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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I doubt if I would have much of a problem ... but that's me. Maybe closer to 50, but plenty of fine looking ladies about in the 45-55 range. Not everyone eats from McDs & KFC
  2. Don't know if anyone pointed this out, but nothing wrong with the car (MG) if regen doesn't kick in ... IF battery topped up. Had me scratching my head for a while, until my brain cells realized the obvious ????
  3. Yes, I couldn't do the 1 room thing. I need 2 rooms, 1 being large eat-in kitchen, so 50m² w/full kitchen, (25 & 25 would work). Have to be able to cook, all meals if wanting/needing. We only eat out to get out of the house, or for pastry at coffee shops, as some aren't worth the hassle trying to make, along with possibly having to eat it all before turning. I can, but shouldn't. Do that with bread already. If restaurants could cook as good as us, we'd eat out a lot more, but they fail miserably ... countrywide, whether quality or quantity of serving. Though we do find plenty of gems. But nothing like living in suburbia USA, where I ate out, at least 1 meal a day, though usually 2, and rarely fast food. Here, maybe 1 meal a week when home. Townhouse gives you so much more space over a condo, without the amenities, at same price point. Are you really going to use the pool & gym that much. We have a local pool & gym I could join if wanted, and did the first year, only 600, so maybe 1000 baht a year now, and it's an Olympic size pool, and we were usually the only ones using, if swim team wasn't practicing. We rarely used it, and never used the gym, which is quite nice.
  4. yes, and why required if going the DD route for extension. May want to take a copy of below, as not all tellers understand what it is. It shows the complete routing of funds:
  5. BkkBank call center results: ... statement free, IF, not more than 6 months old ... then 100 baht per page, max charge 500. ... statement fee 100 baht Talking to wife again, obviously (hopefully) just a miscommunication/lack of detail, on 100 per page. I equated to 1200 for the year, since leaving out any reference to 6 months ???? So may have been in line with official policy. The call center matches the info, previous branch's (now closed) manager explained to us, for credit advise, though I'm pretty sure statement didn't cost 100 baht, maybe 200. Such a stressful life ... ????
  6. Yes you missed a bit, as a lot of the 'family' tension, revolved around sister not wanting brother to participate. And the father's last scene (attempting to help daughter on floor) would have had a bit more content to it. You would think you wouldn't need subtitles for horror or action movie, this one may have been the exception.
  7. You could simple accelerate a bit while disengaging the CC. Avoid the deceleration at speeds.
  8. Our 'installed/expensive' system, total off grid, but still conx to, should have a ROI in about 9 yrs, just energizing the house, if using 800 units a month on average, at today's rate. Add the EVs to the ROI, and cuts that ROI time almost in half, if we continue to drive 20k kms a year. Reality, probably 5-7 yrs ROI, as we'll probably drive less in coming years. About 40% of the price of our system, are the ESSs (฿185k of ฿445k). That 40% premium, only supplies 6-8kWh (~25%), overnight, of the 26kWh we use daily, on average. Not exactly paying for itself, but, if prone to power outages (we're not) then damn convenient to have. New build house, so we've had a digital meter almost from day 1. As have every new house, about 13, built in the last 2 years here/PKK.
  9. If you like horror movies (I usually avoid), then 'Talk to Me' was decent, and different. Especially considering all were unknowns to me. Stay till the very last scene, as I almost didn't, thinking it was done. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10638522/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_1_tt_7_nm_0_q_talk%20to%20me
  10. Heavy rain for half an hour during rainy season .... OMG ... why I avoid Patts at all cost
  11. I don't think I've ever gotten a receipt, big surprise. Hua Hin Imm is pretty good, considering the volume of people using. They have 2 officers dedicated to extension, and 1 or 2 do the other stuff. Udon Thani was also quite good. Better than some of the stories we here about on here, CW or Jomtien & Phuket ... yikes.
  12. What state you living in, as that's quite good. No insurance, never had, and really never needed. Have nice oops fund, so yes, it is a roll of the dice now at my age. Fairly healthy, and only thing that runs in family, a generation ago, was cancer, but all heavy drinkers & smokers, (a bit self inflicted), which I'm neither. Our Out & Abouts seem to revolve around coffee shops & charging stations, with lots of lovely landscape in between ???? Then find a hotel with a view, and hang out locally there for a day or so, before moving on. Journey is scenic, and hanging out is scenic, with some different munching. The rest (culture & history) I peeked at long ago, and doesn't interest me or the wife. Give us a surf or a hillside to look at, and we're happy. Luckily we have both where we live, but like to see a different one a few times a year. Only visit Wats occasionally, as they are usually located in primo spots with a view. Strangely the wife could care less, and doesn't believe in any of the merit BS, as the rest of her family does.
