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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Well done.....you've learned to copy and paste.....a skill well beyond most Trumpettes.
  2. Like I give a flying...........what she thinks..............there's only one woman I listen to in my life....... TAYLOR SWIFT.
  3. There is no evidence that McDonald’s has disputed her work experience. Claims that McDonald’s said they have “no record” of her working there have been rated false by fact-checkers, indicating that this narrative is not based on any official statement from the company
  4. Worth a try. Bang out your own TM30.....I do my own under my wife's name and tabian baan..... Every step of the way they make things awkward. I filled all my forms for the last extension......rejected....... I used black ink......have to use blue now??????
  5. ........and what are the effects ELEVATED of cholesterol ... ? Pretty dumb comment all round......your body is primarily water....drink too much of it and you die.....grasp the concept????
  6. Got to admit I'm surprised how favorable these results are for Trump.......UK 32%.....how sad is that.......mainly down to our right wing press I imagine.
  7. You're right....schoolboy error...this is only Tuesday's policy....doh!
  8. Trump cares about one thing only.
  9. OMG...are you serious?.....that is exactly what you applauded Trump for....the right for states to decide.....do you not see the irony??????
  10. YEP........saw it on the same channel Vance was watching when he saw those cats being BBQd.
  11. "I'll tell you what's scary, the abortion without limitations" "Walz last year signed a law removing many of the restrictions on abortion" See the difference in your two statements??? Medical guidelines govern the availability of abortion services at later stages. Most providers follow medical standards that limit abortion to a certain point in pregnancy, often around the point of viability (approximately 24 weeks). After viability, abortion procedures are performed only in cases of medical necessity, where the life or health of the pregnant person is at serious risk or in instances of severe fetal abnormalities
  12. You are going to hell.....Trump is one of God's own.....
  13. One...he's not a slapper. Never even masturbated I bet.
  14. ...and of course you trot that out with no evidence whatsoever.....so I won't expect a reply....if I ask for any.
  15. I'm lost....if you return it the States (primarily fat, middle aged white men, but that's another argument) and the States come up with everything from no abortions to abortions on demand.......where are your morals at????
  16. Taking anything is 'bad for you'.....at the end of the day it is a balancing act. I have been taking a medicine for nearly 20 years now that has a recommendation you take for no longer than a couple of months. I would have faced a life of perpetual pain without it. I hate taking it, but its effects are amazing. As for YouTubing stuff.....that is a dark rabbit hole to go down......listen to a body of professionals.....even if it is eventually shown they are wrong you are still getting the best advice available at the time.
  17. So the statins did exactly what they were expected to do? Do not live with elevated levels of cholesterol....the effects are symptomless until it is too late.
  18. Totally the wrong person the US nation needed at that point in time.......sorry........at any point in time.
  19. Why? Are you confident the 'health supplements' will have gone through a multitude of double-blind trials, control group studies and meta-analyses to ensure their efficacy?
  20. Looks like another one of your BOMBSHELL expose posts is dying a death.
  21. Of course yes 2012.....and people are never allowed to change their minds are they.....unless you've dug yourself into a huge whole with 50% of the voting population who want control over their own bodies....then it's oh...it's got to be longer than six weeks....oh...it has to be decided by each state....

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