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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. There is only one overriding absolute top priority at the moment,........ .....I thought that was going to read ....."that all women must be virgins when they marry". Presumably that would also mean all men would have to be virgins? Sex is such a disgusting activity. Maybe it should be limited solely to efforts to procreate?
  2. It sould be noted that from a health point of view, a light T shirt only offers a relatively low SF.......5-15. The advantage of course is this SF is permanent.
  3. I assume drug running, rape and murder won't constitute grounds for prosecution......especially if carried out in another country.
  4. You seem to very confused about how professional news outlets work. On one hand they have editorials, op-eds, personal commentary, viewpoints which may well be written from a certain perspective. On the other hand they report news based on evidence that is gathered and then present that news. You really need to try harder.
  5. In environments with poor ventilation, such as small bedrooms or spaces with little airflow, it’s essential to ensure proper air circulation. Opening windows, using fans, or even an air purifier can help increase oxygen levels and improve sleep quality.
  6. "I Love Donald Trump" You might, these people don't. More than 700 national security officials endorse Democratic nominee https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/22/national-security-officials-endorse-harris?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. Wait on everyone.....are these the ones that are stark raving mad? What would possess so many professionals to potentially put their careers in jeopardy .....? Any clues? Are they all part of Operation Mockingbird maybe......or paid like all the people who keep turning up to the Harris rallies? What a mystery, More than 700 national security officials endorse Democratic nominee https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/22/national-security-officials-endorse-harris?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. Operation Mockingbird....a crude 1940's attempt to manage positive news flow during the cold war......and you think in this day and age the news outlets are still bending a knee to the CIA.......get a grip. Ratings for news outlets have gone down across the board in every developed nation......you may have heard about something called the internet?
  9. Why is there no question mark at the end of that sentence? Oh.......I see.....you know what I think.....might you be one of these razor sharp characters..... "I get all my news from Tik Tok and Fox. No need to listen to professional news outlets".....yes ???
  10. Compelling case my ……... 2000 Mules has played a role in perpetuating false claims of election fraud, but it has been widely discredited by election officials and experts who have stated that it lacks any credible evidence to support its core allegations.
  11. Sounds like you have small vessel disease (SVD) of the brain. Little bits of the white matter are dying as a consequence of aging, cholesterol levels and BP. Get a an MRI….that will show you the dead bits.
  12. Sorry.....I tried to watch it......played a few snippets.....that was almost too much for me. WT......???
  13. Oh now!!....wait on...the judge must be in on this....10%?......we all know the election was stolen.....Biden appointed judge? This is all a smoke screen to make people think Lindell was wrong.....not buying it.
  14. At the root of all this is evolution......we have evolved to want someone else to lead, to control our lives, someone else to carry the responsibility.....Jesus, Mohammad, Hitler, Stalin....."God" forbid we think for ourselves and take responsibility for our own outcomes.
  15. Henry Bolton....555.....you're 'ave in a tin barf.
  16. OMG...is that true?....I mean really true...... not "Trump true"
  17. It is endlessly fascinating that they have ended up like this.......and to be honest......not a word many like....much of it is down to one man and one man alone.
  18. ? It was the left that stormed The Capitol....wow...I didn't know that.
  19. They don't care....and Trump has (cleverly/despicably?) engineered this situation over a number of years where lying has become a nothing burger to the American public. Vance said a Springfield resident’s cat was stolen and eaten. Instead, it was hiding - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-pet-claims-springfield-ohio-b2615009.html
  20. Free if you collect......you'll find it in a bucket of sand at the end of our driveway.
  21. Don't forget ....numbers of sexual partners is only relevant if you are talking about women......men can have as many as they want.
  22. That is frighteningly accurate and goes right to the heart of the problem that is Trump and Trumpettes. The truth simply doesn't matter.....it is no more than a side issue.
  23. Expect a load of waffle.....not found guilty in a criminal court, no evidence other than false accusations, smears put out by his enemies......Trump is their God.....there is only one God.....Trump raping women is nothing compared to a woman having more than one consenting sexual relationship.
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