  13. Yea, that's what I expect, and I'm using BkkBank, so not a bank policy, but scam. Wife will be asking their 'call center' today. Total BS. They closed the one convenient branch, where I opened the account, now only 1 branch here. When getting the credit advise, first 6 months was a hassle at main branch (only), and had to wait, them stating info wasn't on their local system (BS), then got those (free), and got last 5 months last week (free) at same main (scamming) branch. I should be able to get the credit advice & statement in Hua Hin, (Imm office there/100kms away), same day I extend, I think. Wife will ask about that also. Hopefully the 'call center' will set the local office straight, and simply charge proper fee for paperwork next week. Although, since only 100 baht, will be same fee anyway ???? I think they charged me 300 or 500 for the statement last time, as I was surprised of that amount, as in past it was only 1 or 200 baht. Minor hassle & expense, just F'g annoying the principle of trying to scam, simply because they can.
  14. Didn't realize that was a thing, though guess I'm over that limit, and the Plan B alone is way more than I would spend here/TH. The tax thing I know, as FL, has/had at time of researching 100k homestead act/relief of assessment. Still a few state with no sales or income tax. Was pricing RE in FL the other day, curious, and wow, things sure have gone up since last time, and more than a few years ago. Could get decent house on the intercoastal for <150k, and now, I couldn't find anything, for less than 100k 'at all in FL' that wasn't a trailer, with high rent of land it sat on. Damn silly. I'll by 69 soon, so uprooting isn't really a reality, and except for being a bit bored during smog season, still loving TH. Hindsight (for others to think about), should of either made another mill before retiring, or (easier/less time), bought about 5 more rental houses and not liquidated the three I had. Taxes, definitely depends where you live, since I don't need or want suburbia (good school/employment area), taxes would be lower. In 2000 (PA), one house (unofficial 3 apartments) was $3900 (mostly school tax), and the other 2 houses tax $600 & $700, so far from expensive. All 3 were no place you'd want to send you kids to public school though.
  15. For the USA, spouse tourist visa is a bit expensive in comparison, but it's 1 time fee for 10 yrs. It's just annoying that it's a silly price for something, a few keystrokes & 1 pc of paper, and only because you need it. Pure extortion in that context. That's almost 1/3 days salary for many Thais, for a piece of paper, simply stating where your funds came from. No real work involved. Along with being free, or 200 baht for 12 pages in the past. Bit of price increase, and did time or paper increase 6 fold, since last year. Why I hate banks, they use your money, to make money, but charge you to use an ATM, make a deposit out of province, and give you interest, if any, that isn't 1/10th of inflation. In the beginning, ATM's were pushed to use, and told it saves the bank from brink & mortar w/employees, but now all of the sudden, more expensive because of higher security cost ... such BS they expect you to believe. Equate that to oil, as previously sold 'our oil last a long time' to now, 'your high performance engine needs to change every 10k kms' ... and people believe this BS. Then they void the warranty, if you don't hove oil changed. Oil was clean in the car I have a hard time reading the damn dipstick.
  16. No, you didn't miss a beat, as seems the way to go. 2 is less regen, and 1 is almost non existence. Slows you down not much more than a normal downshift in a manual transmission vehicle. You get used to it very fast, and not much more centrifugal force than coming up to a stop and using brakes. As stated, takes a few times to get used to, as first 10ish times playing 1 foot driving, you stop a bit early to your turn or traffic in front of you.
  17. Watch that 'Jap' stuff, as I had posts deleted and warned not to use offensive slurs ???? Actually didn't know it was considered offensive. Though possibly post reported as I think I might have been winning the discussion. That seems to happen quite a lot, so put those folks on ignore list. At least 3 use the report button to rid posts that point out their silliness. Too funny.
  18. Yes, though I think discontinued, which makes sense, as the Varis is same thing. Saw one today that actually looked nice, vs my usual opinion of them. High gloss white paint job & very nice wheels. Still a Varis though.
  19. Only time I refer to TH as LOS is if Scamming, like possibly today ???? New policy at bank, 'Credit Advise' for Imm visa extension, now 100 baht per page/month. Glad I already have 11 for free. Previous charge was 200 if getting all 12 on same day/or when ready. Then if getting 6 at time...FREE. So got 6, got 5, now need last one. Can't wait to see what the new charge is for 'bank statement' is going to be. Wife is going to ring the call center and see if there is an policy for these. Also informed (possibly that tax thingy), they'll be looking at the accounts more closely come Jan 2024, not saying why ???? and didn't ask. So paperwork from bank may start to cost as much as the visa extension; `1200 + ? = F'me Every country really is a Love/Hate relationship at times.
  20. If referring to the CIGS solar panels, they are on Amazon, and may ship to TH. If putting on house, not sure you'd need them in TH, unless far N and chance of hail, or portion of roof gets shade. Any other application, curved, RV, boat or van, then yea, way too cool to use.
  21. Phuket, been around the whole island, stayed on most of the westward beaches. Been to E side, just never overnighted on that side, or S side, which has nice quiet beaches. Same with N part of W side. Samui, went around the whole island, quite small vs Phuket, stayed overnight at 2 beaches. Surf wasn't cooperating, as the Gulf is iffy all the time. Phuket, usually perfect half the year. And decent on cusp of hi/lo season, just need to be careful due to rips during rainy season.
  22. to the title ... ... been to Samui once ... been to Phuket 25+ times (4 times the last 3 yrs) ... nuff said
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