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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Interesting one....do Thai divers not rely on amulets rather than oxygen, timers and depth meters?
  2. ....and not with water, and not with powder, and not standing near each other......isn't that just a normal day?
  3. They just don't care. I would like to see them serve time in an A&E as a form of education, rather than punishment.......but there are only a limited number of A&E's in the country.
  4. Just had a tracked parcel arrive from the UK in seven days......and we are way out in the sticks.
  5. I think parking is correlates quite closely with what you say......where we are at least! They don't park, they abandon. 6' from the curb, wrong side lights on, park other people in, open doors into traffic and pedestrians. We have a market and they think nothing of stopping, 'nipping' out of the car, which blocks the road totally, to do a five minute shop whilst everyone sits in their car waiting for them.....staggering.
  6. Cheers...just watched a few videos on them.....are they quite common place here...easy to fit?
  7. Catch yourself on.....as the Irish say. Not expecting a penny.....555
  8. When has NATO been used? From 1949 to the early 1990s – Operation Anchor Guard, 10 August 1990 – 9 March 1991. – Operation Ace Guard, 3 January 1991 – 8 March 1991. – Operation Allied Goodwill I & II, 4-9 February & 27 February – 24 March 1992. – Operation Agile Genie, 1-19 May 1992. All interventions, not invasions.
  9. Just like religion and communism......fine on paper........ until humans become involved.
  10. Thanks for that.....is that like an accumulator of sorts???
  11. On 'free' air in a resort for the last seven weeks....haven't moved more six feet from a steady stream of cool air......555
  12. Doubt the data exists.....but it would be interesting to see how the numbers breakdown in terms of so many things: Income Vehicle Alcohol Speed Location Gender Age ...but then again does it matter, when the root cause is poor driving skills and a total disregard for other peoples lives.
  13. A classic example of absolute power.......even if transitory......it makes you appreciate democracy and how it must be protected.......even in the UK many aspects of democracy are under threat and activists need to remain vigilant.
  14. Things have just gone mental where we are. From the odd one or two houses being built on a 20min drive from the nearest town......there must now be about 40 plus!!!! I think it might be related to a dam that is being built. The locals think (they might be right) that it will become a mecca for tourists.....Thai tourists that is.....and they are looking to cash in on the route.
  15. I think she is referring to Russian propaganda that paints NATO as a aggressive, expansionist western military force. No one, in their right mind, could ever imagine NATO invading anywhere, let alone Russia..........countries are not invited to join NATO, they ask to join for their own protection from lunatics like Putin.
  16. Just been reading up on that.... 3.2 Second automatic UK test You’ll be UK resident for the tax year if you have a home in the UK for all or part of the year and the following applies: ......... you’ve been present in that home for at least 30 days at any time during the year. I am hanging my hat on that.
  17. I would do anything to hide overhead cables......but even if you do that, once the PEA decide to extend the supply past your property the wires will be hanging all over the place from crooked poles.
  18. First wife was Serbian......so tend to do the same.
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