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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I used all mine, and when I knew I wouldn't be flying any more, and used them for free hotel stay, and took my account down to damn near -0-.
  2. EVs don't cost more. And much less to operate & maintain. To state otherwise is simply false. I'm O&A now, and our charging stop is a welcome break, after 2-3-4 hrs on Thai roads. The fuel/energy savings vs our past petrol cost (91), makes more trips available. I personally would never own diesel, personal choice, as it's a disgusting fuel. Same as I prefer the EV's performance over ICEV. UP2U, so my #s are if using 91. How many O&As do most normal Thais take? Or even retired expats. Most never leave their province, or just a couple times a year. Some don't have the time, some don't have the funds. Our savings in fuel/energy yesterday, basically paid for our hotel, or dinner. 100% top up is 330 vs 825 baht if using 91 for the same 320 kms. On the road, FREE at home with excess solar. Actually get more kms per kWh at home, local driving, 360 kms, so FREE vs almost 900 baht when local. I drive the speed limit, safer, and it's the law ... cheaper also, for those that pay those fines. ICE folks harp on about the inconvenience and time it takes to charge. That is only when, if you think it is an inconvenience, we don't, when you ARE O&A. Somehow y'all forget the time & money spent every week, month, at the petrol station filling up. 5-10 minutes, each time, each week, every other, or even once a month if not driving much. Takes me 30 sec to plug in at home. At home, not extra driving, no money spent, no waiting, no fumes. 5-10 mins a week, time 52 weeks ... and you compare that to 30-45 mins, when O&A in an EV. Your calculator needs batteries. The more I'm O&A, the more money I save, the quicker the ROI for same price or less vehicle. If not O&A much, then you save even more. ICEV at same comfort level, cost more. ICEVs can't match the performance for the same price, not even close. If not O&A a lot, then all that time saved, that ICEV owners waste filling every week, along with forking out 1-2-3-5k or more a month for petrol. 91 is 36+ baht now. We average 20k kms a year, @ 14km/L, = 4285 baht a month to fuel the ICE version of our car. No need for 2 oil changes a year, and no tune up every few years. No worries about the exhaust system finally needing maintenance or replacement. Tell me again how cheap the ICEV is again ? And how much time you save by going to the petrol station, dishing out money ever time, instead of simply plugging in at home when you hop out of car, and simply unplug when you hop in, every few days. If you are an impatient person, then an EV for O&A is probably not for you. But that is the only reason.
  3. Found out what you meant today, and agree, that is one stupid way to run a CS. Can't see that working, as who would bother. That's some silly bad marketing idea. Sticking with MG & PEA. Haven't tried an EA Anywhere. Shame PTT/EV Station Pluz did that, as they were actually our 1st choice, since all the vendors there. Picked up a couple items at PTT/7-11, popped over the the PEA CS, all of 1.5 kms away, food still hot and a quick top up to 80%, actually done before we were ready to go ... and off we went. Actually had a McD where the PEA CS was, that's a first. Glad we had 7-11 munchies with us.
  4. Might want to source a Lion dealer, as I see those a lot. Someone has to be maintaining them. Good chance they all come out of the same factory anyway.
  5. Well they may start or more likely, they might start taking a 2 or 5000 deposit just to pay the future fines.
  6. "The motorbike rental operator was fined 2,000 Baht for allowing riders who do not have a driving license to ride their motorbikes." ????????
  7. He screwed that up, for inconveniencing other motorist. He should have been on the walkway ????
  8. Obviously many missed this from earlier link I posted. Paraphrased from that link:
  9. Tuesdays for us ???? ???? Swensen's ... 2 for 1 Scoops Tuesday (members) Sunrise Taco ... Ojo ... Taco Tuesday For some of you other folks, well, it's Happy Hour somewheres.
  10. Yep, passed my expiration date last year, of 67.7 yrs. So now on borrowed time, thankfully all good. Simply enjoy living & dying ... it's nature. Thinking about it, just puts you in the latter earlier and a waste of time.
  11. Not seeing that cheese thing selling very good, anywhere. Especially after the sale. Quite the bargain if buying and telling them you want it 'cold'. That's a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches at the house for 109 baht ???? I use 3 slices in mine, though much better American 'cheese'.
