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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Last sentence .....agree...it publicizes the whole issue to the nation.....but defamation seems to be the 'go to' here.
  2. Now that is scary....especially if you can see the right from the wrong and can do little or nothing about it.
  3. Good god yes....but there are plenty of outlets and resources to counter............
  4. I wonder if they knew......but still tried to get out of the fine by claiming the meat was sub-standard......who would own restaurant?......nothing worse than having to interact with the general public.
  5. Does seem odd, given the apparent violence of the strike, even with an open hand as opposed to a fist, that Rock just stood there and smiled?????
  6. Wife just explained......it was an all you can eat buffet. The morons pile all the food up on their plates, but don't or can't eat it all.....so it goes to waste....hence the fine. Seems fair to me.
  7. There must have been a thorough check made that none of these kids were hi-sos before being thrown out......imagine???
  8. Agree.....sickly, repulsive stink. The novelty of it wears of quickly walking around Amsterdam.
  9. Talk about saving face.......this whole farce of locking down in China is because it was the policy adopted by Winnie the Pooh as the solution to covid19 spreading. The policy must now be enforced ad infinitum and be seen to work Imagine having to turn to the EU/US and ask for mRNA vaccines!!!!
  10. Sad in so many respects that a young person and her family have to struggle so much for this girl to gain a decent education........However, I am puzzled as to how this has been picked up as news item? Even sending out a photographer?
  11. This isn't about gaining public office based on a principled stand combined with a strong desire to better ordinary people's lives.......it is about grabbing personal wealth and power
  12. I assume the target is based on a strategy that they intend to employ......and not the 'fingers crossed and let's hope for the best' strategy.
  13. Agree....walk in prices can be excessive.....I would book in advance. Also, can be cheaper if you go on Agooda/Booking.com choose your hotel then call direct to negotiate a price....often cheaper that way.
  14. 75% of fatal car accidents occur within 5 miles of where you live........so probably best to move.
  15. OMG......where are the grammar police when you need them?
  16. Plus you get your pension increase in some countries but not others........where is the logic in that?
  17. Got some friends chomping at the bit to come over this summer.......they've not been before........555
  18. Damn......you're lasting longer than me......I really am short changing myself.
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