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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Got to say....I am more interested in what I put my sausage in as opposed to what I put in my sausage.
  2. Tattoos (bad ones), smoking (a cigarette) and knocking back vodka shots?.......I think I know her........Sonia.
  3. Thanks for that....hope you feel all the better for it. Worked everyday of my life from 16, PAYE: Never used the NHS except as a child to have my tonsils removed (they removed my adenoids by mistake)........ I now live abroad and am no longer a burden to the NHS, don't receive free travel, winter allowance or warm home allowance. The Home Office make it all but impossible to live with my Thai wife in the UK..... and now you feel it is necessary to punish me financially. I would also add that as we also have the most pißß poor pension in the EU (70% less than the Dutch)........living abroad in a developing nation becomes a necessity to enjoy anything like a normal life. Go **** yourself.
  4. Missed the fly screen bit......maybe the kid was teasing, thinking there was no way the dogs would barge through the fly screen????
  5. I'm sure it has gone up since last time........price gouging?
  6. Mmmm....I am the opposite two in Thailand and one in the UK......wonder how that is going to play out?
  7. ...........sub-district chiefs, village heads, sub-district health officials, sub-district inspectors, assistant village heads and finally, if there is anything left..................... to the territorial defense volunteers...............who are probably the only ones at any serious risk
  8. Sounds a bit like the board of directors at a football club giving their wholehearted support to the coach after his fifth straight loss in a row........we all know what happens just after that.
  9. I guess, in the main, it is the better drivers that make it to 70.......your guy in the orange cruiser is unlikely to make it that far.
  10. Had to check with the boss.....it was on the TV early this am.....I've seen it again since and it was edited. They still show the kid lifting the cat down and plonking it on the floor, but then took out the part we he opens the glass doors.
  11. Could be psychological.......having spent a proportion of your hard earned pay on it, you are damn well going to convince yourself that it does some good.
  12. Interesting.......watch the unedited version............ The kid gets the cat down from a high ledge and places it in the middle of the floor. He then opens the glass door and intentionally lets the dogs in to attack the cat.
  13. Looks like he has just walked into Nana Plaza for the first time.
  14. Just negotiating a contract for a pool Is maintenance so arduous.....? Out in the sticks, so no chance of anyone servicing pools. Also chlorine as chlorine or chlorine via salt.......which is 'best' (ignoring costs)
  15. Lucky he was in a Mazda or this would never have made the news.
  16. Oh! And connect direct?.....Forgotten about that.......whoops. Hate cables and from memory that must have been the idea behind going to Chromecast
  17. Can't wait to see the type of lamp posts erected to guide you to this site.
  18. A hot dog is a kind of sausage, while a sausage is a generic term that describes any combination of meat, seasonings, fat, preservatives, and fillers, injected into a cylindrical casing. Most of the time, hot dogs are eaten without the skin, whereas sausages can be eaten with or without the skin (depending on the brand).
  19. Scared to ask.......but why do so many of the hairdressers smocks have a clear window in the crotch area.........?????
  20. When my relatively wealthy, safe and healthy kids whinge I used to say......well, you could be living in Aleppo. Now I say say........ well, you could be living in Mariupol. ßloody Putin.....AGAIN.
  21. Always best to get a buzz cut.....safer that way.
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