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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. to the title ... ... been to Samui once ... been to Phuket 25+ times (4 times the last 3 yrs) ... nuff said
  2. Whoa, some of those prices are the cost of a new paint job, and then some.
  3. That depends on the seat. Our's would be much hotter without being covered, along with the dog punching holes in them with her nails.
  4. I saw a runaway car and thought, oh crap, I'm selling my EV. Looking closer, realized just another ICEV with stuck throttle, and panicked, brain dead driver, didn't think to just turn it off or put in neutral ????
  5. Started getting the 'ad blocker' warning also on YT, and same as many sites, just refresh the page, and it's gone.
  6. Since the GF is in not hurry to marry, speaks well of her. And if my wife asked me of her visa options to go the USA, I wouldn't have a clue. So that's a bit irrelevant.
  7. What a drama queen ... wasn't even in the mall ????
  8. I have hard time not laughing when reading the news. I can't believe people actually believe half the stuff the push down their throats. The other half seems to be sillier than soap operas.
  9. Couple big ticket items back in USA (RE Taxes & healthcare premiums/Plan B) that would eat up a good part of my pocket money. So not as enjoyable if living there. Plus solar systems & EVs are silly priced compared to here, and would be another drain on my pocket/play money, as I enjoy being out & about. Add that you can't find a hotel for $75 in the USA, it would definitely crimp my lifestyle & smile factor.
  10. Strangely, something I've never done ... except at home at my pool. And more than a few times. Only strange, since I'm a bit of a naturalist, in small sense. Have had sex on the beach, and every other place I can think of. Along with just sitting naked at a waterfall, just for the hell of it, and have the mist blow over me. Or just enjoying the view, outdoors, naked ???? Does get too buggy at times. So far, I'm getting away with sitting outside at home naked, though if anyone builds closer, I hope the trees & brush grow a little taller. As the back veranda is above the wall. Have make sure nobody is working the pineapple field, or tending to their cows, before going outside. Closest house/soi is too far away. Might be able to tell I'm not wearing anything, but that's about it, unless breaking out the binocs. ???? Don't know what it is, maybe just enjoy the breeze flowing over my whole body.
  11. Haven't a clue myself. But many thought the THB was controlled by TH selling off it's USD reserve. Maybe after almost a decade of generals running (pillaging) the coffers, along with mega project cost, that reserve is dwindling. Or it's simply a free market (as much as allowed) adjusting itself back to reality. It went from a steady/controlled 25 to 50 almost overnight (1997), to 40 when I got here (2000), to <30 a few time, then stayed basically 30-35 for the past 15 ish years. Occasionally breaking 35 level, as now, but will it keep going back to 40? Would be nice, though I suspect not, and back to 35 or less again.
  12. Curious, did you more or less just hang out in BKK those 3 yrs, or get out & about and check out the whole country. I met a couple tourist who after knowing I'm from USA, state they've been to the USA and didn't like. Asked where, and they said NYC, but that's all ???? I'm flexible, and could live anywhere in the country, if not for smog season, so we live below Hua Hin, most of that time, except a visit to daughter in Krung Thep a couple times during smog season. Only visit the N during rainy season, and below us is good all year.
  13. If living month to month on 60k, I don't think ownership is going to be an interest. Maybe a motorbike or 2nd hand car. If very lucky, a builder financed condo. But at 60 yrs old, do you really want a 30 yr mortgage, or be in 1 place.
  14. Yea, I don't get that, and surprised how many don't live here, except in their mind. Especially the ones that give advice, who have only been here on holiday, or haven't been here in the last five + years, if not much longer.
  15. The same people I mention, is the reason for that change. Thank them.
  16. I am also L&LL, but every time some skint expats has financial problems, 'can't pay hospital bill', because too poor to be in the country, without insurance or oops fund, it reflects bad on the rest of us. And they start enforcing the rules, strictly. You hear people crying about they keep moving the goal post for retirement & marriage visas. Not the case, they're just not as lax as they use to be, because of all the scammers. Rules for marriage and retirement haven't changed since I've been here, but they enforce them now. And add what every they like, photos being a new one. Not sure all provinces do that. Especially when it comes to marriage visas. Use to be so easy. Now they come to your house, want to have photos of you, don't even trust their own staff, as they'll take a photo of themselves at your house number. Make the wife get a certification that still married every year now. Don't even trust local office to do them. Retirement visa are still done locally, and they can use their discretion, though nothing like before.
  17. Yes, I was still researching when that was pointed out, thank you. Had 6 months to finalize to research, actually 5, as car arrived 1 month early. Ordered, and did not receive yet, actually quite a few months away when pointed out. I almost cancelled the order, as very happy with the ICE version, and less than 2 yrs old. Getting solar sealed the deal.
  18. I've never had an IO, tell me they prefer or suggest an agent to me. I would think that would be their preference, as the agent would eliminate the IO having to deal with idiots every day. I'm amazed how long it takes, and the amount of conversation they have with some people extending. I hand them everything, even in the order they put it in. Only thing they usually say to me, 'let me see the original', which is sitting in front of me. Shuffle shuffle shuffle, smile (snap), stamp stamp stamp, I did your 90day, 1900 baht, thank you, go have a seat, wait for receipt. It really doesn't get any easier. Of course, if I lived in Krung Thep (never), I might use an agent. Went their once for something simple, forget what, and it took almost all day. Yea, sign me up for an agent.
  19. Yes, and I'm surprised AN allows that discussion of illegal/corrupt activity to even exist, as all it does is perpetuate the problem, and make the rest of us suffer, because of the few. I'm sure some of the same people that complain about the police not doing their job, or the country's corruption issues, are some of the same that use agent, and not just for convenience. Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
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