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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. ....and what about the politicians, the RTP, the army generals.....and their wive's......anyone bothering to check their bank accounts? Ordinary Thais are being kept in abject poverty because of these people.
  2. Cheers, playing with house money......I bought back in 2016.....sadly not enough.
  3. Never thought of that.....an AI type of thing???
  4. ...........I predict a lot more than last year........ That made me laugh.
  5. Nearly sold out a few weeks ago......tempted still, but FOMO rules in the crypto world.
  6. I have, by accident, ended up with thousands following my posts on FB......no intentions of achieving that...it just happened over a period of time......responding to people takes up some of the day...the rest of the time is just wasted.
  7. Last night of a touring shown in Nong Bua Daeng yesterday.......SWMBO went.....said all tables and chairs had had to be removed as the locals had been beating each other senseless with the chairs......555
  8. Pattaya police issued a statement today in an attempt to clarify a German media report, claiming that a German tourist, who was arrested for buying sexual services from an underage girl in Pattaya bar in September last year, was released after allegedly paying a million baht bribe to police before leaving Thailand...... ................the RTP said it was actually two million.
  9. No inspections, no routine maintenance, no records (I bet) plus no one gives a damn.......surprised they didn't blame faulty brakes.
  10. Surprised at a Thai being that fussed about garbage being dumped outside.......I guess the difference is Thais prefer their rubbish stored all around the house.
  11. Being lazy as I guess the answers are buried somewhere on here, however..... My current extension based on marriage lasts until March 2024, but my current passport is only valid until October 2024. 1. Do I need to renew my passport before applying for the extension or will the current one suffice? 2. Regardless of the answer to (1), will renewing my passport trigger any hares, either here or back in the UK, due to having an extension based on marriage in my current passport? Thanks in advance for any sensible answers.
  12. Lady drinks will cost more than 186,000 baht
  13. Herbal medicine......what an out and out con.....how can people be so gullible? One of my daughters works in Harley Street (as a receptionist....I'm not DW)....she sees people come in regularly, at £500 a go, to hold crystals....WT? Herbal medicine is no different....just a con.
  14. We have a six day concert starting Dec 1......hope they have been booked!!
  15. Step 1: Get rid of the monopolies and price cartels Step 2: Job done.
  16. Worked for the MOD in Germany from 2007 to 2019......God alone knows what she has done with all her money....I never saw any of it.
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