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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Thai La korns......OMG.....there isn't a minute goes by without a woman being physically assaulted.
  2. So nomad2029.....what did you do with your money..... I spent it on beer, whisky, cigarettes and the girls in Nana Plaza.....the rest of it I just wasted.
  3. So you would agree wholeheartedly UK expats should not be paying UK income tax.....correct???
  4. Thai economic theory.......it must be taught in schools.......if you have fewer customers you must increase the price to make up for the lower numbers.......cannot fault that logic.
  5. Yes, that takes time to get used to, but you will have to make the effort.
  6. ....and no longer a burden on the NHS and not claiming any other benefits.....like free travel, warm home allowance, winter fuel allowance BUT still paying UK tax on any other earnings like rental income, company pensions.......it is daylight ******* robbery.
  7. True......and then issued a statement clarifying their position, which somehow failed to contain the word Russia at any point in the text????
  8. Maybe trying the throw us off the scent....it was her (and her Thai husband?)!!!!!
  9. I see many, many properties around us have the same, ugly, grills fitted. Is house crime really that bad? I can't imagine most properties around us even have anything worth stealing.
  10. The coalition Democrat Party has seen several high-profile defections over recent weeks, as politicians prepare their bank accounts for the next general election.
  11. If things get really bad they might have to entertain the idea of 'welcoming' US and EU citizens.......tough one to swallow.......
  12. Could happen anywhere in the world I guess..........tough one.........I'd hate to think it was one of their 'guests'.
  13. I thought there were plenty of threads on UK pensions and we are not allowed to post new ones anymore?
  14. I think the one plant out front was a sop for the RTP.......she played all dumb....... and all the while she has 20 rai out the back covered in ganja plants.
  15. Trouble is he might try to press the big red button just as he pulls the trigger......!!!
  16. There are a multitude of threads covering the topic of car crashes and amulets why do we keep having to have stale posts on the same topic.
  17. Could not agree more. Do we believe a multitude of independent news outlets from a wide variety of countries researching and interviewing many sources.......or Russian state media.....tricky one.
  18. You have been led astray....this is not about views.......this is about presenting Russian facts......a very different kettle of fish
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