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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Maybe they are not.......could be an optical illusion.
  2. I would get the water tested to see what you need filter wise....probably get away with a 'Big Blue' filter. If the water is hard (which I guess you would know by now) then stick in a softener as well. Go for a 2000L tank if supply is iffy? Someone advised me to get a pressure tank fitted yesterday to smooth the flow and protect the pump, so that might be worth looking at as well.
  3. Kind of similar situation re: Thai thinking. In-laws got a puppy.....I said to the wife you need to get it wormed and control what it eats. Dead in three months. In-laws got another puppy.......I said to the wife you need to get it wormed and control what it eats. Dead in four weeks. In-laws got third puppy........I said to the wife you need to get it wormed and control what it eats.......she just gave me a dirty look like I haven't a clue what i am talking about..
  4. Definitely worth a try in the circumstances....555
  5. In my experience (UK) immigration only have one question in mind........what will ensure that she has to (or will want to) return to Thailand.
  6. Doing the first two.....winding down on the third.
  7. Made the serious mistake of asking the wife that..........she is intelligent, but uneducated having been made to leave school at 11 years old........I suffered for weeks.
  8. Not too sure I would be wild about it now....first few times (when much younger) it was a real buzz....but now........mmmm?
  9. Hugely impressed with the notion of 5H and 4S.......the UK electorate have been dumbed down so far that they can only handle Tory three word slogans.....go Thailand.
  10. That is my tack on anything being installed......they are held hostage until I know for sure everything is working.
  11. Wearing a $13,000 puffer jacket by all accounts......just to. rub salt into the wounds of ordinary Russians and Ukrainians.
  12. True......at the moment he seems well on the way to destroying what he already has......
  13. Very popular move in 'democratic' eastern European countries for sure.
  14. Things are certainly swirling around at the moment......very tempted to delay any major purchases for the foreseeable in the (very selfish) hope that the baht has a major wobble.
  15. I think the strongest signal that father time is catching you up is the age of your kids......four in their thirties....I find that quite depressing.
  16. I drove for 30 years in the UK and EU averaging over 40,000 miles per year and I can honestly say the standard of driving there is far, far superior to anything I witness in Thailand. Thai driving standards simply are atrocious.....end of
  17. I can see where you are coming from and can understand wanting be defensive......but Thais and driving are just beyond the pale.........it is criminal what happens here, day in day out on the roads.....
  18. Need two amulets with that baby. Had a 5 litre V8 twin supercharged RR SVR.......frightening the power of that thing 550 BHP
  19. Odd.........Russian head of security has just announced that sanctions are having absolutely no impact......mmmm?
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