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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Cannabis Supporters to March Against Government's U-Turn If they can be a**ed to get out of bed
  2. WOW! I remember living off beans as a student '75-'78 and beans then were 11p.
  3. How do you remove limescale from tiles and windows? A rather expensive water treatment setup. POE filters, gravel, sand, carbon filters and water softener.....not cheap!
  4. Yes. Agree That is always in the back of my mind.....but at 68 with range of health problems the cost of health insurance is rather prohibitive. It is a gamble though.
  5. I guess some drunken driver is going to popup on this thread now.....apoplectic that someone has SNITCHED on this lovely Chinese couple.
  6. Wife bought the land (2 rai) and paid for the house (three bed, all ensuite about 2 million). No health insurance as I keep my UK residency rights. No car. Biggest bills are electricity and food. Neither of us smoke, wife doesn't drink. One return flight a year 800 GBP. All in all not a bad deal.
  7. Thai wife, plus, saving money like there's no tomorrow......'only' spend 40k a month in total.
  8. ...or we could all just be miserable .........ers
  9. Hell of a job dragging your wife up to the top floor.....someone would have seen or heard something.
  10. So down to 2% with the wallet?
  11. Really small print...right at the end?
  12. Bet he's wearing flip flops.......shoe laces can be fatal in Thai jails.
  13. Got one three months ago, Chaiyaphum,....took a load of fuss, wrong form ,then wrong coloured ink, but they finally gave in....and it was for free.,
  14. ....and make the Mexicans pay for it...555
  15. Not long before the 'Boss' can stroll back into Thailand a free, staggeringly wealthy, 'man'.....despite the strenuous efforts made by the the BIB to track him down.
  16. That's close to grammar policing.....tut
  17. The old 'not as bad Hitler ' argument.....a sure sign. However, I do agree speed limiters should be fitted to all vehicles.
  18. OMG...you are serious!!!
  19. Couldn't agree more......equally dangerous using a phone whilst driving.
  20. Yet another stretch.....you must ache all over.
  21. ....caused by the effects of alcohol....perhaps?
  22. I guess the thought process must be similar to amulets.....they work really well....until they don"t. I can drive drunk and never have accident or kill anyone until........
  23. Post of the day....555
  24. It would fold in days....555

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