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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Ex British Army guys who remained and worked on the German net are rolling in it. Full Army pension (which they did't pay for during their time......okay, fair enough some of them do put their lives on the line for Queen and country)....... full state pension from the UK and...... German state pension......laughing all the way to the bank and living in the best country in the world.
  2. I am not sure if ILR just refers to people who have applied for a British passport or citizenship as opposed to people 'born' with UK citizenship....????
  3. I bet the overnight rule is there to catch you for tax purposes and not to allow you to claim pension increases, benefits, NHS care......that's for sure!!!!
  4. Found this......gov.uk If away from the UK for more than 2 years you may still qualify to return to live in the UK under your previous conditions if, for example, you have strong family ties in the UK or have lived here most of your life. However, as this would be a matter for the Immigration authorities, you would be required to address any further queries to them. You need a Returning Resident visa to come back to live in the UK if you were previously settled (given ‘indefinite leave to remain’) and you’ve been away for more than 2 years.
  5. Just remembered......I was briefly interviewed by, I am guessing immigration, leaving Heathrow returning to Thailand. Where are you going? .....Thailand For how long.......I'm not sure Will it be for more than 30 days?......Just had the presence of mind to feign shock and say oh no, not that long. People must go on lengthy holidays, cruises, road/train tours.......any idea what the rules are?????
  6. That would be a doddle......got kit all over the place with my four kids
  7. Ha! Just responded to that point..........room rent? Could be the way to go........
  8. OMG.....I must be losing it.....that hadn't crossed my mind. I am thinking.......don't let it out as whole property, but as 'room rent'......with the promise to the tenant that I won't actually live there, but should someone ask, they are to say I live there for a month each year???
  9. Tended to live to my/our means......poor when young, 'middle class' wealthy in the mid-years and now living off pensions and savings......can't say life felt radically different during any of those stages.
  10. If one of them is vertical can you send a photo.
  11. Yes...kind of set my mind to do that anyway......the only fly in the ointment is "be present in that home"......mine is rented out. Is the DWP really going to stake it out and see if I sleep there for 30 nights????
  12. Apparently the police only need one person to formally report the incident and they will have to investigate and presumably press charges (no lack of evidence!!!)
  13. Civil servants (technically servants of the crown) were quietly opted out of the full state pension by the government.......they said it was better for them financially ??????
  14. ....and the chance...admittedly very slim.....of a lack of oxygen.
  15. At 5% pa the state pension could be £15,000 in 10 years........but you are quite happy to remain on the pension you eventually collect? Which your age might me 70 by the time you get there.
  16. Four years at school, two other years and bought 10 years......you own post.
  17. I think that is you are found to have property abroad. 3.2 Second automatic UK test You’ll be UK resident for the tax year if you have, or have had, a home in the UK for all or part of the year and the following all apply: there is or was at least one period of 91 consecutive days when you had a home in the UK at least 30 of these 91 days fall in the tax year when you have a home in the UK and you’ve been present in that home for at least 30 days at any time during the year at that time you had no overseas home, or if you had an overseas home, you were present in it for fewer than 30 days in the tax year
  18. You, from your own post, have no more than 16 years of NI contributions......you need to have paid 35 years for a full pension.........you will only receive £82.10
  19. It could be sold with you as a sitting tenant........... same contract???
  20. Glad to see some pointing going on....haven't seen that for a while.
  21. Did he punch him or slap him.....it looked quite violent (if it wasn't all staged).....I imagine a punch would have laid him out cold??? Looking a Smith's face afterwards that anger looked real......but he is an actor I guess.
  22. Probably saw the new 'plastic bag' interrogation technique being employed by the RTP and thought stuff it......I'll fess up.
  23. Easy, check with Putin first....if says it is, then it is......but don't ask Navalny, or the people poisoned with novichok in the UK, or the women raped and murdered in Ukraine.....bunch of liars.
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