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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I can't imagine there are many airlines that don't require this anyway, regardless of to where you are flying???
  2. Ha.....had to pay a hotel bill in Dalaman, Turkey. Two weeks for me and the kids, full board (years ago).....it had to be paid in cash(?). I think it came to 3.5 billion lire......I was so scared of getting a nought in the wrong place and paying 10x over the odds I sat up all night counting it over and over again.
  3. Is that rhetorical ? If not, I am guessing 1 or 2g....close? Any prizes?
  4. Not too dissimilar I imagine to the UK.
  5. Wow!!! Thanks for that. Makes my life look easy......although I had a disaster yesterday. Girl on soi 5 was drunk from the night before and forgot to put a spacer in the hair trimmer......I am bald as a coot now. Wife and all the staff were in stitches!!!!!
  6. Wow!!.....way out.....don't forget there are 6 million Brits alone, 10% of the UK population, booked for the fourth quarter.....place is going to be rammed.
  7. I wrote off Moderna/Pfizer as a realistic option and went for Sinovac/AZ .......not ideal by any means, but a bird in the hand is better than no jabs in the arm.
  8. They would need to pile on at least 100kg to pass as a Russian wife and get poorly bleached hair.
  9. I reckon the same.....wipe out the girly bars, go go bars, make life more and more difficult for expats and prep the whole country for a massive influx of millionaires who seemingly think the land of Scams is the place to be???
  10. Sorry.....have just got to ask out of pure curiosity.......what is special about any shampoo?
  11. Having said that......parts of Nana were rammed last night.....there must be similar places in Phuket?
  12. I would have to confess I am guilty of that and admit to a degree of stupidity......BUT, shelling out for first class, executive suites, private dining etc does keep the riff riff at bay.
  13. Sad, but the driving force was....................... it was easier for me to live here than for my wife of 15 years to be allowed to live with me in the UK.......but I guess that is one of the main reasons the electorate voted in the Tories......to keep foreigners out.
  14. Excellent news......been looking out for signs that remaining in Isan is the right thing to do.
  15. Can't say....I was banned last time I identified a nationality.
  16. I'd be filthy rich if I received tax breaks on my losses......555
  17. You need to use the TAT calculator or your figures will be all be out of kilter.
  18. YES! It is staggering how much you can lose with a seemingly small, steady leak 24/7. We had a toilet overflow (in Germany) run for about a month.......that cost a 'fortune'.
  19. They claim 300 landed this week..........it seems all 300 chose the same hotel as me and the wife. Not doing the lottery this week.
  20. Not quite the panacea it seems to be. Only effective if taken very early during the infection cycle and confirmation that you are infected will require a PCR test which can take too long.
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