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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Sounds very glib, but as food is never in short supply (famous last words) and the only shelter you need can be very rudimentary....... Thais will never rise up. "Every society is only three meals away from revolution".....and Thais would never miss a meal.
  2. Hard to tell from the pixelated photo, but I imagine she is covered in tattoos and is a well hard faced be-atch.
  3. This drug is for people with mild(ish) symptoms who are at risk of developing serious complications......not for the general public to pop like smarties. 500 million seems a little OTT
  4. ..........plus street food vendors and roadside fruit sellers.....they all need sorting good and proper.
  5. ....a clear indication that Anutin believes he will shortly have you all by the.........
  6. Imagine a country where politicians stand by a clear set of principles, espoused to the electorate and seek public office through democratic means to simply serve the citizens of their country...........what am I on, get a grip??
  7. That's true....it's Thursday already.......and not heard of any major armements being ordered.
  8. Had that for a few months after my biopsy.....I felt robbed......but the wife seemed quite happy????
  9. Good bit of window rattling where we are.......... sonic booms..........frightening when they happen, but don't get the impression they would cause any damage.
  10. They done good......just because she is old, weak and fragile doesn't mean she's not part of some huge drug dealing gang....they need to clamp down on such miscreants.
  11. As none of this has any impact on hi-sos does it really matter?
  12. Thanks....Express VPN..... You can run the VPN on the Chromecast??? Did not even think of that.
  13. Had something similar, though voluntary, in our village in Germany. Once a month they would target a particular area......excellent idea......always beer afterwards.
  14. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dog-attack-arms-amputated-south-carolina-b2041869.html As a society we should never allow anything like this to happen
  15. I only have to ask the wife what to do.....she knows everything.
  16. I notice many don't look at all. They forcibly merge and place the responsibility on you to not hit them.....as I say to the wife........"I'm Thai, I want to die"
  17. In the UK there was discussion about them having to emit 'a noise' below a certain speed.
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