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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. I don't care anymore. Free booze at funerals.
  2. Shock collars work wonders, although I'm sure the sensitive soyboy brigade here will chime in with their PETA mouth farts.
  3. You've never stepped foot in the country, have you?
  4. Special order Truvada from her.
  5. 40 years here is the UFC equivalent of an amateur non-tranny female fighter taking on 40 fights with professional male fighters in the same night and KOing every single opponent. I salute you, hero.
  6. Silly me, I should've remembered before posting how the citizenry of this place dutifully follow the laws of this wonderfully lawful society. Gee, just this morning I TOTALLY didn't see my Thai neighbor law dump 2 tons of trash in the TOTALLY lawfully designated landfill in the middle of the forest in his TOTALLY legally plated, TOTALLY insured pickup which he's TOTALLY licensed to drive and TOTALLY never drives drunk off his azz. 😁 I TOTALLY don't see any of this type of unlawful behavior from morning till evening, every single day.
  7. Fair enough, it is indeed an ASSumption. But.....in all my years here, it's an assumption based on probability. I'd put that probability at about 80% simply from the fact of the article (time of night, obvious high speed, bike type, etc.)
  8. I think the word "tragic" is really wrongly overused a lot here in the English language media and people online when referring to a death like this. There is nothing tragic about it. Just a fool taking himself out of the genepool himself in the most Darwinian and common way possible in Thailand. Had the guard been killed by the bike slamming into his guard shack, that would have been tragic. I reserve empathy for accidents/deaths that are truly just bad luck accident deaths or disease.
  9. The UK (and many other countries) really should stop issuing passports to people who don't have at least GBP 30k in the bank and an IQ under 90.
  10. I was hoping for at least a few non-retarded replies before this exact mensa-fail inevitably came, but ok. Now that we've got it over with....😁 Anyone?
  11. This must be the new woke phrasing for "hookers"....
  12. Does anyone here know any falang who has won "real" (not a few hundred or thousand baht, or even 100,000) money in the Thai lottery - and received every satang of it minus the mandatory tax/processing fee etc.? What would you do if you discovered you have the winning ticket to, say, 6 or 12 million baht? Personally, I'd probably first upload a Youtube video of me holding it (not necessarily making it public, just to have it as evidence), then I'd go to a (trusted) lawyer and maybe only then start the claim with the lottery office. Or would this be overly paranoid? Would you just go to the lottery office or where the official place is to claim your prize without any precautions? As clear cut as the law seems to be on this (i.e. falang being allowed to win/claim), part of me always thinks that somehow "they" would try to f__k a out of foreigner out of or all of it. For goggles, let's both example of a happily married (with a Thai) falang, and a married falang who doesn't quite trust the wife with such an amount, and totally single/unattached falang. What would you do?
  13. Rockapes will be rockapes.
  14. If our "home branch" is too far away, can we go to ANY branch?
  15. The clueless uneducated blue collar western trash AN demographics which are really strongly represented in this thread are going to be very disappointed right around the middle of January.😂
  16. Tyson can move internal organs in his opponents.
  17. Maybe you can then also change your gender identity to 'sad failed suicide penguin."
  18. Just another muzzer monkeyboy.
  19. Half of America is so retarded that a disciplined dictatorship is not a bad thing.
  20. I didn't make it clear - I'm talking specifically about a massive hike 13-16th, not after that as prices seem seasonally normal again after the 16th ish.
  21. Trying to book a 5-star in Sukhumvit area, but all are at least double, some tripe and even quadruple the normal prices. What's going on in the kok? Special event/holidays or something?
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