  12. Makes sense, at his age, why be a lame duck MP for 2 more years.
  13. No vendor forces anyone to buy anything. Offering triple bacon cheese burgers is no different. Or everything deep fried in palm oil. So bars have no respect for their customers, selling their poisonous alcohol that many can't seem to control. Or 7-11 w/cig sales. Car manufacturers selling death machines that do more than 90 kph, aside from their pollution .... blaming vendors & manufacturers is all a bit silly, don't you think. Personal health is your responsibility.
  14. ZS is straight up 'performing' family car, though fun to drive, I wouldn't try any drifting in it ????
  15. None, just replying to your ... no need to live in house comment. If assuming a 'safety' issue was implied. I can see where that could be a problem for some, in wife's village. With extra paperwork (POA), some things can be avoided, if needed. If usufruct doesn't provide the protect you need, in that scenario, then POA is your escape clause to a bad situation. Without loss of investment, many couldn't afford to lose. Just a little extra info, for those skeptical of buying in. You can protect yourself against most situations. Life's choices .... again.
  16. Spot on. Nature has always been an attraction for me. Younger, playing in, now, looking at and simply appreciating. Younger and not so, concerts, plays, thrill seeking & theme parks. I bounced a lot better then. Not so long ago, a bit safer thrills, travel & museums. Now just taking it all in works. TH is fine for that, stress free & no worries. I could be white water rafting, or laying in a stream with a beer ... both work for me.
  17. Agree with others, been here 20+, three different type long stay (1 yr) visas/extensions, and all very easy. Never needed any assist/agent, though see their convenience at some 'busy' provinces. Meet the financials and it's quite easy.
  18. Don't think anyone has to be a nutritionist or a doc, to realize eating 20 slices on a cheese sandwich, isn't being a healthy alternative to most anything. Saying that, and if accurate, BK's cheese may be the real thing, and apparently not the most unhealthy version ... aside from 20 slices of it. BK Cheese ingredients
  19. For those interested in MG BEV line-up, aside from styling, there really isn't much of a difference. Not sure about the electronics, little options, but drivetrain, fairly the same. ES is simply and updated EP. ZS is their SUV (short), and MG4 looking a bit sportier.
  20. I lived there by choice, as liked the house, since built for me, per my specifications. New GF/future wife moved in, nobody cared, as most folks liked me. Never an issue, even when I sold it, with a POA that I had. Ex wasn't there or even needed at the sale.
  21. 1 Favourite book - Jaws 2 Favourite city - PKK or Philadelphia 3 Beer or whisky? - Beer 4 Favourite island - Cozumel 5 Train or Plane? - plane 6 Favourite dish - Pizza 7 Favourite song - Watching the Wheels - Lennon
  22. If you live in your wife's family village, maybe. 1st house was there, and nobody bothered me after I threw her out. 2nd & 3rd house was / is nowhere near the wife's family, and she likes it that way. Live with your choices.
  23. As stated, like all TH gov't offices, they don't seem to work off the same play book. Heard of some Amphur Land offices not doing, or wanting 'paperwork+'. My experiences with 9 lots of land, all having a usufruct in my name on them, is completely different, very easy, and inexpensive. Simply ask to have it added, owner & you, whether at transfer (if new purchase), or as add-on after the sale. Too simple and <100 baht I think. No lawyer needed. Takes all of 5-10mins, for clerk to add your name/info to the 'fill in the blanks' form on his/her/its computer, print out, and you sign. It's stays with the chanote, till you null & void it out. Get if for life, or 30 yrs or highest # yrs they'll allow. Get to 'use & modify'. Nobody can do anything to the land/property/structures, without your permission. On our build at PKK, wife put papers in for add-on, wash & storage room, that wasn't on original blueprint submitted. Wasn't approved till I signed off on it ???? it's a powerful document. This done at A. Muang L.O. @ Udon Thani (7 lots) & A. Muang L.O. Prachuap Khiri Khan (2 lots). When that is done, go to Amphur office, and get a yellow book. You should never need a Cert of Residence in the future, hopefully.
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