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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. .......and a new low is reached............absolutely un*******believable.
  2. ........people who worked all their lives, paid full UK PAYE taxes and 40 years NI contributions......those people?
  3. ...people who worked all their lives, paid full UK PAYE taxes and 40 years NI contributions......those people?
  4. I know some on here will have a hissy fit, but I barred my kids from ever riding motorbikes or taking flights in a helicopter..........life is too precious to take, what I consider to be, unnecessary risks.......there we go.......'av it.
  5. Bet the boys in my village could.
  6. Check it......but I think there was a large scale trial in Indonesia? Protection generally improved, but for those who did contract dengue the mortality rate shot up......that is all from pure memory. It was abandoned.....I think
  7. Yes......went for a 2000L tank. Although our supply comes from the village via an aquifer it is said to be a little on the iffy side regarding constancy of supply. Water then goes into a "Big Blue" pleated filter and then through a resin filled (?) water softener tank. This is all new stuff to me.
  8. Just needs one Bentayga parked outside to keep the RTP at bay.....555
  9. Partially to blame I would say........"waiting at a red light".
  10. Automatic life sentence, no parole, for any kind of acid/chemical attack.
  11. There mistake was choosing Thung Khru.......much safer to party in Thong Lo.
  12. Been going round in circles...pump, constant flow pump, variable speed pumps, pressure tanks, bladder tanks........ Eventually plumped for an 350W Hitachi XX constant flow pump with a small bladder tank......am I doing the right thing?
  13. Contemplated shipping all my stuff over from Germany for all of 10 sec........I envisaged exactly what you are going through........not that helps you any. Hope you get it all sorted.
  14. We get trickle from a pipe that it is claimed draws water from an underground aquifer
  15. Cheers.............. watched a few of his videos before.......... they're so bad they're good.
  16. Surely less mass (not weight), means less kinetic energy, so much quicker to stop an unloaded truck............the brakes sole purpose is to transfer KE into thermal energy.
  17. Why does it say....."immediately fill with water"?
  18. Are you worried about theft? We are just setting up and it crossed my mind there is some expensive kit just sat there.
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