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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If thinking about solar, go with a hybrid, whether planning on having ESS right away or not, as good chance, you'll be getting a digital meter in the future. If new build, you'll probably definitely get a digital meter. We did, as every new build near us, along with old ones being replaced now. Muang, PKK province.
  2. to the title ... seems to be for me, as I receive what I project I must smile a lot, or so told ... ... what are you smiling at, you ain't right Oh well
  3. Yes, I'm kind of happy with the system now, and not sure if I'd be comfy with it kickin' in any harder than it does, as still a smooth ride. Nothing like if you over downshifted manual gears. As pointed out, spook an inexperienced driver here, with bad results. Not to mention, a few more rear end collisions, considering the way some folks tailgate here. At Tesla's price point, I'm surprised they sell as many as they do. Must be the 'Tesla status' thingy. Quite happy with the ZS at damn near 1/2 price. Already more car than I need.
  4. Haven't sampled here, but stuff served up in USA that I did sample ... hell no. Dunkin Donuts put out a better cup of coffee in USA. Although a large cup (Starbucks), still not paying their silly price for coffee here. Matches USA sizes, starting at 8oz/235ml. vs Thai vendor's 100-150ml cups of Americano. Best is WaWa market (regional 7-11 clone, but better) coffee, and an excellent Hazelnut that I was addicted to, when in USA. Best, most consistent (chain) I've had here is Bon Cafe. Must be their expensive machines, as again, hard to replicate at home using their beans ???? I'd be pissed or poor, if I was a coffee connoisseur living here. Fancy machine & beans ain't cheap.
  5. Good theory, but the designers must have never driven in TH ???? I can't even get away with that in cruise control on the highway, though more tapping the accelerator than brakes, so not to get stuck behind slow traffic as line of people pass. It's a challenge driving the speed limit here. Easier to speed up, than be courteous and let people pass. If they're all tailgating each other, then sadly, I just think ... 'screw 'em, they'll just have to wait' ????
  6. One has to wonder, what happened during earlier talks that dissuaded Telsa from not committing to a plant in TH. Seemed quite interested last year or so, when first announced talks were going on.
  7. I manage to make a good cup of coffee (for me), using our crap machine, French press (now), drip or Moka pot, but yet to replicate the excellent cup of coffee, that I've been served at a few shops. Even buying their beans and I'm still off ???? Must be the fancy A$$ expensive machine. Still make as good or better cup of, than most shops we visit. But when they get it just right, damn it's tasty. Not really into coffee that much to spring for even a 50k baht machine. Our 3k baht 'coffee' machine (not espresso) is 15 bar, and even that's not consistent. Does give you good crema though, if using the pressurized portafilters that it came with. Though I like the naked ones, since hold more coffee, and get a better yield. My cup of Americano is 200ml. Easier not using the 'machine'.
  8. So the ZS 'stops short' of being a true one pedal drive, since it doesn't auto stop. Along with not as strong regen as those that are 'one pedal' driving. Watching YT vid, and a link explained the difference. MG having the 'auto hold' that needs to be engaged separately, for the stopping thingy. Got it ???? So we're just 'one foot' drivers ... the shame ????
  9. OK ... how about 1 foot driving, until coming to a complete stop, then have to use other pedal, unless in cruise control. Then it's just tap the accelerator, to disengage break and away you go. Then don't need to touch either pedal till next stop, to get going again. Too boring though ????
  10. Yes, with 3 settings of regen. I leave it on the highest (3), and when in Nan, made a huge difference, as some quite steep hills. At one point, I wasn't 'using' any energy that wasn't being totally replaced. That's some pretty techie stuff.
  11. I think you need to revisit Makro, depending where you live. The ones in Hua Hin & Pranburi, are quite different and well stock with western (processed (no thanks) selection, for the obvious reason. Along with more selection of some things I might actually buy. Not so much where we are/PKK, but the Lotus's here doesn't have anything else that Makro has, that would entice me to shop there. Only time I go in Lotus's is if I'm at Swensen's (in their mall), and I need something. Which they usually don't have, or overpriced, and I'll just pick up tomorrow at Makro, as I drive by everyday. Not much our Makro doesn't have, that I need.
  12. It's great, I'm loving it. Took a while to get use to, and judge the distances of regen slowing to stopping. Got it down to a science and make driving on a hilly, windy road a treat. You're still in total control. I don't think the brakes will need replacing till well over 100k or even 200k kms ????
  13. Pretty sure some already found us, and smartly, don't want to socialize. No sense finding if we can travel to.
  14. No, I don't. I guess you missed borrowing to finance the Gulf wars, 10 ish year, and bank/market bailout. Thank you Bush & Obama. 5T to 20T $$$$, I don't thing the tax cuts would have made up the amount. Sending with no way to pay. Maybe you missed this:
  15. Yes, and most of those taxpayer's, couldn't scrap up $1000 if they themselves needed it in an emergency: source
  16. They already pay an unfair percentage of income, and account for the majority of income tax.
  17. More what ifs ... how about living in the now. Pre 2000, debt was 5T .... thanks to corrupt politicians ... unnecessary gulf wars ... unnecessary broker/bank bail outs ... middle east conflicts ... invade & occupy sovereign countries for NO reason ... now silly UA/RU conflict. None benefitting the USA. debt @ 31T and still want to give away, what they don't have. When you want to talk about the present, how we got here (foreign aid) and stop with past or future what if BS, let me know. Have a nice day
  18. This is why we don't shop at Lotus's
  19. 21st Century ... and who said anything about isolation? Just stop giving away what you don't have or can provide for your own. Spend those trillions an USA citizens, not foreign countries. After all, it is 'their money'.
  20. Don't have to be wealthy, just able to feed & energize yourself, which few countries can. Especially the feed part. Not a problem for the USA. Along with can obviously defend itself.
  21. Thanks ... I get bored at times, but not that bored. That said, it is a great feeling, being independent of the grid and petrol stations with the EV. I do smile too much at times, and arm gets sore patting myself on the back. To the anti EV folks: yes I know, I'm still using fossil fuel (govt's fault, not mine) when O&A to charge the EV. Save it for someone your trolling might work on.
  22. This almost falls under free advertising, as every click is money for you. Especially since you are already monetized. Although expats or experienced travelers won't be impressed with you vid. Either been there or been done ... no hidden gems to be found. That said, my 1st impression, hated it, but didn't give it a chance. Now love it, although after a few days, happy to leave, and explore elsewhere. A noob will either hate it or love it, on first visit. YT'er of course, will love it, no matter .... $$$$$$$ to be made. I'll help you out though, open in another tab and let it play out, as don't have to watch. Yea, I'm that kind of guy. Good Luck.
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