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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. It's as silly as everyone implying Phuket is full of Russians avoid the war and or conscription. More like 1% / 1% & 98% ... since they can only stay here so long on a tourist visa.
  2. She went all in, 1/4 rai & greenhouse, besides the plants around the house. Another reason why most of our O&As are during rainy season, no watering worries. She has a watering system in the green house. Also lucky and had a few bird nest with wee ones. Amazing how fast they hatch, then fly off.
  3. I'd have to questions someone's intelligence, with these funds, and wanting to retire in TH. "Basic requirements include a minimum investment of 40 million baht "
  4. Lucky you. All the birds around us, and everything else is too skittish, though the yard and garden lot is a bit small. Had more yard in last house, and only resident critters that let us get within 5M were a family of Golden Tree Snakes.
  5. I easily get bored, and probably explained why I moved and lived in more than a few places back in the USA. Also my one of few, pet peeves about TH, damn small country. Explains whey I'm out & about quite a bit, compared to most. Enjoy being home and the area we live, but after a couple weeks, I'm planning the next O&A. Just got back from N, and already planning to visit the very southern provinces, as never been. After the wife is done, toying around the house and tending to the garden/greenhouse, we'll be O&A again.
  6. I like the yeasty flavor, and use 'fermipan' yeast. For those that prefer less or no yeast flavor, I can strongly recommend 'Eagle' brand, as you won't taste much, if any yeast flavor.
  7. Yes, and only 10gr of an 870gr recipe for me. "When added to bread dough, salt works to tighten the gluten strands that are formed, which makes them stronger. By strengthening these gluten strands, salt enables the dough to hold carbon dioxide more efficiently" "Bread baked without salt will have a flat and insipid taste. On the other hand, bread made with an excess of salt will be unpalatable. Generally, the correct amount of salt in bread dough is 1.8 to 2% of salt based on flour weight (that is, 1.8–2 pounds of salt per 100 pounds of flour)." I use 500gr of bread flour, so fits in with that ratio.
  8. You don't need sugar or fat to turn out good bread. They are flavor and texture enhancers. My bread is tasty, using just; flour, yeast, salt, water. Taste & texture perfect for me, and for most uses. Used bread maker back in USA, and don't recall the need for sugar or oil. Now/TH have used food processor and stand mixer.
  9. And where is this dry spell at, as we've been N & S since rainy season started, and it's been raining quite a bit. Along with the weekly 'heavy rain & flooding' warnings ... dry spell, drought ... I think not. Not in TH.
  10. Good post, though have to disagree on 2 points. ... been producing EVs for decades, and fairly perfected at this point. Just need to tweak the batteries for weight to range improvements. ... EVs so much more convenient to top up, unless on the road, which is a very small portion of our driving. Relaxing when topping up while O&A is a more than a fair trade to topping up a ICEV weekly at petrol station. Plugging in at home takes far less time and less expensive than fueling an ICEV at the stations, with no convenient option to fuel at home.
  11. Can someone explain to me how you can tell they are Russian, or any nationality unless in conversation with them. We were on Phuket this year, and I saw/met one couple. Only knew they was Russian, as the Aussie at the pool asked him where he was from. Although, with that observation, I can honestly say, more than 33% of the int'l tourist I met on Phuket were Russian. Talked with 1 Iranian, 1 Aussie couple, and 1 Russian couple. Since I'm an expat, wife/Thai, we don't count as int'l tourist. So I can honestly say Phuket is being overrun with Iranians, Aussies & Russians ????
  12. I never heard anyone say they are cheaper to manufacture. Cheaper to operate (in TH) and maintain. No more or less expensive than ICEV, with or without the incentives. Most incentives only 150k max now. Only MG offered 240k & 247k incentives in the beginning, and only on 2 models.
  13. That makes no sense at all. EVs are no more expensive that comparative cars in the same class. Considering the components, the added price between our MG ZS ICE & EV is quite justified. Try buying 50kWh of battery for your solar system that has an 8 yr warranty. Decent EV start at 549k, and at same price as the cheapest decent ICEV, with lower operating & maintenance cost. Our EV without the govt incentive would cost the same as many ICE SUVs in the same class.
  14. It is in my case, as an EV was not in the game plan, as we bought a new ICEV at the same time the house & solar were being built/installed. We charge with 'excess' solar. Without the ฿240k govt incentive, a good chance we would not have bought an EV, as very happy with our ICEV. What thrifty shopper buys a new car, then sells it 2 yrs later ? We kept all prior ICEV for 5-7 yrs, selling at the 125k-150k kms mark, not 40k kms. The EV we'll keep till it dies, though we may die first. No extra outlay of ฿ to accommodate charging the EV. Without the EV, we still need the same size solar system to stay off the grid at night. That there is so much extra during the day, is just a plus. Sounds like 'free' to me.
  15. Shh ... never let facts get in the way of a good spin ... ????
  16. Yet another mango & papaya comparison. Elected, and didn't ban the opposition, or suspend elections. 22nd Amendment wasn't ratified till 1951
  17. Yes I know, and most all things about TH. It would show myself as ignorant, if not, and something I don't wear well. I personally would consider it very arrogant not to know, and don't want to be that person either. Quite rude actually, to not enlighten one's self, especially as a guest. Helps avoiding being disrespectfully, whether you believe or not in local customs & culture.
  18. Does that include suspending, banning opposition political parties, along with controlling the media: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110577439/zelenskyy-has-consolidated-ukraines-tv-outlets-and-dissolved-rival-political-par https://www.axios.com/2022/03/20/ukraine-ban-political-parties-russian-ties https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/20/ukraine-suspends-11-political-parties-with-links-to-russia Bans largest opposition party: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/06/23/hxae-j23.html I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has an 'accident': https://www.google.com/search?q=Federal+Intelligence+Service+of+Switzerland+accused+Zelensky+of+attempting+to+“politically+eliminate”+Kiev+mayor+Vitaly+Klitschko&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  19. Why is the USA providing aid to Zelensky's UA, while under 'Martial Law' ? Actually against USA foreign policy. A new billions dollar aid package being approved. As some will remember, USA halted foreign aid to TH, when 'martial law' was declared in 2014. Only to lift martial law in 2015, and simply invoke Article 44 the next day, essentially restricting the same freedoms, that martial law did. What a joke. Simple 'name change' and foreign aid was allowed. Zelensky declared martial law in Feb 2022, and if extended again, (extended May 20, 2023 for another 90 days) will avoid any new elections in October 2023. This is the democracy the USA is backing. Hypocrisy at it's best.
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