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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That doesn't say much for the community. They could have provided her an upgrade in living conditions.
  2. It's a 'Corolla' Cross, which I didn't realize till now. Yaris would definitely be out of the question. And Corolla, also I'd doubt would be comfy, as most nicer taxi in Krung Thep are Corollas and personally think they're crap. If same interior specs, I'd give the Cross a pass. They really do look nice on the highway though, as I see a lot when out and about. Does explain why they are inexpensive, since based on Corolla platform. Might want to take a peek at the MG ZS ICE or EV version, as more than enough headroom. Not sure about legroom though, as I'm 175cm, and plenty for me. Owned/own both, and happy with both, having EV (1 yr) now after 2 yrs owning the ICE version.
  3. Yet another silly, irrelevant, we want more of your money to save you from nothing, news-blip. Long live GW, as it's been beautiful here. Overcast, low temps, and even needing to top up the EV more often, as not enough sun for house & EVs every day. Top up now as it dips below 90% instead of 70s or 80%, as it won't finish.
  4. I believe the original thought/purpose was to pay the hospital bill for irresponsible people getting hurt or sick here without insurance or funds to cover their bills. As usual, the majority have to pay for the few irresponsible folks with no common sense. It certainly shouldn't fall on the Thai tax payer to pay foreigner's bills. Certainly getting murdered while shopping at the mall was in that realm of thinking.
  5. Good, get it done, and ban any future people from going to conflict zones, without signing a waiver, stating 'you're on your own', if that stupid.
  6. About time ... should have been done when 1st introduced. Do they still have an exit tax ... get you coming & going ????
  7. It's the ones who 'visit' 10-11-12 months of the year. So fairly obvious they live here, and either can't meet the financials for long term visa, or don't want to pay taxes/and or, taking a job away from a Thai. Of course, that is why they have the Imm rules. Pretty easy for an IO to spot the scammers.
  8. I regret visiting a couple animal prisons/zoos here with the wee one. They are really in a sad state. Been to San Diego Zoo, and as 'nice' as it is, it's still a prison, and not a natural environment. I'm really anti any animal enclosures, of any type for any reason. Leave them in the wild. If want to see, go to them.
  9. Seems appropriate since Thais got caught in the 'crossfire' of this silly violence. Although, who really cares what she thinks. Violence is violence, and should never happen. Why people even go to or care about this region (I know/$$$), is beyond me. Let them kill each other and return to mid-evil times if they want. As much as I blame Israel for instigating the problem, the Palestinian response isn't winning them any favors. Two wrongs never make it right. Need to have a ceasefire so all nations can withdraw their citizens from the area. Then they can kill each other if the want, and be done with it.
  10. Ignorance Puppeteers Arrogance WEF Davos Bilderburg Central Banking UN Religion Govts Politicians the Fed MSM
  11. I've never had a problem being a 'loner' and actually prefer it. Even when in a relationship, I really don't socialize much with others. Men seem to want to talk about their sexual conquest, drinking, cars/MCs, sports, all of which I have no interest in. Women much more interesting, though prefer 1 on 1 conversations, and usually avoid social gathering.
  12. Curious, does that include them setting up buy back plan for your excess to them. If so, did they state how much they pay you per kWh? Guessing they are not hybrid inverters & no batteries involved. When you state maintenance (virtual none needed), does that mean a life long warranty ?
  13. I would try to liquidate as much as possible now, and move you and GF to someplace you may actually enjoy living. A condo would be best. Marry ... NO
  14. Just a place to put ... no reference to anyone, and didn't even read the OP. Either here or jokes/humorous photos, which it isn't either ???? Not a fan of starting new threads for something that will die a forum death.
  15. For myself, born 1954, and I'll by 69 at end of Dec
  16. Working for the airlines, unless things have changed, I'm pretty confident in my statement being accurate.
  17. No need to act ... he's a natural ????
  18. @Marky Mark Mark Curious why you think you would be denied, as do you have something on your 'Imm record' that might cause that ? I doubt an airlines would board you if they thought you wouldn't be admitted, as then they would be responsible for providing your return transport.
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