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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We travel w/dog, so need to plan ahead. Usually never book in advance, but do ask if available, and on the day, let them know we're coming. Not a big brekkie person, so usually not a factor when choosing. More important is a green area for the dog, and a view for us. We rarely stay in town at anywhere except Krung Thep.
  2. Agree with others, probably Golden Tree Snake, common and fairly harmless to humans. Unless living way way way down south, you shouldn't run into any sumatran tree vipers, hopefully.
  3. Plenty of poor & uneducated have become quite successful. I'm living proof, as are many people I know in the USA, and here in TH. Blaming the system is not a reason, it's just an excuse. Have a Nice Day
  4. Banging you head against the wall over. & over hurts. There's hope, and there is reality. Instead of trying to change the system, use the system, as it can be very profitable. And ... without hurting anyone. Wonder why foreigners even care. I'm assuming you'll be down there protesting with them. A man of action instead of just talking talking on a forum ... good for you.
  5. apparently not in MWH's plan Simply cancel, easy enough.
  6. Looks about right to me, just don't book more than a day in advance. We're out on a short one ourselves, maybe 3 weeks, only 3 nights into it ???? HAPPY TRAVELS ... Be Safe
  7. If you thought anyone 1 leader, of 1 party, of a coalition govt would have much influence for any change, under the current Constitution and Senate make up, then you're assessment may be accurate. Don't be too hard on yourself though, many make that mistake.
  8. The fact that he can't get the votes for PM, shows how little influence he would have as PM.
  9. Reading comprehension ... "or should say, not enough give a sh!t to disrupt their lives for things that simply don't effect them. Probably more accurate." In other countries you mention, apparently enough folks cared, or the powers wanting the change, were organized enough, and had the firepower to force the change they wanted. Same as all the coups here. Are they what the people wanted, or just the people with vested interest wanted. That's a huge difference. You really think Pita or Prawit as PM will change anything ?
  10. "he posted a pic of some gal off of social media....note he was not included in that pic either." A photo wouldn't prove anything. He's one of EC & myself ... Eric, look at the camera. Some chick strolled by as Harrison was about to snap the photo... ... and yet, we've never met ... go figure. Note, even our shadows are going the same way, and I suck at this stuff. The one of me taking a snap of Neil, now that's real ???? Yes we've met, there's the proof. Actually I did meet Buzz, on this rock, as we, the airlines I worked for, lost his bag, and I took his claim report ???? Now, can we move on back to Vices ...
  11. Why are you paying for unnecessary medical insurance ? Medicare is free, part A or what ever. Keep that, just in case you need in the future. You never know. The other parts, I agree, are a waste to have if living here.
  12. 71.75 million here ... so a minute % = nobody cares in my world, or should say, not enough give a sh!t to disrupt their lives for things that simply don't effect them. Probably more accurate. Nothing's going change in our life, or most of theirs. Sadly, that's worldwide in almost all 'established, stable' countries. Corruption is embedded & rules, whether by ignorance or force or both.
  13. Violence will be put down, with violence. Those with the firearms win every time. Guess you all missed the protests that were put down just couple years ago, and some would suggest, that's why that 'covid/no gathering' rule was in place. Y'all miss that, along with the vids of water cannon truck, shipping container blockades, and possibly a bit of excess enforcement by authorities. Not that long ago (July & Oct 2020), protest and that little incident at Thammasat Uni. where students were arrested for 'sedition' for just trying to organize a protest. And I'm the clueless one ... ???? Oh yea, and nothing changed, just solidified their power. Oct 6, 1976 or May 1992 ring any bells, or just before the last coup ... people dying in the streets. Oh yea ... and nothing changed.
  14. Clueless ? ... all that, and has anything changed ? ... if you think anything is going to change, then I'm not the one who's clueless ????
  15. I doubt that very much. Nobody really cares. You had two elected, non career politicians/non generals toss out via coup, nobody cared. You had a decent Constitution tossed out, and a military one put in place, that was mind boggling, and nobody cared. All this in the last 17 years, after basically military rule since the 1930s. Nobody cares. Everyone is too busy simply living to care about who was, is, or will be the PM governing. Only those with a vested interest, and that's not the people outside of govt and or who contracts being dished out to.
