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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If Israel would have honored the agreements, and not invaded and taken their land in 1967 ... their wouldn't be much to fight over. This has been a never-ending 55 yrs ongoing war. Didn't just start last week.
  2. There are legal ways to enter the USA as asylum seekers & economic migrants. To bypass those & enter illegally, you are now a criminal, and deserve jail and or deportation, with a ban on entering legally in the future, if you can't respect the laws of the country. IMHO Common sense and simple for most people to understand.
  3. Been on that stretch in HH, and the surf was lapping against the buildings. So far that hasn't happened on Phuket, and I doubt if it ever will. They enforce the building codes a bit better there, except maybe building on a 30° pitch. Some of the hillside buildings are scary. A few have slid down in the past. Lesson learned hopefully.
  4. How do you even walk that comment back ???? Agree, over populated .... but yikes ???? That would be a career ender in the west.
  5. Google is your friends. Stopping the flow of essentials, kills people, that's genocide ... IMHO
  6. Surely they could have found some farmer that wouldn't need blackface. I've seen some mighty dark tans here. Zoos ... please don't support animal cruelty.
  7. What ,.. you expecting a politician to admit a total failure of her job and responsibilities? She use to put people in jail for doing the same as her ... smoking Ganga. 2024 Biden/Harris 2024 ... he craps out or get booted ... Pres. Harris ????
  8. IMHO ... Since Israel has broken almost every peace agreement they've signed, and ignored 100s of UN Resolution against them, (more than all other countries combined) I'm leaning toward the Palestinians being in the right. source source IMHO only, but what they do to the Palestinians, many would consider a campaign of geocide, which I happen to agree with.
  9. Look on the 'bright' side (sorry, couldn't help it) ... ,,, where was I ... oh yea, could be worse ...
  10. I'll give it a month or 3, and you'll be house breaking her, and she'll be sleeping in your bed ???? Our outside only guard dog ... ... now ... nuff said
  11. You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, or simply like repeatedly arguing the opposite of what someone states. Illegal entry, is not the same as seeking asylum entry. Once you enter Mexico (to repeat myself for 10th time at least), you have escaped your oppression. Apply for asylum in Mexico, for Mexico, instead of travelling 2000 miles up the the USA border & entering ILLEGALLY. You are then a criminal, and should be jailed and or deported. UNLESS, you make it to a sanctuary city/state, become an undocumented immigrant, with new ID, driver's lic ... etc etc etc ... and now voting rights in local elections in select areas. Done discussing with you, (I should know better) ... ... have a nice day.
  12. Makes things very easy for long term visa extension. Agree, would be nice to bring over when exchange rate is more advantageous, but saved for how long till that happens, and inflation defeats that purpose. All fund are more valuable spent today, than saved at crap interest rates, that can't keep up with inflation. Much more fun spending it now, than losing value everyday against inflation, waiting for a better rate. Better by what ... 1-2-3-5% ... inflation running 10% or more every year. The THB don't fluctuate that much. NO THANKS .. I'm spending & smiling.
  13. I didn't say that, I'm just correcting your misinformation. Illegal entry into the USA ... then you're a criminal and should be jailed and or deported.
  14. Every hurricane/typhoon, starts as a storm. Every movement starts with 1 person ... ... exiles to the new world ... 'give me liberty or give me death' ... 13 colonies ... a new nation ... slaves are free ... all men can vote ... women can vote ... back off the bus my A$$ ... I'm drinking out of your fountain ... all people to all schools ... end the Vietnam War ... power to the people ... dreamer & undocumented, now have driver's license, ID, medicaid, housing, state welfare, small business bank loans (even I couldn't get one of them, back in the day, unless a minority or female partner????true) ... can now vote locally in select areas ... go figure .... what next ... state & federal ?
  15. Why do you reply, without verifying what I post? "Those cities now allow all residents over age 18 to vote in city elections, regardless of citizenship status" source Google IS your friend, please research before replying to me again.
  16. I used to pull up the loads, if FC wasn't available and unless the back was empty enough, I didn't bother ???? Talk about being spoiled ????
  17. Technically, non citizens can vote, although not in state or federal elections. But some states allow in local jurisdiction elections. (VT, MD, NY, & DC, that I know of) Google is your friend.
  18. Drone, plane & helicopter are all UAVs. Will depend on the discretion of the person confronting your flying. IF going to fly in a public area, you may want to pop into the local PoPo station and ask them their thoughts, on planes & copters. Go from there.
  19. When have they not been ... I'm not a fan ????
  20. On the BBL phone app. Which means, as long as the phone app doesn't crap out, and wife sends the 7162 back, she can collect forever, and get free fertilizer for the garden ????
  21. Noticed that myself, and agree, well done. Bowie was well known for being a bit tight with the money. Reading SRV autobiography (?), and an excerpt about Bowie offering him a ridiculously low per show fee to tour with him. He could make more money in a roadhouse bar by himself.
  22. G map ... keeping track of me ... ????
  23. Why won't it get heated? Just set the thermostat at preferred temp. Depending on heating energy source, you may have to make arrangement with vendors: ... oil, schedule regular deliveries ... nat gas or electric, no prob Only thing, depending where live and local ordinance, would be snow removal from walkways, if having/needing done. Just hire one of the local teens to do, within 24 hrs of snowfall (most USA rules anyway), and Bob's Your Uncle.
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