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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Yes, but aren't most Chinese on Chinese tour buses, visiting Chinese shops and eating in Chinese restaurants?
  2. There could be some mulling as well, to be fair.
  3. With sinovac, 'Thai' AZ vaccines, mixed vaccines and having been vaccinated in Thailand, travel is going to be as if we are unvaccinated.
  4. Good point......I can't imagine that SCB have a clue what they are doing money wise.
  5. True. And I see old wrecks of cars with red plates??????
  6. Non-O is initially valid for 90 days, yes? You can then extend it based on marriage (it remains a Non-O) or on retirement, but it then becomes a Non-O-A. Is that correct?
  7. Wife told me 6pm........and she is never wrong.
  8. Happy not have invested in the Squidcrypto....up 43,000% and then gone. Someone somewhere must be very rich.
  9. I know this is a Pattaya forum, however....... Sat in a small street bar, Nana Hotel car park last night. The following rolled up: 10 police in dark uniforms, 2 in light brown uniforms, 4 army personnel plus 2 'scouts' in plain clothes, undercover, but stuck out like sore thumbs. This was about 1930. They visited the SHA bars, ignored the street bar illegally selling alcohol, then had a "school photo" at the entrance to the Plaza. Then they all piled into a vans and went.
  10. Why on Earth does he have to be issuing an instruction to buy a drug that will save lives......what the hell is Anutin doing?
  11. Sadly there does seem to be an influx of new faces in and around Nana...........all rather loud, arrogant and cocky from......best not say.
  12. Nice and sleazy does it.... Kwarteng was asked to name one thing Bunter's done to enhance integrity and probity since coming to office......he answered Brexit!!! You couldn't write this stuff.
  13. Don't tell me you could end up in economy and the sweetener is a free of charge change!!!!!
  14. I genuinely believe that is the route being taken. Slow, but sure transformation away from the image they detest, party capital of the planet, to a wholesome, family-friendly holiday location for teetotal millionaires.
  15. Parliament prorogued illegally Manifesto promises broken Judicial reviews to be prevented in future MP's whipped to allow paid lobbying (retrospectively) Sex pest MP allowed to go unpunished.....(can't change the rules retrospectively) Oh! Look over there ...........people taking the knee.... terrible. Someone has pushed over a statue....OMG is this the end of civilisation?
  16. There is little doubt people are slowly waking up to the fact that the whole "woke issue" is a rightwing construction designed to deflect, confuse and divide..........and it is very, very successful in achieving those aims. People have been hoodwinked!
  17. I find this Thai form of leadership very strange. Edicts are issued......stop fires in Chang Mai........no flooding allowed in BKK.......no more illegal crossings..... No plans, no ideas put forward, no suggestions......just do it. NEXT
  18. Yep....my own fault........... half Italian and half Serbian should have been enough of a clue!!!!
  19. Apparently the Thai owner was recorded discussing the insurance policy for his disco...... "You will need fire insurance, burglary insurance and flood insurance" the insurance agent told him. The Thai owner said ......."Fire and burglary fair enough.........but how the **** does anyone start a flood?"
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