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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Silly vid, as no info whatever. Looks to be night-ish time, and no reference to where they are. Short trip, long trip, and what's the chance of getting a fare back to where the taxi prefers to hang out. Many times their non meter use is justified, sometimes not. Against the rules yes. Applicable rules aren't always fair to the taxis. Wouldn't surprise me if the tiktok'er picked a worst time, far distance, just to say 'rip off' and get clicks.
  2. Is there one in TH, or just MY?
  3. Kha Moo ... 20 1 kg of asparagus ... 40 Beef Massaman with roti ... 50 Burger & fries ... 89 18L bottled water ... 20 (standard price/delivered)
  4. Yea ... what he said ... ... in our foyer, sitting comfy in AC ... plugs in right next to the house
  5. Wrong... there's plenty of infrastructure/charging stations. See below. It wouldn't take me much longer in an EV vs ICEV, as I would stop along the way. Once, maybe twice as it's over 8 hrs, if leaving now overnight, maybe up to 10+ if leaving tomorrow @ 0800 (Gmaps). It's only 564 kms from Central Plaza UT to T21/Asok. One stop would be mandatory, for petrol, along with a piss & munch. EV ... mine would require two 30 ish minute stops, to top up to 80% again. So reality, only one extra 30 ish minute stop. But feel free to believe what you want. Would be easier simply to say, EVs are for you, as you wouldn't look so silly. Stated many times, EVs aren't for everyone. Feel free to pollute with your diesel. Do you know anyone with asthma or respiratory issues ... thank you for your contribution.
  6. No energy is perfect, from: ... battery fires ... generators (all) exploding ... dams collapsing ... oil leaks, spills, fires ... coal burning, mines cave ins ... natural gas explosions ... refinery fires (Philly, PA, USA had a huge one) Nobody can argue, when in use, EVs aren't better than ICEVs, especially diesel, considering all the death and or health issues they've caused, due to simple local air pollution.
  7. I have one, and does make excellent ice cream, especially chocolate. But without the 'additives' and low temp freezer, the consistency/smoothness is hard to get, unless you let it thaw a bit before serving. That's always uneven, except for the first servings, before it freezes solid. Swensen's is quite good, and may even be cheaper, with member card. We hit it every other week for usually 2 scoops each, on Tuesday's 2 for 1 member discount. Wife gave up 1 of hers yesterday ???? Actually healthier for me, as if have at the house, hard to pass by the frig without taking a scoop. Fruits are hard to add, and seem to crystalize too much. But add pie; apple or pumpkin worked out really good. Something Swensen's doesn't offer. Do have Blueberry or Strawberry Cheesecake which is good, and occasionally get some pieced of pie crust. I think I ate more when I made my own.
  8. It's usually the other way around, and civil cases are filed after the criminal cases.
  9. UAW workers get like $28-$32 an hour, and they want a 40% raise. No wonder the crap they build is too expensive to compete with non USA brands made in the USA.
  10. Apparently they can't. As you say, that would be the way to go, if wanting to get rid of him. Why I ignored the news, when reading in civil court. Does make you wonder why they didn't ... oh wait, guess that answers itself. They couldn't. Now reading the decision, before hitting 'submit' ???? not even the results of the trial, actually set for later ???? ... so he basically has to liquidate and leave the state (IF HE LOSES IN TRIAL) , and at worst, pay a $250M fine. Chump change for him. So ... a big nothing. And this is world news. What a sad state the world is in. DISTRACTION
  11. No, not really, just saw in a news-blip early this morning, they ruled against him. Didn't even bother reading that news-blip, since it was civil court. I don't really follow Trump's legal issues, or most of any politics, worldwide. I'm retired, and enjoy not caring. I live in my little world, with me & mine, and that's all that matters. SS & pension keeps coming. Biden doing a crap job, good for me; COLA (bad for USA) That's about all the interest I have in the USA. If they stop coming, well, don't care about that either, as never plan anything dependent on others. As long as Makro & fresh markets have food, that's all that matters, or I'd have to go fishing for dinner. Good thing I can walk to the surf or local lakes. Just another beautiful day in my world.