  16. On topic ... solar being the lesser of most of the evils, and practical & affordable for most to have, if only supplementing their energy needs. Impractical to have nuke plant at the house, unless living next to stream, forget hydro, same w/thermal, and both location dependent. Any version of fossil is detrimental. Wind is iffy & inconsistent...leaves good ol' solar for most. No reason there is not solar panels on every roof, whether for independence or feeding the grid. It's all about corporate profits. Agree, way too many people. Having places such as here/TH, not enough infrastructure for those living here, and then TAT, trying to entice 40 million more to visit a year. Madness IMHO I of course, always with the planet in mind, passed on having offspring, to my knowledge anyway. Same w/pets, dogs, just take in off the street, what's already here. No need to add to the madness. Families with more than 1 or 2 kid ... I'm not getting it, aside from the stress & financial burden it adds to your life. I was either too selfish to share my toys, or simply didn't think any partner of mine, was mother material.
  17. May be better, as Brit apple pie and Yank's 'Mom's Apple Pie' can be complete different, depending if a fan of cinnamon, which we are. Find Brit's to usually be too sweet, little or no cinnamon. For a quick 'apple pasty fix' can use puff pasty (store bought), and go with an open pastry, or turnover. Easy enough to do in any size convection/toaster oven, even the ones they call 'air fryers' ???? If real lazy, can even buy apple pie filling (same w/blueberry), in can, though the actually 'fruit yield' is a bit on the shy side. Can always use the rest for pancake/waffle topping.
  18. Good luck with that, as not a given for sure. Let us know if that works for you, as hasn't with me. Always up to the discretion of the guard. Only been successful a couple times, w/pink ID and or YB, though most parks may not be worth the Thai price ???? Some are nice, but if just for landscape, the surrounding area is the same or better, without the crowd, noise, drama ???? Would be nice if all worked out of the same play book. oh well Happy Travels
  19. Key Lime (certain locations) & Pumpkin are pretty good also.
  20. Off to that family thingy, with pitstop @ Ayutthaya. Not really a fan of the place. Though can't actually say I've spent a lot of time there. Did have an excellent dinner @ Ayutthaya. Aminah Halal Rest. Khao Kho, Phetchabun, we like very much, and our 3rd or 4th time here. Just R&R for a couple before moving on to NBLP/family thingy. Just one of the little valleys, off the balcony area.
  21. Anyone else almost embarrassed they chuckled at the thread title ? ... seriously though RIP to the lady (thanks Peter)
  22. I'm amazed people even have any contests based on looks. Nothing but marketing and an industry within itself. One of, if not the biggest when taking in all the products sold and used. Now everything is turned into a political/special interest platform, which of course, once again, leads to division. Seems to be a be a common thread in all things in the news. Y'all may want to give that some thought ... just a suggestion. They control the news, and they're winning ... ????
  23. Poorest title/poster for movie, not about UFOs, OK, it is, but not really, it's about the energy, now available but not to you. People really need to watch this, for a snapshot of the deeper state, controlling the deep state, that controls Davos & Bilderberg, that is what you're allowed to see. Yea, that's some deep sh!t. free energy ... problem solved Just watch it .. and yea, I'm a conspiracy nut, guilty as charged, so no need for all the negatives to be post. Yes I do believe the premise, and no, I won't debate it, as there really is none. You'll be enlightened, and the silliness of the world may start to make sense. It is and has always been about the control and ...$$$$$$$$$$
  24. Get back when I'm dead, as haven't a clue. But I ain't givin' up chocolate or ice cream. Need my pastries & bread also. Pretty much my only vices. Alcohol is rare already, past 15 yrs. Actually have 4 beers left, from the last slab, and honestly can't see myself buying another, as takes me too long to drink them. Thankfully never took up smoking cigs. My biggest vice ... I got to get out of here. I need my O&As, and out now for couple weeks. As much as I love where I live, and house is designed by us, I just got to get out and see something different. Happy Indulgence
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