, pathetic Downy level inability to use the internet. NOGAS
  12. Reason #28365533 to never buy a condo here (I'm a 2-time idiot in that respect). The condo management can put up all the "Rentals under 30 days are illegal" signs they want, nothing is ever (or very rarely) enforced when push comes to shove, or it is dealt with super late.
  13. Just jump off the ledge.
  14. Last night in soi 8 a fairly well dressed, clean cut and very drunk Australian loso trash POS bogan in his late 40s/early 50s walked by my table where I was sitting with my friend's 13 yr old son while his mom was getting a massage and offers me bang bang nose powder. Told him to f off and walk away and fortunately he did without any further words. Could've easily ended up a bit of an unwanted detour to the popo shop as doing that in front of a kid in my charge is pretty much the only thing that would get me to end someone's health to a degree that medical science would not be able to fix anytime soon at this stage in my life. Not really a girly bar, just a handful of tables along the street that used to be great for people watching. And 8 is/used to be generally a fairly tame soi without too many deekheads.
  15. Nigerian Americans. Tyrone DeShaun Okembe. His sister is LaQueefa Kiara Shanice Okembe.
  16. No need to spend money, just drop pants in public.
  17. Just curious - what do you mean by "juristic fees"? I pay, for the 60sqm condo I own in Phuket, the usual monthly electric (to PEA) and water (to condo) bill and that's it. And every 6 months there's a bill of just over 15k for the bldg/common areas/ upkeep/maintenance etc etc.
  18. Upside - at least it will make the AFD stronger.
  19. Only when they piss me off. Then the singlet comes off and I wear a shirt with sleeves and shoes with strings. Drives them into a frenzy.
  20. I thought Koreans are supposed to be smarter than downy baboons. Would expect this from Brits/Aussies etc......
  21. I have Mighty Mouse inked on my arm. Always gets a chuckle from folks and kind of disarms my rather imposing, somewhat intimidating Polynesian physical features and natural facial expressions.
  22. At least no one is using the word "tragic" in the article. Just another nothingburger of a deleted tourist that probably didn't need to be.
  23. Sometimes the death of a piece of sh__ doesn't need justification in order for most of us can just bask in the warmth of that wonderful righteous feeling.
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