  12. If it ties them up in litigation, and the sit empty, then not they might not become marketable. Though surely plenty of corrupt politicians with RE connections, where they'll make a mint, if state takes control. Or better ... cancel all the leases, and ask Bush & Cheney for some help in the matter. Hear it worked out great for Silverstein, a couple decades ago ... ????
  13. That ship sailed a long time ago. Think they'd learn from that lesson, and, apparently not. Build build build, keep attracting more tourist. Yet to understand why TH gets so many. Rainy season way to iffy for a holiday, dry season too smoggy. Is the rest of the world that screwed up or that much more expensive?
  14. If I was Trump, I'd liquidate whatever I have, or could, move to RU, and let all my businesses fold up. Keep them tied up in litigation long enough that they'd fall in disrepair and not worth it for anyone to buy, even on the cheap. Leave a bunch of eyesores, and sadly, too many people out of work. FO America FREE SPEECH IS NOT FREE
  15. Mister is the equivalent of Khun, so what's the problem. Are you an English teacher, then they are being polite, and using what they were taught.
  16. source Calories aren't really the issue, unless you're eating a lot. (1 tsp = 4.2gr)
  17. @JessieDog "retained metal fragments" ... are we talking surgical staples? If so, used on internal or external part of organ. If internal, maybe a colonoscopy or endoscopy could see it the suspected 'dislodged' staple is causing a problem, by not being where it's supposed to be. I doubt if anyone would do a keyhole search looking for external staple???? Just in case the thought crossed your mind, don't omit the info that you have metal/surgical staples, if that's the case, when asking about MRI, as pointed out, could be quite dangerous. Are surgical staples even made of a metal that would be a magnetic issue. Seems kind of stupid if so. Would think they would be something like surgical SS, w/no iron in them. EDIT; quick search & answered:
  18. When shopping for your EV, YOU really need to verify what the battery chemistry is of the battery pack Example, MG UK & AU site state the ZS is LFP. Was very hard for me to verify the TH import was LFP or as listed, simply 'Lithium-ion' which usually means not. TH MG ZS EV site: Gtranslate of 'owner's manual' coming with the ZS:
  19. Just about everything is bad for you, IF, you don't burn off the excess taken in. You need everything, almost, and balancing intake seems to be a win or loss for many.
  20. Trump found guilty of fraud ... oh my. It's a civil case in civil court, and no criminal charges filed. Shows how desperate they are to silence Trump. What business person, corporation hasn't exaggerated their net worth, up or down. You'd have to take half the citizens to jail for fraud, whether exaggerating their net worth up .... or down, to avoid taxes. Unless he committed bank/mail fraud, and obviously didn't, or he'd be in criminal court for that. So simply another smear campaign.
  21. Just because you never heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, everyday in every country. Wake UP ... it's a reality. I'm guessing, he is footing the bill for his comforts.
  22. Sugar sugar sugar ... it's still a sugar, and moderation is best. True palm sugar does seem to be a better choice. Natural sugar next in line. White sugar, a notch or few below, since lacking most nutrients. I don't use enough to be concerned about any. Seems a bit pricy to me, and how to know if you're getting the real thing. I even stopped adding sugar to my morning coffee as changed the coffee/water ratio, so not bitter at all. Find myself refraining from any added sugar at home, and save that joy for my pastry & ice cream stops. 3 scoops of Swensen's yesterday, so enough sugar for this week.
  23. Seems the transliteration isn't always consistent. Oh well, deal with it. You get lost, you may find something more interesting than your destination.
  24. I've always been on off hours person. Only had 1 job that I actually used public trans to/from the city (Philly, USA), and was a bit eye opening. Longest job with airlines, 13+ years, had shift start times at 0600, 1430, 2200 hrs. When working 1st shift, done, home, showered & out the door, on the train to Philly for 'happy hours' when everyone that got off early, were going in the other direction. If not meeting up, then catch the train home well after rush hour. Schedule like that could turn you into an alky, as I did a pub crawl on a weekly basis ???? Free food & half price beers on Wed/Thurs/Fridays. Actually miss that, as some of my best times knocking around the city. The one bar in Nana Plaza use to have a 2 for 1 happy hour, which I popped in to more than few times, while GF at the time went shopping mid afternoon.
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