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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. He probably is home, in his/her/it's mother's basement, waiting for his PB&J sandwich & milk. If lucky, maybe a cookie and stay up late.
  2. I guess you never heard of the VAT. Also guessing you don't live here, and lack any intelligent rational thinking ability. Talk to you're USA govt rep about free healthcare there. While at it, ask the why you don't get in TH. Again ... not the USA, it's TH. Shall we discuss the free healthcare you won't get in some of the other 200+ countries. Have a nice day, BYE BYE
  3. 2000 for me, and yes, that door swings both ways. Quite enjoying my stay also. If that changed, oh well, planes leave every day. I'm sure they'll save me a seat ????
  4. With taxes collected from the citizens & visitors They get healthcare, almost free, because it's their country, their healthcare system, & their rules. Nothing anyone didn't or shouldn't have known before coming to TH. It's not the USA, it's TH. What the other 200+ countries do is completely irrelevant. If a Thai goes to the USA, they can't use their Gold Card (30 baht scheme), at the hospital, so what's different. The rest of your reply is too silly to even bother with.
  5. To the title, easier to ask, 'What's so bad about TH?' Off top of my head, can't think of anything. Not a fan of dual pricing, but can't think of any where it is used, I need or want to see. USA (birth country) or TH, either one is fine with me. Presently, I think I'm happier here, and if that was to change, back to USA, or elsewhere, though can't see leaving TH is ever going to happen.
  6. Maybe so when the expats goes to the hospital and runs up a 1M baht bill, maybe he/she/it will be able to pay some of it, before dying or leaving the bill to the locals. All the requirements were in place before we arrived, not much if anything has changed.
  7. That will never be a concern of mine. My retirement was well planned. Intelligent, or even not so intelligent people do that, actually plan their retirement. YMMV
  8. Too easy to make, as I've done more than a few times, whether making your own sausage or store bought. Wrap in store bought puff pastry, & Bob's your Uncle.
  9. TH doesn't 'oust' anyone. That people plan poorly and can't afford to meet the minimum requirement, is not TH's fault. IF you can't muster up a mere 400k or 800k a year, you probably shouldn't leave the safety net of your home country. Nobody forced anyone to come or stay in TH. Not happy ... PLEASE LEAVE
  10. @DonniePeverley Will you be using the EVs of public transportation, your own EV, or contributing to the local air pollution driving your own ICEV or using ICEVs when using public trans. ? Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
  11. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country
  12. Some final thoughts for those considering installing a solar system. Get a hybrid inverter, as you may need it in the future. Don't count on keeping your spinning meter, or getting one on new construction. In my are, ALL new house get digital, and just did a unscientific survey, and didn't notice one spinning meter, so they are replacing ALL meter in our Amphur. If having any thoughts of feeding into the grid for payback with PEA/MEA, if & when available, then you'll need to use their approved components/inverter. Our, Deye is not, since 8kW, but the 5kW is approved. So one or two of those would be recommended, If only using 1, I can't see much excess that you'll have to send back anyway. I read cost of getting that done, registered/inspected & approved, is not inexpensive. How much solar ... we thought we oversized our system, as some days producing 25+ kWh more than we use. Flip side, some days, taking all day, when minimal use, and recharge batteries for non producing hours. So we lucked out, and sized it just about right, with plenty of excess to charge the EVs, though does take some planning sometimes. In that aspect, if having, charge your EV when you can, not when it needs it. LFP batteries don't mind being topped up all the time. Obviously the more ESSs that you have, the less total % you'll be draining them down to, so more equals more life longevity ... at a price of course, and far from inexpensive, and accounts for >40% of the price of our system. Obviously ROI, will depend on cost & usage. For us, that's going to be 5-10 yrs, probably about 7 years. My days on the forum are winding down, so any questions, use PM, as I turned on notifications for those. Happy Savings ????????????
  13. A wallet with money, but no ID ... ... I'd yell my loudest whisper 'anyone lose a wallet' Then spend it as needed. Wouldn't bother giving it to anyone else to find the owner, as would assume, they simply keep it themselves. If at a place or vendor I frequent, may come back and ask if anyone lost a wallet and left contact info. Maybe let closest person/vendor know I found 'something', and if someone inquired, they could call the ph# I left w/vendor. Really isn't much more one can do.
  14. If you don't want to keep redoing it, just go with the epoxy paint suggestion. The only one made for durability. Simply why businesses use it, it works.
  15. I would just go down to the land office and ask, if father can't produce any paperwork. Although all a bit mute, since building is being done anyway. If only child, and pop legally divorced, anything should be headed her way anyway. Land having plugs is a good sign, and obviously holds some type of deed.
  16. yes Big metro and you're expecting no local air pollution ... that's some funny sh!t right there...
  17. And you expected what ? If the exhaust bothered you in August, hang around till mid Nov to mid May, and at 4 am when there no traffic, and the AQI reading is still 100-150 or more. You think people still wear mask only because of silly covid. They wore them long before covid.
  18. Think you have a few options. They do have van service UT airport to border, so would think service is offer in the return direction. There is also the bus from Morning Market, Vientiane (use to be) to bus station at UT, then get something to take you to the airport. Or simply get to the border, and surely there's transport their that would take you to the airport. More than a few touts, when I used use Laos for 90 day hops. Not sure what he's on about, but UT airport is within the ring rd, SW of downtown, stone's throw, 6.4 kms from Central, and not on the way to KK. There's even a baht bus that cruises by the entrance of the airport, #15 if memory serves.
  19. I thought the forum was age restricted ... ... apparently not ????
  20. I have an ignore list ... ???? ... so don't bother in the future Have a nice day ... read the title of the thread ... very slowly and multiple times, if necessary. While at it, look up the definition of 'self explanatory'
  21. I'm going to just assume you didn't read the title of the thread or the content in the OP Have a nice day ... BYE BYE
  22. I'm old & senile ... ... that's my story and I'm sticking with it ????
  23. the content, yes, been proven over & over again. Hate when people tell me this, but 'follow the science' ... that is the topic, and what the OP implies and 'scientist' seem to agree, per OP
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