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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Just put him on a cargo ship as a paying pax in a crew berth. It's not like he'll care that it takes weeks because he won't even know, and most of the vessels areas are restricted (locked) so at most he'll be able to wander around the common areas in amazement how big the Hindenburg is!^^^
  2. Lol, so we are to believe the driver let them go inside and waited so long for them to return from the ATM/seek help from security that the flight had already taken off? Suuureeee..... 800 is what airport and/or normal taxis charge. 500-650 is the normal fare range from Patong to HKT for ride apps, regardless of whatever silliness the Bolt algo might cough up sometimes. Never mind the number of times a Bolt driver has accepted one of my ride request, and then messages that "I'm coming in a different car/different license plate" only to try to reneg the fare. So while Indians are not my fave tourist demographic, I'm not exactly upset about this one.
  3. I'm highly OCD so I really like my Thai symmetrical tats even after many years (arms only). They've been somewhat therapeutic in that respect, and I still get the odd (seemingly honest) compliment from locals which is kinda nice. My only advice is for folks to do it once they are financially set for life and have no one to answer to.
  4. Would you go to a crocodile show here and be that one volunteer from the audience who sticks his head into a dinosaur's mouth, trusting the words of a "professional" Thai croc trainer that everything will be "no plomplem"..??? If yes, the go right ahead you silly little tax simps.
  5. The tax simp is strong with this one....
  6. Assuming this is undeclared cash, depositing it is perfectly "safe" in that your Thai bank has no reporting duty of such a deposit amount to the revenue service.
  7. Kinda thought it was a bull based on pics but whatevs. Brit nutcase with bad taste, go figure. And all this hoopla over a lousy GBP 400k, pathetic.
  8. Nope, fully red blooded white collar capitalist pig here. I despise Western blue collar trash (especially the bogan demographics that visit Thailand).
  9. It's like when I lived in Detroit and almost nightly heard gangland gunshots going off in the hood. As long as it's just a bunch of "Caesars" fighting other Caesars and no collateral damage, no one really really gave a sht.
  10. So with the 500 baht fine he'll get, he now owes 103,000,500.
  11. Blue voters on average have more wealth/income/education, so it's really one of those "this is going to hurt you more than it's going to hurt me" things. I generally dislike most cultural aspects of MuriKKKa, so either way it'll be fun to watch the world's only true expansionist/imperialist nation being brought to its knees by its idiot voters' (both sides) own choices. Just feel sorry for the (20% or so) reasonably well adjusted ones.
  12. I have a great idea. Get the infested European countries on board to share the cost of turning it into a giant Nauru-like detention/pre-repatriation camp and let Denmark use it for free. Everyone happy. And Greenlanders get well paid secured jobs as guard for decades to come.
  13. Only part of this fable I believed is that the a-hole is a Brit.
  14. Cultural enrichment type of "French".... Soon to be relocated to Greenland.
  15. What do you say to a slut who is just coming out of the abortion clinic and asks you if you want to go for a drink? "Sweetie, that's probably not good on an empty stomach."
  16. A bit harsh. I can understand how one might confuse HKT's arrival/departure halls (or for that matter, entire sois in Pattaya/BKK) for the Ganges.
  17. From the looks of it, a cultural enrichment immigrant to Europe.
  18. I really don't like to talk about this time in history. My grandfather died in Ausschwitz (fell off the watch tower). Now I participate in weekly alcoholocausts in his memory. Interestingly, isn't the prefix "holo" a word that denotes something that's not real? Hologram.....etc.
  19. Age 29, broke, freshly divorced, angry, nearly homeless, drunk with a gun in my mouth for a few seconds before I realized I didn't have the nuts to do it. Pretty much went up like bitcoin from there. Made my first million 8 yrs later (50% luck, 50% clever idea) and retired to SEA. What I realize now is that had I actually pulled the trigger, the world would not have been any worse or better off than it is now. No one except for a very few people in the world is really special.
  20. 90% is entertaining in as far as watching retarded puppies run into walls is amusing. 10% is useful info sharing.
  21. Not medical advice, just MY personal experience: CKD can be somewhat reversible IF you have hard core discipline. I (age 52) went from being diagnosed stage 3.....3.5 back to stage 2 lab levels within 6 months of starting a complete and extreme lifestyle change (stopped smoking/drinking, eat kidney healthy food only, exercise a lot, weight control etc.) Saw a total of three nephrologists at "top tier" private hospitals in BKK, Phuket and Korat, none of whom had very good communication skills. In the end, I educated myself. IMO, do NOT rely solely on doctors and assembly line insurance mill private hospitals here that seem to have zero interest in a proper patient/doctor relationship. Having said that, I could not have done it without the help of my dietician. Hardest/longest part was getting the massive amounts of protein out of my urine. Feel like I did as a 30 yr old now, so the CKD was ironically/arguably the "best" thing that's happened to me. Best of luck.
  22. Let me save you a few baht: She sucks more pipe than a plumber lays each and every day your silly simping azz is away from her. You're welcome.
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